
"Please guide me in my practice, thank you very much!"

Ace shouted loudly and bowed.

Sean nodded with satisfaction:"To practice domineering, you must first understand domineering."

"Armament Haki is divided into the following stages: hardening, entanglement, externalization and internal destruction. Look at my arm."

Sean stretched out his arm, covered with a layer of black Armament Haki, and cut his hand with a dagger, making a"crunch, crunch" sound.

Ace was stunned. It was possible to do this.

Sean continued:"This is hardening. Cover the body with Armament Haki to increase the body's hardness, attack power and defense power. The next step is entanglement and externalization."

Then Sean covered his arm with a layer of cherry blossom-colored energy halo, facing a stone not far away, without any movement, the stone exploded with a"bang".

"You see, you can wrap it around bullets or weapons, or you can send out shockwave attacks like I did, and finally destroy the inside, which is the most advanced application."

Seeing this, Ace exclaimed:"Wow, are there many people who can do this?"

Sean pondered for a moment and said:"There are many people who can do the basic hardening, but almost no one in the East China Sea can do this. In the New World, most people know this skill."

"Well, this is not what you should care about. Next, watch carefully and penetrate the energy into the stone."

Sean's arm was wrapped with domineering power. He gently stroked a stone, and the stone made a"bang" sound from the inside.

Then the whole stone appeared with dense cracks and shattered.

Ace's eyes were full of stars."So you are the top strong man?"

"Well... let's put it this way, there may be people who can beat me in a one-on-one battle, but there is no one who can kill me alone."

Sean looked proud. After all, this thing was gradually developed before the system, and he was not wrong. Apart from the ignorant Im, no one can kill him now.

So Sean continued to say to Escop:"Observation Haki is an application of mental power. It can make your five senses sharper, and you can detect the breath, emotional changes and domineering of creatures. It can also be used to predict and avoid danger."

"That's why you can detect my brother sleeping even when you are sitting under the tree.

" Ace suddenly realized something.

Sean nodded and said,"Yes, that is the most basic way of using it.

Everyone develops in different directions in the end.

At the beginning, it is just the primary perception, and then it is developed in various ways, including perspective, perception of emotions, perception of good and evil, and even briefly seeing the future.

I have only developed it carelessly to the level of briefly seeing the future.


At the end, Sean scratched his head with a look of joy, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise. After all, the working people are the most glorious.

Ace looked at this speechless man, who seemed aloof but was actually very familiar. He was obviously very proud but still said it was so-so. It was enough.

Ace hesitated for a while, but still plucked up the courage to ask,"Then who is stronger between you and the Pirate King."

Sean restrained the smug look on his face, thought for a moment and said,"Maybe I am still a little short of the domineering domineering that I will talk about next, and my physique is not strong enough"

"I just said that the probability of awakening Conqueror's Haki is one in a million. If you say it's rare, I know quite a few people who have it. If you say it's common, only Marshal Sengoku and I have it in the entire navy.…"

"Those who possess Conqueror's Haki may not necessarily become the strongest, but Conqueror's Haki is definitely the key to breaking through the ceiling."

Ace said with anticipation:"Then do I have Conqueror's Haki?"

Sean thought, you are the son of the Pirate King, of course you have it, but he didn't say it out loud.

He continued:"It depends on your talent. It can't be seen now, but I think it should be possible, as long as you silently say every day that you want to be the King of the Navy."

The expectation on Ace's face gradually froze, and he was complaining wildly in his heart, what the hell is a Navy King? There is no Navy King.

Ignoring Ace's psychological activities, he continued to popularize science:"For example, the primary level of Conqueror's Haki is to unconsciously release pressure to intimidate the opponent. The intermediate level can independently control the degree and range of pressure.

I am at this level now. Most of the Conqueror's Haki possessors on the sea are also at this level. The advanced ones are the true conquerors who have both"mind, body and skills". Just by improving the momentum, the Conqueror's Haki can be radiated in all directions.

It can be said that the Conqueror's Haki is activated anytime and anywhere. Its oppressive force can even reach a substantial level. The walls and land passing by will be crushed, and even the veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles can't resist it. But this is the key to becoming the strongest, because when the Conqueror's Haki reaches this level, the Conqueror's Haki entanglement technique used will be stronger.

The energy emitted by this technique is a higher level than the Armament Haki. This is why One Piece did not eat the devil fruit but is the strongest man."

Ace was stunned when he heard it. He felt like he had opened the door to a new world. He also secretly made up his mind not to eat the devil fruit and to reach Roger's level.

But then he frowned and asked,"Why can you only think about becoming the King of the Navy? Can't you become the Pirate King?"

Sean continued to fool him,"Of course you can, but is becoming a pirate really what you want? I can see that you are a good kid."

Ace was really shaken for a moment, but soon became firm again.

Looking at Ace's expression, I sighed in my heart. For the people in this world, beliefs are really more important than life.

"Maybe you can choose the goal of Pirate King, but... is the life of others what you want? You think you are very firm, but in fact you are very confused, young man."

Ace was silent and Sean ignored him, and continued to talk to himself:"No one is born evil, even the Pirate King Roger. What he did may be right

, but the process is wrong in my opinion."

Ace raised his head suddenly and looked at Sean with horror:"You...you" Sean waved his hand indifferently,"Don't you,...

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