The strange beasts on the silly dog were frightened and fell to the ground one after another, and fled in panic!

However, the pace of this strange beast team did not stop, like a sharp arrow, piercing the dark army of strange beasts. The strong men from all sides who were fighting fiercely in the sky were all shocked. Are these Qin Tianming's beasts?

The execution ability is amazing, just like an army that has been trained for many years, 100% obeying orders, without a trace of hesitation or doubt.

Orders are more important than heaven!

Even Su Xingcan was amazed by this kind of execution ability. Humans can't do such a mission, let alone the strange beasts with low intelligence.

Including the strong beast masters in the military, they can't train the beasts to this level. It's simply a miracle!

The combat effectiveness of a well-trained beast army is increased several times!

With the elephant-level beasts as the vanguard, there are elephant-level beasts on both sides, forming a solid shell, invincible, and quickly splitting the army of strange beasts into two!

Five hundred beasts, under the command of Qin Tianming, burst out several times the combat effectiveness.

This fighting method was inspired by the previous battle with the bird army in Changbai Mountain, and he upgraded it to kill the elephant-level beasts in the beast army first.

There are many very powerful elephant-level beasts in the beast army, but they are as fragile as confetti in the face of Qin Tianming's beast army.

Kill them all wherever they go!

Su Xingcan and Qin Hailong looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise and hope in each other's eyes.

Qin Tianming is really the nemesis of the beasts!

Although the number of the beast army far exceeds that of Qin Tianming's beast army, it is impossible to form an effective counterattack when it is in a mess!

On the contrary, because of running away and panic attacks, many of his own beasts died from being trampled or accidentally injured.

The face of the electromagnetic king changed in shock. An unexpected situation appeared. Someone could easily contain the beast army!

This is a very dangerous situation!

Although the individual strength of the beast army is very weak, they are the main force to capture the city!

Now, this main force is being played around by Qin Tianming!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of them had been killed!

It seemed that there were a large number of them, but in fact they were just a pile of loose sand. A thousand-mile dam was destroyed by an ant hole!

""Bat King, think of a way!" The Electromagnetic King shouted.

He couldn't get away as he was struggling with the extremely angry silver-haired girl. He still couldn't bear to attack the silver-haired girl.

There was a flash of anger in the Bat King's eyes, and he spoke in human language,"Human, you dare to order me?"


The Electromagnetic King paused for a moment, hiding a hint of anger in his eyes, took a deep breath, and said calmly,"Don't delay any longer, let the alien army enter the city quickly. There are nearly two million people alive in the city at this moment. The military and the martial arts department will definitely not sit idly by and will send top masters over. Then neither you nor I can escape!"

The Bat King snorted coldly, and the figure of Qin Tianming was reflected in his eyes.

He didn't expect that this young and weak human would become the biggest obstacle for him to capture the city!

The Bat King glanced at the Tonggi Ape King and the Liu Family Master who were balanced by Wang Pingchuan alone, and cursed in his heart, saying that they were both very cunning and unwilling to use their full strength!

After careful consideration, the Bat King still felt that he could not let Qin Tianming act recklessly. If the capture of the city failed, the Cang King might be angry with the Thunder King, and he would become a scapegoat, so Qin Tianming must be eliminated no matter what!

""A mantis trying to stop a chariot!"

The Bat King's wings flapped wildly, and the void shook. Indistinctly, it seemed as if a pair of huge wings had grown on the Bat King's broad back.

As they approached, everyone was shocked. A Bat King that looked exactly like the Bat King struggled to crawl out from the Bat King's back, and a sharp hissing sound pierced everyone's eardrums.

In a blink of an eye, the Bat King completed the split, and two huge Bat Kings stood in the void, with a mighty power that shook the sky.

Su Xingcan, Qin Hailong and others were all stunned, their faces were extremely terrified, and their expressions were frozen. How could another Bat King appear?


What's going on? , has the Bat King been preserving his strength from the beginning?

Or have there been two identical Bat Kings?

Qin Hailong examined it for a moment, and suddenly his palm pushed out a huge sea, which rushed towards one of the Bat Kings from the clouds. Qin

Tianming looked up, he had seen this move before, an old thief from the Qin family, named Qin Haimo, seemed to have used this move!

Someone from the Qin family's sea veins?

Glancing at Qin Hailong who was performing his power, Qin Tianming said nothing, and continued to command his army of creatures to rampage through the army of strange beasts.

One of the Bat Kings was hit by the frenzy, but he just trembled and was not affected by it. He hurt!

Everyone was in despair when they saw this scene. Captain Qin had released the Sky Frenzy three times, but it didn't work.

Facing two Bat Kings, who else could do anything?

Everyone was in despair, except Qin Hailong, Su Xingcan and others, who had joy in their eyes!

Although the Bat King didn't seem to be hurt just now, the Sky Frenzy actually caused internal injuries to the Bat King, but it was hidden by the Bat King.

However, the previous two Sky Frenzy really scraped the Bat King.

What does it mean?

It means that the Bat King split into a clone, although it looks similar in size and breath, But in fact, the power was divided in half!

Su Xingcan quickly judged the new situation. The Bat King splitting his clones has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that once one of the Bat King's clones is destroyed, the Bat King's strength will be directly reduced by half!

But the disadvantages are also obvious. The Bat King split his clones for the purpose of dealing with Qin Tianming in order to let the army of alien beasts enter the city.

Once the Bat King's clone really kills Qin Tianming, then everything will be lost!

Qin Tianming is the key to everything!

Looking at Qin Tianming who was still commanding the Beast Taming Legion to charge, Su Xingcan fell into deep thought. Among the people present, who is qualified to face Qin Tianming directly ?���The clone of King Wang does not have many people. He, Qin Hailong, and Taoist Wang are both involved. It is already not easy for Taoist Wang to contain the Monkey King and the head of the Liu family.

That leaves only him and Qin Hailong.

To be honest, he and Qin Hailong together can barely fight the clone of the Bat King to a draw, not to mention that there is also the Electromagnetic King who is ready to make a move.

It is really difficult to split the clone into two.

As for Qin Tianming...

it is really hard to say.

Although Qin Tianming has a dragon-level beast, it is still far inferior to the clone of the Bat King.

The beast taming army with an average level of tiger or above cannot pose a threat to the clone of the Bat King.

Qin Tianming's own strength... is not weak, but he is only a peak Xuan-level who can fight above his level... At this moment, Su Xingcan felt a splitting headache, as if the nerve toxin contained in the pierced chest by the rebel of the Liu family was now beginning to take effect.

"Su Xingcan, are you okay?

Qin Hailong frowned, feeling that Su Xingcan's face was getting uglier and uglier.

His breath was also extremely unstable, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, like a candle that could go out at any time.

"I... am fine!"

Su Xingcan shook his head, and suddenly heard someone shouting from below,"Let one come over, I'll meet the Beast King!" The one who shouted was Qin Tianming himself. Qin Tianming also understood that the Bat King had spent some money at this moment to create an avatar, and the purpose was very clear, it wanted to deal with him!

In this case, then come!

Qin Tianming really wanted to try!

When killing the white snake, many people said that they took advantage of the Liejun Division and the nuclear bomb. This time, let's see how far he can fight the Beast King without the Liejun Division and the nuclear bomb!

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