Sure enough, there were several ATMs on the first floor of the mall.

Qin Tianming skillfully cut off the upper part, revealing the cash box, and rolled out the cash inside.

Looking at the system balance: 830, 1580

At this moment, the system is still consuming money to synthesize living beings

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for synthesizing the Tiger-level mid-term creature Seven-star Wolf, funds - 100,000】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for synthesizing a tiger-level late-stage creature, Butterfly. Funds - 500,000】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for synthesizing an elephant-level initial creature dragon mastiff, funds - 1 million】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for synthesizing a mid-level tiger-level creature lighting beast. Funds - 100,000】


Money is burning!

The number of creatures is decreasing rapidly! The

500 creatures in the creature warehouse are decreasing rapidly in a straight line with a 5-digit basic unit.

Qin Tianming suddenly had an idea. If he could synthesize 100 or even 500 elephant-level creatures in this alien beast siege, wouldn't it be very terrifying?

This idea only existed for a moment, and then Qin Tianming shook his head again.

It was too unrealistic. Among the entire alien beast army, he looked down on wolf-level alien beasts, and tiger-level primary was the most, and most of the captured were tiger-level primary. That means that at least 125 tiger-level primary are needed to be captured, and 2.5 million is spent to synthesize an elephant-level primary.

To synthesize 100 elephant-level primary, 12,500 tiger-level primary are needed, and 250 million is spent!

This is impossible, but it can still be done if there is a chance.

Qin Tianming scanned all the ATMs at the four doors on the first floor of the mall... and borrowed them all.

System account balance: 1635, 3480.

With over 10 million, he can do something!

In addition, he can actually consider evolving Lazy Cat. Lazy Cat has always been a tiger-level body, but can exert dragon-level combat power for 10 seconds.

Tiger-level physique is too weak. If it is elephant-level, it may be able to extend the time of dragon-level combat power.

However, it will cost 50 million to evolve Lazy Cat to elephant-level. He does not have enough now. If he goes to a few more shopping malls or finds a few roadside ATMs, it will be enough, but the Shadow Killer will not give him this time.

"System, can I use Lazy Cat as the main body and use synthesis to evolve it to the elephant level? Does that mean the basic attributes are still based on Lazy Cat?"

【No, synthesis is a random evolution, and the evolution process is uncontrollable.

Qin Tianming was a little disappointed, but he knew it.

Because he observed that this situation would occur. Five creatures with good talents were synthesized into a creature with ordinary talents, but they only improved a small level.

After all, Lazy Cat was his first subordinate creature, No. 002, and he had been carefully evolved. If he was reduced to an ordinary creature just to improve his realm, it would be totally worthless.

Even Lazy Cat's 10-second dragon-level combat power would disappear as a result of this evolution.

He spent 50 million at the beginning, so synthesis was too uneconomical.

He just noticed that the system synthesized him an elephant-level creature named Dragon Mastiff and a tiger-level lighting beast.

What is a lighting beast?

Qin Tianming heard this name for the first time. Could it be that he evolved into a light bulb?

Pulling out the lighting beast, Qin Tianming was stunned at a glance.

Is this a skinny monkey?

It's bald!

How to say it, this monkey looks hard to describe, even square, and looks extremely ugly!

There is no hair on the forehead, it is as smooth as a ball.

I don't want to look at it again after taking a look. It is hard to imagine that there are such ugly monkeys in the world.

It looks so unique... It even shocked Qin Tianming and he was thinking about synthesizing it directly.


The lighting beast seemed to see what Qin Tianming was thinking and shook its head vigorously.

It pleaded with a wronged look on its face, as if its heart would be broken if Qin Tianming abandoned it!


Why do I feel like a silly dog? How can I be so mean?

People say that pets are very similar to their owners. Am I also so mean?

Qin Tianming would never admit it!

"So, Illuminator, what is your ability? Illumination?"Qin Tianming asked.

In order to prevent itself from being abandoned, Illuminator was eager to show off, so it quickly jumped to the side and held its breath. Its already red face became even redder and almost bled.

Qin Tianming became interested and was looking forward to the ability of this ugly thing.

After holding its breath for about ten seconds, Illuminator suddenly opened its bloodshot eyes and roared,"Chichi!"


A loud fart made the atmosphere suddenly freeze.

Qin Tianming was stunned. The fishy and pungent smell penetrated his nostrils crazily, and his face turned green!


Good fellow, you... Uwaa...

""Chirp! Chirp!"

The illuminating beast screamed anxiously, took a deep breath again, and held his breath. His face became redder and redder, even redder than before!


Suddenly, Qin Tianming felt that the whole world was white, and the dim first floor of the shopping mall was illuminated brightly.

The light radiated for hundreds of meters, brighter than the sunny day!

Is this the ability of the illuminating beast?

Qin Tianming was shocked. It turned out that the shiny forehead of the illuminating beast was a light bulb with a super huge wattage!

This ability... Oh my god, isn't this a skill that is a natural counter to the shadow killer?

Qin Tianming patted the illuminating beast's head and asked it to extinguish the light. The shadow killer must not know his trump card.

And you have to find a suitable place to use it, otherwise if there are too many debris, there will still be shadows. It is best to find a place like a corridor, and wait for the illuminating beast to use its power to instantly sweep away all the darkness.

As long as there is no shadow to hide, he believes that the shadow killer Nothing to be afraid of!

Now looking at the lighting beast again, I suddenly feel that the small square face is also very cute, just like a human, with a nice little expression, and a handsome face.

Let the lighting beast rest in the system and prepare to take another look at the elephant-level dragon mastiff.

Dragon mastiff... If he remembered correctly, it is one of the top categories of mastiffs, with amazing combat power. An ordinary dragon mastiff can fight with a pack of wolves, let alone an elephant-level dragon mastiff.

Call the dragon mastiff out, standing with its head held high, with fluffy hair and a huge body, more than four meters long and more than two meters high.

The broad and strong bone mass gives people a sense of strong impact, and a sense of stability that does not change even if Mount Tai collapses in front of it, which is completely different from a stupid dog. The claws and arms are strong, the body is covered with silver scales, the head has dragon horns, and a unicorn tail, and the majestic momentum is magnificent.

During the gallop, the brilliance is gorgeous, very majestic!

I looked at the system panel of the dragon mastiff:

【Dragon Mastiff]

Creature No.: 238

Level: Elephant Level

Talent: Dragon Mastiff Domain, has pure Dragon Mastiff bloodline, has power comparable to dragon beasts in the domain

Skill: Dragon Mastiff Chant, performing Dragon Mastiff Chant can cause the enemy to feel dizzy and fearful


"Dragon Mastiff Domain!"

Qin Tianming was surprised. This was a lucky find!

He spent one million to synthesize a fine elephant-level creature. This wave of blood profit!

You can try Dragon Mastiff Chant later.

""Why don't you run away?"

The shadow killer's voice came, and then a mass of shadow monsters rushed over frantically.

Qin Tianming sneered and ran deeper into the mall. He wanted to find a place suitable for the lighting beast to perform his magic, and then defeat the shadow killer in one fell swoop!

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