The huge light of the illuminating beast could not be maintained for too long, so Qin Tianming patted its forehead and asked it to maintain a little light.

The illuminating beast has done a great job!

People like the Shadow Killer are very difficult to deal with. It is difficult for him to die when he meets someone of the same level or even stronger than him.

This is a victory that can only be achieved with the right time, right place and right people. The fact that he was able to kill the Shadow Killer was closely related to the Shadow Killer's arrogance. The Shadow Killer thought he was invincible, so he didn't guard against his unexpected back-up plan at all.

Although the process was difficult, the result was gratifying, which was equivalent to solving a difficult enemy for Su Junsi and the others.

Qin Tianming breathed a sigh of relief, but saw the silver-haired girl staring at him angrily, with lightning arcs flashing all over her body from time to time.

Feeling a little guilty, he coughed lightly,"What is your relationship with the Electromagnetic King?"

"Uncle Electromagnetic King? Do you know him?"The silver-haired girl was a little surprised.


Qin Tianming immediately distanced himself from him, holding the Sword of Fire in front of him, and said solemnly,"Are you a traitor too?"


The silver-haired girl looked at Qin Tianming who suddenly turned against her, somewhat puzzled,"What do you mean, how did I become a traitor?"

"The Electromagnetic King betrayed humanity, and you called him uncle, doesn't that just mean you are a traitor too?" Qin Tianming sneered

"Uncle Electromagnetic King has betrayed me!?"

The silver-haired girl was even more shocked than Qin Tianming, and she was stunned.

"Why are you pretending? Just what happened just now, otherwise the situation in the city would not be so passive!"

Qin Tianming really hated this kind of person. Facing a powerful enemy, he did not think about how to resist the enemy together, but chose to surrender. This kind of person is not worthy of being a human being!

"Impossible! Uncle Electromagnetic King has always been a good person. He would never betray humans!"

The silver-haired girl absolutely did not believe it.

"You really don't know?" Qin Tianming frowned. He saw that the silver-haired girl didn't seem to be acting, as if she really didn't know.

""Tell me what's going on." The silver-haired girl had a little girl face, but her expression was very solemn at the moment.

Qin Tianming briefly described the process of the Electromagnetic King's rebellion, and the silver-haired girl frowned deeper and deeper.

She whispered,"Could it be... that he secretly unlocked the seal of the Thunder King?"

"Thunder King? How is it related to Thunder King again?" Qin Tianming was also confused at this moment, and felt that the matter was not simple. The silver-haired girl stared at Qin Tianming for a long time, tangled for a long time, and then sighed and said:

"The Thunder King was originally the sacred beast of our Thunder Clan. He was captured by our Thunder Clan’s ancestors in the endless void. He was a beast that was proficient in the power of thunder and lightning. He served the Thunder Clan for thousands of years and was responsible for guarding the Thunder Pool."

"Later, the number of Thunder Clan members decreased, and their strength was not as strong as before. Thousands of years ago, a Thunder Clan warrior discovered that the Thunder King secretly drank the pure thunder power from the Thunder Pool, so he used the ancient Thunder Clan's sealing technique to seal him up."

"Until two years ago, the place where the Thunder King was sealed suddenly collapsed, and the Thunder King broke the seal and came out, killing the people of the Thunder Clan crazily, and even wanted to take away the Thunder Pool.���In order to protect the Thunder Pool, they paid the price of their lives and drove the Thunder King out. Only uncle Electromagnetic King and I were left in the Thunder Clan.……"

As the silver-haired girl spoke, her eyes became misty with tears. When she thought about the shocking changes two years ago, it seemed like just a dream.

"If Uncle Electromagnetic King really rebelled, it means that he might have moved the seal of Thunder King and helped Thunder King break the seal!"

The silver-haired girl wiped her tears and said with a firm look,"Take me to see the Electromagnetic King, I want to ask him in person!"


Qin Tianming felt deeply sympathetic to the silver-haired girl's experience. It was not an exaggeration to say that her family was destroyed.

