
The crisp sound of swords rang out almost at the same time behind the Earth-rank expert.

The moment the Earth-rank expert woke up from his dizziness, he was immediately horrified, and a large amount of black smoke spewed out of his robes, but it was too late!

The giant statue of the King Kong God and Demon had already raised the golden sword blade.

The fire of anger burned around the King Kong God and Demon, making everyone feel a little trembling.

Qin Tianming's eyes were red and his anger was surging. He rarely felt such anger. He couldn't bear it, couldn't restrain it, and couldn't control it. He just wanted to smash all the enemies in front of him into pieces and annihilate them into nothingness!

""When the King Kong is angry, all demons will be defeated!"

The giant sword cut through the black smoke, like a giant nail, and directly pierced through the chest of the Earth-level strongman! The

Earth-level strongman was indeed powerful. He used all his strength to rage, and the sword carrying the surging anger did not kill the opponent directly, but still retained some life energy.

However, Qin Tianming was not blinded by anger. At this time, he might be able to kill the Earth-level strongman with a sword, but it was meaningless!

He wanted to save people! He directly passed the Earth-level strongman and raised his sword to Liu Hao who was still in a daze.

Liu Hao really didn't react. Everything happened too fast. From the time they just felt the breath of the alien beast to now when everyone was wiped out, it was only two or three seconds!

The reason for all this was that these alien beasts suddenly appeared and attacked them directly without any signs!

Qin Tianming... How did he do it!? ?

"Don't mess around, or I'll kill them!" Liu Hao's voice was trembling.

He had never experienced this kind of battle. As the young master of the Liu family, he didn't need to fight, nor did he bother to fight!

So he was directly scared silly. Qin Tianming was not like him!

At the same time, he commanded the Frost Wolf King to appear from the system. In Liu Hao's eyes, it was a beast that suddenly appeared out of thin air beside Qin Tianming!

He couldn't understand!

How did he do this!

"Ice field!"

All creatures in the ice field will be more or less slowed down, and Liu Hao is no exception.

He is just a tiger-level alien!

In an instant, Liu Hao felt that his reaction speed seemed to have slowed down a lot. He clearly wanted to kill Wang Xiaohou immediately, but the movement of his hands could not keep up with the movement of his brain, and he even felt that the blood flow slowed down a lot!


Qin Tianming cut off the arm that Liu Hao was holding Wang Xiaohou with a sword. At the same time, he was also rolled back by the earth-level strongman who broke through the angry sword energy of King Kong.

After all, he was still an earth-level strongman. The angry sword energy of King Kong could only imprison him for a moment!

""Monkey!" Qin Tianming shouted.

The monkey, who had been very weak, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a look of incomparable anger appeared in his eyes!

The ancient stick in his hand suddenly began to tremble, as if it made a roar!

Wang Xiaohou hit Liu Hao's head with a stick, and Liu Hao flew hundreds of meters away, with a large dent in his head.

A large amount of black smoke evaporated from the dent in his head. Fortunately, his father strengthened his body energy, otherwise the stick just now would have killed him!

Then he looked at Wang Xiaohou in disbelief,"How could you still retain such strength? Your strength should have been almost eaten away!"

"Hehe... Although I don't know what happened, the black energy you infused into my body was eliminated by another energy in my body, and even absorbed. I have to thank you very much, haha."


Qin Tianming, who was fighting with the Earth-level strongman, couldn't help laughing.

Liu Hao probably wanted to vomit blood. He consumed a lot of energy, but in return, he strengthened others.

Anyone would feel disgusted.

This monkey guy is really evil sometimes!

Sure enough, after hearing this, Liu Hao vomited three mouthfuls of blood and pointed at Wang Xiaohou with trembling fingers. He didn't say a word for a long time.

In the distance, he was besieging Wang Laodao with the Tongbi Yuan King. He glanced at the situation here with the corner of his eye, and suddenly his eyes were about to burst.

"How dare you!"

The head of the Liu family roared.

Wang Pingchuan also saw it and laughed,"Fellow Daoist Qin is really good!"

With a wave of his hand, thousands of whisks rolled towards the chairman of the Liu family. The head of the Liu family held a silver steel knife and cut madly, but he couldn't cut it all, which made the head of the Liu family make mistakes frequently.

Wang Xiaohou took the opportunity to swing his big stick wildly and knocked Liu Hao's head full of lumps.

It's strange to say that the black smoke that looked like poisonous miasma and could corrode spiritual energy in the eyes of others had no effect on Wang Xiaohou at all. It seemed that there was some body-protecting treasure that helped him to keep the black smoke out of his body.

Qin Tianming and Long Ao cooperated to suppress the earth-level strongman. The earth-level strongman was very powerful. Judging from his combat power alone, he was several levels higher than the potential shadow killer.

Long Ao was beaten and rolled several times. The surging black smoke made Long Ao feel uncomfortable once he approached.

Qin Tianming also felt it was very troublesome. The sword of madness led thunder to the earth and bombarded it wildly.

The power of thunder seemed to have no effect on the black smoke. Even the anger of King Kong could only split it briefly, and the black smoke could gather back immediately.

Now, he seemed to suddenly understand what the Liu family strongman said before, that aliens can easily cultivate a domain.

This black smoke, in a sense, may also be the domain of aliens. As long as he is under the protection of the black smoke, this earth-level strongman has extraordinary recovery ability and combat power. The reason why others have a hard time fighting is also because of this reason. There is no way to restrain it unless you can suppress the opponent with absolute power.

Qin Tianming fought and retreated. In the eyes of others, his defeat has begun to show, and it is only a matter of time before he is completely defeated.


Wang Xiaohou smashed Liu Hao's head with a stick. Liu Hao is dead and can't die anymore.

Wang Xiaohou showed a satisfied expression on his face and helped Yu Sichu up. Yu Sichu looked at Wang Xiaohou with a bit of fear.

To be honest, she didn't expect that the two peers she met on a plane were both so strong. Qin Tianming is not to mention it. Even this big and thick black-haired man is so strong!

"Uh, I'm a good person."Wang Xiaohou touched the back of his head and smiled innocently.


Yu Sichu nodded in fear, but left Wang Xiaohou's support without a word.

At this time, Su Meng also came over to meet Yu Sichu, and both girls were indescribably shocked.

Qin Tianming, a boy of about the same age as them, actually became the core figure in the defense of the city, while they were just marginal figures!


The stupid dog screamed, and strange beasts crawled all over its body. It fell to the ground several times, staggering and wailing.

""Got it, stop pretending, I'll help you right away!"

Qin Tianming was speechless. Why was he pretending to be like that? He was a dragon-level beast after all, how could he be knocked off balance so easily? He was just delicate, more delicate than a lazy cat!

Qin Tianming looked around and suddenly raised his arm and shouted,"Brothers, listen to my command, come on!"

With one order!

Hundreds of beasts above the tiger level, like a sharp sword, stepped on the blood, and rushed from afar!

This beast team was not small either, with a total of four or five hundred people!

They were disciplined, had the same goal, and were surprisingly united!

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