Qin Tianming quickly shuttled through the mall, and the glass windows and counters around him were shattered crazily.

The shadow monster destroyed everything wherever it went, and the broken glass, clothes, goods, and jewelry were all over the floor.

Usually these things are worth a lot of money, but when disaster strikes, they are worthless and are lost at will.

Suddenly, when Qin Tianming was going downstairs, he ran into a person head-on, to be exact, a silver-haired girl wearing a black hoodie.

The girl was knocked dozens of meters away by Qin Tianming, which made Qin Tianming a little panicked. With his current speed and physical strength, if he hit an ordinary person, he would kill the other person directly!

But what surprised Qin Tianming was that the girl was fine, but looked at Qin Tianming blankly.

Her eyes were big, but different from those of ordinary people, they were the kind of eyes with a light blue color.

It looked a bit extraordinary. The first question that flashed through Qin Tianming's mind was whether it was an alien or an alien race?

There is no doubt that those who dared to run around in the mall at this time are definitely not ordinary people.

There are many strange beasts with excellent sense of smell and perception, so it is not difficult to find an ordinary person hiding in a building.

Most ordinary people have received safety courses on how to prevent strange beasts, so they know

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Qin Tianming asked anxiously, because the pursuers were behind him, and he could already hear the footsteps of the shadow monster!

As if frightened by Qin Tianming's tone, the silver-haired girl's eyes gradually became moist, and tears kept rolling in her eyes, as if she was about to cry. She already whimpered, and Qin Tianming was a little helpless. He could not feel the breath of aliens and aliens on the other person.


The shadow killer's sinister laughter was getting closer!

Qin Tianming picked up the girl, entered the safety passage, and ran downstairs. If he guessed correctly, there would be garbage passages in such large shopping malls. When he was in high school, he pretended to be a college student and worked part-time. Because he was too young, he couldn't show up in public, so he could only help the mall restaurant to throw away kitchen waste.

Such passages are not fire passages, and they are very closed!

The silver-haired girl was scared silly. A strange man, wearing a very delicate lady's mask, hugged her waist and ran wildly!

What kind of scene is this!

At first, the silver-haired girl struggled a little, but was held down by Qin Tianming. But after noticing the pursuers behind her, she instantly understood. Did this stranger want to save her? Wasn't it because he wanted to get the treasure on her body?

"Where should I go?"

Qin Tianming thought for a moment, and ran to the underground garage based on his first instinct.

He ran wildly in the garage.

It was pitch black, but with Qin Tianming's sensory ability, he could move freely even without light.

This was even more true for the Shadow Killer.

Entering a completely dark environment, the Shadow Killer's shadow field was more powerful and faster.

One car after another was crushed, as if it had arrived behind Qin Tianming in an instant, and even surrounded Qin Tianming.

It was as if the darkness around him was all the body of the Shadow Killer, and the sense of terror came over him.

"King Kong is angry!"

Qin Tianming turned his head directly. No matter where it was, the golden King Kong God Demon elephant was about to rise from the ground. The light instantly dispelled the darkness. The shadow monster with bared fangs and claws melted painfully in the light.

The hidden shadow killer also groaned, as if he was caught off guard, and quickly hid in the shadow behind the garage pillar.

Qin Tianming also took advantage of the momentary light to find the garbage passage leading to the outside world, and directly disbanded the King Kong God Demon elephant, preventing the King Kong God Demon from truly forming, otherwise the building would be chopped down, how could he still hide the hidden shadow killer?

"Little thing, dare to tease me, I will make you live a life worse than death!"

The roar of the Hidden Shadow Killer quickly approached Qin Tianming. Qin Tianming quickly got into the passage, and the Hidden Shadow Killer also got in.

"This is a dead end, there is no way for you to escape!"

The Shadow Killer laughed wildly. Qin Tianming actually found a dead end for himself, and found him a perfect hunting place!

Qin Tianming walked to the end of the corridor, and it was really a dead end!

But... it was just what I wanted!

When he turned around, an ugly square-faced monkey had appeared beside him.

"You are taking me to die!"

The silver-haired girl was almost angry. Is this man stupid? She also saw the ability of the pursuers behind her. The darker the place, the stronger it is. It was pitch black here, and I couldn't see my hand in front of me. I fell into the enemy's encirclement!

""Shut up! Just watch!"

Qin Tianming roared in annoyance, and then patted the forehead of the Lighting Beast, and the Lighting Beast immediately held his breath.


A foul smell filled the air, making everyone silent, and even the Shadow Killer was stunned.

The silver-haired girl covered her nose and was going crazy,"What is this thing? Do you want to suffocate me to death?"

Qin Tianming was also embarrassed, fortunately it was dark here, otherwise his face would be redder than the Lighting Beast's butt.

The Lighting Beast was also ashamed and angry, it was not very skilled in using the lighting skills.

"Don't be anxious, take your time." Qin Tianming comforted patiently.

The Hidden Shadow Killer smiled sinisterly,"At this point, why are you still struggling? Just wait to die obediently, but I won't kill you immediately. I want you to face death in endless fear!"

""Haha." Qin Tianming sneered, and his heart was a little worried. Can this ugly monkey really do it?

The illuminating beast held its breath again. After holding it for about ten seconds, its eyes suddenly widened. Qin Tianming quickly grasped the sword blade and prepared to strike. As long as the illuminating beast used its power, the hidden killer would have nowhere to hide. That would be the best time to kill him with a sword!


A louder fart made Qin Tianming lose his strength directly. The next moment, a white light burst out from the illuminating beast's forehead, and everyone was caught off guard. Fortunately, Qin Tianming had prepared in advance.

The silver-haired girl was unlucky. She faced the huge light of the lighting beast and her eyes were almost blinded!

A corridor more than ten meters long, closed on both sides and without any obstacles, was brightly lit.

There was no shadow at all, and the dark shadow monsters were directly annihilated in the light.

A figure fell out from the wall, naked, lying on the ground with a confused face. The huge light dispelled his dark domain!

Qin Tianming threw the silver-haired girl down roughly, holding the sword of fire, his wrist shaking wildly.

""Fire trees and silver flowers never sleep in the night sky!"

Hundreds of swords were thrust out one after another, and hundreds of arcs of fire flashed with lightning and smashed towards the Shadow Killer crazily.

The Shadow Killer wanted to escape, but without the Shadow ability, his strength was just that of an ordinary Xuan level, and he was instantly stabbed into a sieve.

"This is impossible……"

The Shadow Killer looked at the fire-colored tree patterns that spread all over his body with a shocked face, like the patterns cracked by charcoal fire.

Then, bang, bang, bang!

A series of explosions sounded, and in the Shadow Killer's wailing, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and were pierced into rotten meat, sticking to every corner of the corridor. It was very disgusting, and Qin Tianming swung his sword wildly to block the pieces of meat flying towards him. The silver-haired girl's eyes were wide open, and he ignored her?

With a cold snort, he stretched out his slender white palm, and brilliant lightning arcs burst out, forming an airtight lightning barrier around her body, which prevented her from being contaminated by filth.

Qin Tianming was shocked. This girl turned out to be a thunder master, and her ability was somewhat similar to that of the Electromagnetic King!

Could it be...she is the person protected by the military?

Qin Tianming had a guess.

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