After thinking for a moment, he said,"Are you the person that Xuantong Baijunsi and the others are protecting?"

The silver-haired girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said with some frustration,"I harmed them. In order to let me escape, they fought with the Liu family until the last moment. Now their lives are uncertain.……"

Qin Tianming took a deep breath. Wang Xiaohou was the one who fought to the last moment!

After a long pause, he shook his head and said,"I'm afraid I can't take you there. The military is protecting you at all costs because you are so important. If I take you there and you are captured or killed by the enemy, wouldn't I have committed a serious mistake? What's the difference between me and a traitor?""

"Actually... the alien beast wanted to kill me because I mastered the ancient sealing technique of the Thunder Clan. I can reseal the Thunder King. The Thunder King tried every means to get rid of me to prevent future troubles."

"And the military is protecting you because you might be the trump card against the Thunder King?" Qin Tianming asked.

The silver-haired girl hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"Isn't it because you have the treasure they mentioned? It seems that even the Electromagnetic King wants to get that treasure. According to the Electromagnetic King, if he gets that treasure, he can enter the Heavenly Stage!"

Qin Tianming looked at the silver-haired girl with a playful look on his face, which made the silver-haired girl a little embarrassed.

"It is... it is the Leichi. Before my father died, he gave me the vessel containing the Leichi.……"

Qin Tianming was embarrassed. What a child! This silver-haired girl was just a child with no experience in dealing with the world. She could easily trick him.

"What is the function of the Thunder Pool? Why can it allow the Earth Rank to enter the Heaven Rank?"Qin Tianming was a little curious.

"The Thunder Pond is a holy place where the ancestors of my Thunder Clan refined a purple-level heavenly thunder into a place for people to practice. It can quickly enhance the power of thunder without any side effects."

Qin Tianming was surprised. It was indeed a treasure!

The foundation of these wealthy families should not be underestimated. They can even refine purple-level heavenly thunder. Isn't that thing known as the legendary world-destroying thunder?

"Then I can't let you go. If something happens to you, I will be a sinner for all eternity!"

Qin Tianming shook his head. He didn't want to get into trouble.

The Electromagnetic King's rebellion was a fact. Even if the silver-haired girl went, it would be useless.

""Please take me there, he is my only relative, I just want an answer, is he the one who caused the destruction of the Thunder Clan!"

The silver-haired girl's tears flowed down her face as she spoke.

Qin Tianming had a headache, he was really not good at dealing with girls, especially the type who would cry at the slightest disagreement.

Seeing that Qin Tianming was still thinking, the silver-haired girl handed a pendant hanging around her neck to Qin Tianming,"This is a vessel containing the Thunder Pool, you keep it for me, and I will also teach you the Thunder Clan's sealing technique. Even if I die, you can replace my role, is that okay?""

"this……"Qin Tianming didn't quite understand why getting an answer from her own mouth was so important to the silver-haired girl.

Maybe it was because of the extinction of the Thunder Clan, and for the past two years, she could only depend on her only relative , the Electromagnetic King?

Come to think of it, it might be like this. The Electromagnetic King might be the only person she trusted, and now the only trust has collapsed.

As a young girl, it's inevitable that she would collapse.

Looking at the tearful silver-haired girl, Qin Tianming said with some embarrassment,"Do you believe me?"

The silver-haired girl hesitated and nodded, and said softly,"You are Dugu Qiubai, right? I've heard of you. I think you are different from those people who come from wealthy families, and you are also different from me. I don't know if I can complete my father's entrustment, seal the Thunder King, and protect the Thunder Pool... but I think you can!"

"My father said that the mastery of this ancient sealing technique requires certain prerequisites, but before he could tell me what the conditions were, I thought you were very smart, as you could see from the fact that you defeated the strong with the weak just now. You are much better than me."

Good fellow, Qin Tianming blushed with praise.

At this point, Qin Tianming could only agree reluctantly.

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