
Zoro was originally very excited to see his idolized senior, but just one sentence broke his defense. He immediately snorted with a stern face, indicating that he didn't want to pay attention to you.

Because Sean knew that Zoro was a road idiot, when Zoro was younger.

Once Sean took his younger brothers to the wild for physical training, but when they arrived at the destination, they found that Zoro was missing.

No one was training that day, so they were busy looking for him, and they found him on the other side of the village.

It shouldn't have been a big deal, but Zoro was training by himself, and when he saw a large group of people coming, he took the initiative.

It was their fault that they came too late, and the sun was about to set.

Sean was so angry that he knocked a big bump on Zoro's head on the spot, and scolded him that he should have told everyone when he found out that he was a road idiot, and he shouldn't have made excuses.

Zoro was embarrassed and his face turned red. In the past, he fooled his friends in this way so that others didn't know that he was a road idiot.

In this way, in the days that followed, under everyone's silent observation, the whole Shimotsuki Village knew about it.

Zoro is a person with a huge lack of direction!

After that, Zoro was autistic for a long time, but he soon forgave Sean for telling his secret.

Because when Sean was helping Kuina with her cooking, he also brought Zoro with him.

Seeing that Zoro ignored him, Sean was about to take out the knife he bought for Zoro, but suddenly he slapped his forehead.

He remembered that he forgot to find the weapon shop, and then shook his head and put the matter behind him. He could buy it next time, anyway, he couldn't use it yet, he was only eleven years old.

So he stretched out his hand and rubbed Zoro's head angrily, and said with a smile:"Why, I really got it right?"

"No way! Stop messing with my head..." Zoro felt his head being rubbed even harder, so he had to give in.

After all, in his mind, this senior has the potential to become the world's greatest swordsman, and the teacher also said that he has the qualifications.

It's a pity that he ate the devil fruit and is no longer a pure swordsman.

Koshiro squinted his eyes and watched the fight between the few people. After a while, Sean brought Kuina down.

He walked to Koshiro's ear and whispered a few words.

Immediately, his face changed with squinted eyes, and he asked,"Where are they?"

Sean pointed to the door and said,"Is the master's wife in the backyard?"

Koshiro nodded, and then said to the students,"Okay, let's stop here for today!"

So he quickly pulled Sean out, and seeing this, Kuina also ran to catch up.

The other students also put on their shoes and left in twos and threes, leaving Zoro still exercising in the dojo.

For a while, Koshiro and Kuina looked at Lais and Dashiki in front of them, both of them were confused.

Dashiki and her daughter were in the same situation. Although they were mentally prepared, they still felt a little confused when they saw Kuina.

In this awkward atmosphere of eight eyes facing each other, Sean coughed dryly and said,"Teacher, let's go find the master's wife first."

Koshiro came to his senses and hurriedly said,"Yes, let's find Lehman first."

In this way, everyone, led by Koshiro, came to a house in the backyard.

Before entering the door, he heard Lehman's voice,"Why is the class over so early today." After the voice fell, he saw several people who came in, and then stared at a woman in front of him who looked very similar to himself, and his eyes began to redden slightly.


When she saw Lehman, Lais rushed up to him and hugged him and burst into tears.

Everyone looked at the reunited sisters and did not disturb them from the touching moment of reunion after a long separation.

Not long after, the two separated, and Lehman looked at Sean and asked,"This... where did you find my sister?"

So Sean told him everything about his encounter with Dashiqi in Rogue Town for supplies.

Then he also learned about her sister's experiences over the years, and that Lais had been living in guilt all these years.

The two reconciled immediately, and Lehman did not blame anyone, but was caught because he was naughty.

Later, he stole a small boat on the ship and was able to get away.

After the two sisters had a happy ending, they introduced the two little girls to each other.

At first, both of them were a little restrained. After all, who wouldn't be nervous to see someone who looked exactly like them? Standing together, except for Dashiqi wearing more glasses, they looked exactly the same.

Guina is one month older than Dashiqi, Naturally, it was the elder sister, and then the two girls quickly chatted with each other.

After all, they were both swordsmen, one wanted to collect famous swords, and the other wanted to become the world's greatest swordsman, so they had a lot of common topics.

After seeing the two little girls go out to play, the remaining adults were drinking tea and chatting on the side.

When the atmosphere was about right, Sean said:"Teacher, Master's wife, I want to take Kuina to the navy for training..."

Although Koshiro and Kuina had talked openly, they still didn't think Kuina could really achieve anything in kendo.

In the past two years, she has gradually become incapable of sparring with Zoro, and immediately frowned and said:"But, is it really necessary?"

Sean certainly understood the meaning of this sentence, that is, whether it is necessary to continue to cultivate Kuina's dream.

So he said with a serious face:"Teacher, even if she is a girl, I will let her realize her dream. The next two years will probably be more turbulent, so I will leave her in the headquarters for physical training. After a few years, when the situation in the sea is balanced, I will take her over and take care of her personally."

Lehman asked at this time:"But... Even so, we can still train her."

Lehman was also reluctant to let his precious daughter leave him.

Sean shook his head:"If you can't bear to do that, just take me as an example. If I hadn't been undergoing almost self-abuse training, you wouldn't have taught me advanced skills so quickly."


Yes, the couple treated Sean as their own son since he was a child, and they didn’t want him to suffer, so they always taught him the same amount of exercise as the elderly do in the morning.

No matter how Sean begged, they refused to teach him advanced training, so he had to practice blindly. After a few days of training, he was injured all over. Finally, the couple couldn’t persuade him, so they decided to train with a purpose. After all, it is more useful to have their guidance than Sean’s blind practice. At least their training will not affect Sean’s development.

The reason why Sean wanted to take her to the navy for training is that the A-level gene potion must be developed physically to be useful.

In other words, it can improve a person’s upper limit, which is absolutely a waste here, because Kuina cannot get cruel physical training.

Lais on the side also understood that it was this young man who wanted to take Kuina to the navy for training, but the couple was reluctant.

So Lais asked,"Can you please take Dashiqi with you? Although this request is a bit excessive, please."

Just when Sean was thinking about how to convince them, he was shocked by Lais’ words. He was only thirteen years old and was handed over to someone he had just known for a few days?


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