
Just like that, Sean took about a hundred new recruits and set off on the journey back to the East Sea.

By the way, he could also go back to Shimotsuki Village.

Although he had been back before, he didn't stay for long. This time, the headquarters' spy agency helped him find it.

It must be easy to find Clo.

Sean was thinking about whether to bring Kuina with him and let Zefa help train her.

Because it was impossible for her to realize her dream by training with Koshiro.

Under Sean's influence, he used his ability to heal the injuries of his master's wife Leman, and she was healthy.

So with Ms. Leman around, Koshiro couldn't be cruel to her because of how much she doted on Kuina.

But these also need to be discussed with them. By the way, go to Rogue Town to see if the owner of the weapon shop has received the Kitetsu.

After all, Zoro is also his junior, and he was his favorite when watching anime.

It's just that he hasn't come into contact with Moria yet, otherwise he would definitely bring the Shusui to Zoro.

After all, because of his change, Zoro lost the Wado Ichimonji.

Sean had also fooled Zoro into becoming a navy, and he didn't know if it was because of the correction power of this world.

Zoro was unwilling to go to sea, so he had to hone his sword skills in Shimotsuki Village, and when he was strong enough, he would directly duel with the world's number one swordsman.

Yes, under the influence of Kuina, his goal was also to be the world's number one!

But even if Kuina fooled him together, Zoro was determined that he didn't want to be a navy.

He just wanted to be a swordsman. Even if he was explained that there was no conflict, he was still stubborn and wanted to go to sea after learning. The first thing was to find the world's number one swordsman.

This reminded Sean of Zoro's directionally challenged attribute, so would he never be able to come back just because he got lost once in a while?

I was vaguely worried about this little brother with a magical directionally challenged attribute.

In this way, after sailing for a few days, we finally arrived at Rogue Town.

This time Sean was on a medium-sized warship with a power system, which was simply the treatment that only generals had.

Because he needed to replenish supplies, he chose this place, and Sean came here for the sword.

So, after instructing his new recruits to replenish supplies, he strolled on the street alone.

He wanted to find the shop that sold the demon sword. As for the other sword, Sean felt it was dispensable.

For example, the famous swords of several ranks were ranked only because they were famous. Many powerful weapons were not on the list.

The sword in Sean's hand was given by Master Lehman, and it was also a large sword of 21 ranks.

As long as the owner of the sword is strong enough and the sword is famous enough, it will naturally be ranked. As for the black sword, it is nurtured with domineering aura, and it will become a black sword over time.

Sean still likes the original, which is more beautiful, and the black sword will become heavier, although the weight can be ignored.

But for Sean's Iaido, it is not very friendly.

Not long after, Sean saw a little girl about thirteen years old, holding an object wrapped in a cloth strip and running.

A closer look, wow, she is exactly the same as Kuina, who else could it be but Dashiqi.

So Sean followed slowly, wanting to see Dashiqi when she was little.

Soon, they came to a residential house.

"I'm back!"

Hearing the little girl's voice, Sean quickly released his Observation Haki to sense the person inside.

Suddenly his face changed, and he quickly pushed the door open and went in.

Little Dashiqi also changed her face when she saw a stranger breaking into her home.

"Who are you! Why did you break into my house? Leave now or I will call the navy."

After saying that, Dasiqi opened the object wrapped in the cloth in her hand. It was a knife - Xiaoye Shiyu. She drew the knife from its sheath and stood in front of the bed to confront Sean.

A middle-aged woman was lying on the bed, her breath was weak, as if she would die at any time. She struggled to open her eyes when she heard the sound.

Seeing her daughter confronting a strange man, she was worried. Perhaps it was the power of maternal love that made her stand up like a last gasp.

"Dashiqi, what's going on? Get behind your mother."

At this time, Sean saw the face of the middle-aged woman. She looked exactly like his master's wife, Ms. Lehman, except that she was thinner and had an uglier complexion.

Dashiqi was interrupted by a voice before she could be surprised at her mother's"recovery".

""Don't joke, I can't feel your vitality anymore. Sit down quickly. I will heal you."

Seeing the two men's alert looks, Sean was also stunned. It turned out that he was regarded as an outlaw.

Because Sean did not wear the cloak of justice when he landed on the island, it was estimated that the two people in front of him misunderstood him.

He continued quickly:"I am a navy. I have no ill intentions. I just used my observation Haki to sense that the vitality in your body is fading, so I came in..."

The middle-aged woman almost breathed a sigh of relief when she heard it, and in an instant she felt dizzy and fell on the bed.

Seeing this, Dasiqi's heart skipped a beat. Seeing her mother's face turn pale in an instant, she rushed over.

Sean didn't have time to explain anything, so he dodged and picked up Dasiqi. He used his healing skill"Prayer" in front of Dasiqi's eyes. With a stunned expression, a faint milky yellow light appeared on her mother's body, which soon turned into starlight and sank into her body. In

Sean's perception,"prayer" only temporarily maintained her life characteristics, so there was only one possibility, she was sick.

But Sean was not panicked at all, he still had"purification" to remove all negative effects.

Seeing the man who was holding her clothes by the collar, Dasiqi waved her hand again, causing blue light strips to light up on her mother's body, surrounding her body, and then sinking into her body.

At this moment, the woman opened her eyes again and saw her daughter being lifted up. She quickly got out of bed and rushed over, snatched her daughter back and held her in her arms, staring at Sean with a vigilant face.

"Come to me if you have anything to say, don't hurt my daughter!"

Dasiqi felt the long-lost powerful embrace and burst into tears. Before she could say anything, she heard her mother's words. She struggled quickly and said with a choked voice:"Mom...you're okay, it was this big brother who saved you...Wow, that's great, it's really great, you're okay, woo woo……"

At the end, she couldn't hold back any longer and hugged her mother with tears in her eyes.

The middle-aged woman was also awakened by her daughter's words. When she opened her eyes, her first reaction was to protect her daughter. She didn't even have time to check her physical condition.

Now she felt it carefully, except for the weakness of hunger, her body was no longer uncomfortable.

The long-term torture of illness made her almost forget what her condition was like when she was healthy.

It seemed that the young man in front of her really saved her. He just said that he was a navy, right? She actually scolded her savior...

So she lowered her head with shame and said,"I'm sorry... I, I'm just worried about my daughter, so……"


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