
Hearing this, Sean waved his hand and said,"It's okay, after all, mother's love is great~"

After a pause, Sean asked the biggest question in his mind,"Do you... have any sisters or something like that?"

The middle-aged woman gently stroked Kuina's back, thought for a while and said,"Well... I had a younger sister when I was a child, but then one time when we went out to play... she was kidnapped by human traffickers... I didn't protect her well……"

At the end, the middle-aged woman looked desolate, but suddenly came back to her senses. A hint of expectation and unbelievable speculation rose in her heart, and she asked,"How did you know!"

Sean hesitated and said,"Well...

It's probably what you think.

I do know someone who looks almost exactly like you.

Her name is Lehman, and she is my master's wife.

My master's wife has a daughter named Kuina.

I just came back from the headquarters to the East China Sea.

I landed on this island to replenish supplies, and then I took a stroll.

I saw your daughter, who looked almost exactly like my little sister, so I followed her with doubts, but when I arrived at your door, I found that your life signs were almost gone, so I broke in and thought about saving you.


Hearing this, the middle-aged woman couldn't suppress her emotions, and she hugged Kuina and burst into tears.

No one knew how guilty she was about her sister. She often had nightmares, dreaming that her sister left her, and when she woke up, she would find that her pillow was soaked with tears...

Now hearing this young navy say that he knew his sister, how could she not cry with joy.

Looking at the two people hugging each other in front of him, Sean did not disturb them. He pulled out a chair and sat quietly.

He thought to himself, this explains why the Revolutionary Army knew Koshiro, and Lehman also has a famous sword.

She probably escaped from the hands of human traffickers, or was rescued by someone.

Then she hated human traffickers, and most of them served the nobles, so the chance of her joining the Revolutionary Army was very high.

Thinking of this, Sean said to the mother and daughter in front of him:"Do you want to go with me to see the master's wife? I believe she will be very happy."

Sean's voice stopped the mother and daughter from sobbing.

The middle-aged woman was a little at a loss, and said hesitantly:"Will she forgive me, after all, I didn't protect her back then."

"I will definitely not blame you. My master's wife is a very gentle person. And this can't be blamed on you. You were all so young at that time. If she knew that there were relatives, she would definitely be very happy."

Guina was blinking her big eyes, listening silently to the conversation between the navy brother and his mother.

It turns out... there are relatives, and there are little sisters who look like me.

Thinking about it... her face was slightly red with excitement... so they discussed it for a while.

Sean also learned the name of this aunt, Lais. Sean helped them pack the things they needed to take away.

Soon they finished packing and took them on the warship. The logistics soldiers had also purchased the necessary supplies.

In this way, they embarked on the journey back to Shimotsuki Village.

During the voyage, Sean also learned about Lais's experiences over the years through talking to her.

Since Lehman was kidnapped, their parents were heartbroken for a while.

Later, they stood up and were killed by pirates because they saw pirates snatching children.

Lais, who grew up Lis married a navy man, a major in Rogue Town and a swordsman.

After giving birth to Kuina, the family of three lived a happy life.

But the good times didn't last long. During a mission, her husband fought with pirates. Although he won in the end, he was seriously injured and died shortly after returning.

He left a knife to Kuina. According to those colleagues, the knife was confiscated from this group of pirates. The pension left behind was enough for the mother and daughter to live on, but Lis fell ill under the blow of the continuous loss of her relatives, and she never recovered from the blow.

When she wanted to cheer up later, her body was no longer good until Sean came to save her.

Sean, who heard this, suddenly realized it. No wonder Deda Siqi wanted to be a navy in the future and take back the famous swords in their hands.

It turned out that their whole family was harmed by pirates.


A few days later, they finally arrived at Shimotsuki Village.

As soon as the warship approached the port, many villagers came to watch. After all, in their village, even the pirates were quietly killed by Koshiro, and the navy was something most people had never seen.

Seeing this, Sean ordered his subordinates to move freely except not to disturb the people.

Sean took the mother and daughter off the boat and walked towards Isshin Dojo.

As soon as he got off the boat, he was recognized by the villagers.

"It's that little brat Sean!"

"What? He's back? Looks like he's doing well in the Navy."

"I've always said this kid is smart and someone who can do great things. Look, he even has his own warship."


Just like that, he chatted with the villagers as he walked along the way.

After all, he grew up here, and the folk customs here are simple and honest. Everyone knows that he is an orphan.

Therefore, Sean has received a lot of favors from the hundreds of families since he was a child, so he answered everyone's questions one by one.

They all thought that Dashiqi and her daughter were Kuina and the others, and they didn't care much.

Soon, they arrived at the gate of Isshin Dojo, turned to the villagers and said,"Okay, I'm here, I'm going to go in and see the teacher first. If there are sick or injured people in your family, you can bring them here tomorrow morning and I will help them treat them.……"

""Okay...then you go find your teacher first."

Just like that, the villagers dispersed in twos and threes.

Sean walked in with the two nervous people.

There was a large open space in the front yard, where everyone usually trained physically. Walking through the open space, you can see buildings in twos and threes.

These buildings are dojos, dormitories, utility rooms, etc.

Just after passing the dojo, you can see Koshiro giving a lecture inside, and a green algae head appeared in front of Sean.

Then he asked Dashiqi and her daughter to wait outside for a while, took off his shoes and walked in.

The students heard the voice behind them and looked over, and everyone was excited.

"Wow, look, it’s senior Sean!"

"Senior Sean’s cape is so handsome, what should I do?"

"That’s the Navy’s Justice Coat, but it’s really cool, I’m going to ask my mom to make one for me when I get home!"


Listening to the whispers of these juniors, Sean also greeted them with a warm face.

Suddenly, a figure rushed towards Sean like a young swallow returning to its nest, and Sean quickly reached out to catch it.

No need to ask, it must be his little tail Kuina

"Sean, I missed you so much."

Kuina buried her face in Sean's arms and said in a muffled voice.

Sean touched Kuina's little head,"Okay, you're a grown-up girl now, aren't you ashamed to be watched by so many people?"

Kuina just shook her head and said nothing, just hanging on Sean, and Sean couldn't do anything about her.

Turning to look at Zoro:"Wow, you've become a lot stronger, did you get lost today~"


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