
Sean punched Ace on the head, causing him to grimace in pain.

"You are such a good boy, why are you so depressed? Your confusion is actually insignificant, or rather, you should have the answer. Think about your brother and your friends."

Ace then realized that he also has ties, such as the Dadan family, Grandpa Garp, Luffy, and the dead Sabo...

But he still frowned and said,"Because no one knows my identity except my grandfather."

""Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Seeing Ace covering his head with tears in his eyes, Sean felt relaxed physically and mentally.

"You are you, you have your position, your thoughts, maybe what your father did was too bloody, but whether the result was good or bad, don't you want to witness it with your own eyes?"

Ace said in disbelief:"You should not be an ordinary navy, you must know something if you say that."

Sean nodded and said jokingly:"I know, but they are all my guesses, there is no need to say, but you can rest assured that I am not here to harm you, I just heard the news occasionally, don't worry."

Ace was not so easy to fool, he looked at him suspiciously, but didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Sean had no choice but to say:"I occasionally saw the information about Roger's child in the archives, and once heard Vice Admiral Garp call a bug, and I deduced it myself."

Ace understood, it was really something that Garp could do, so there was silence again.

After a moment, he looked directly into Sean's eyes and asked:"So, do I really have the right to live, and what did he do?"

"Ha, it doesn't matter what he did. What's important is, don't you want to witness what your father did with your own eyes, whether the result is good or bad, and you can even change it."

Grabbing Ace over, he rubbed the dog's head angrily and continued:"Besides, qualifications are something that only you can give yourself, but this sea is very tolerant, everyone has the right to work hard to live, although there are many sins"

"I need to think about it. It doesn't matter if I become a pirate or not, but I promised my dead brother and younger brother that I would go to sea when I was seventeen."

Looking at Ace's mature face, he sighed and said,"He's not dead. Your brother is still alive. As long as you go to sea in the future, you will have a chance to see him."

Seeing Ace's face full of disbelief and wanting to ask questions, Sean quickly interrupted and continued:

"Don't ask anything. The sea is mysterious and dangerous. When you are strong enough, you will know that you want to know everything. Think about it carefully."

After saying that, he disappeared from Ace's sight in an instant, leaving Ace with a confused face and only saying"see you tomorrow at 5 o'clock".

Just like that, from the next day, Ace never asked Sean any questions.

Silently, he gritted his teeth and insisted on the special training. He also covered his eyes with a cloth strip and hit him with a wooden stick, hoping to knock out the Armament Haki.

But it was obviously too much. After all, not everyone is as arrogant as him. He practiced the Observation Haki and awakened the Armament Haki inexplicably after being beaten.

Just like that, he trained with Ace for a few days.

Seeing that the day of departure was approaching, this kid still did not waver in his idea of becoming a pirate, which made him a little anxious.

It seems that the plan should be used.

That evening, Ace and Sean were still sitting by the campfire eating barbecue.

Taking advantage of the angle where Ace could not see, Sean clenched his five fingers towards the sky, and a white tornado-shaped halo flashed by.

In the afternoon, he had already put on a prosthesis, which was made of the flesh and bones of the sea king, compressed by gravity, and then tied the calf to the thigh.

Just pretending to be unaware and eating barbecue, as for what would happen if Ace knew about his fruit ability in the future?

That's not a big deal. At least there are only a few people who can use his fruit ability, and it has never been exposed, so it's not a big problem.

As for the broken leg, he can just say it was healed later. Anyway, his healing ability can even regenerate broken limbs. After a while, Sean was still eating meat calmly, but Ace dropped the meat in his mouth.

He patted Sean and pointed to the sky with a panicked look:"Oh... the sky, a meteor is hitting us, it's too late……"

Sean slowly turned his head and looked at the meteorite, pretending to be horrified. Then he grabbed Ace's collar and threw him forward.


With a sound of breaking through the air, Ace was thrown out for an unknown distance.


Ace turned his head with difficulty, and saw that there was only a huge meteorite left at the place where he had just eaten, and there were dense cracks all around it.


Ace knelt on the ground, screaming heartbreakingly, then struggled to get up and ran towards the meteorite.

Not long after, Sean, who was sitting next to a tree next to the meteorite, saw Ace staggering towards him. He quickly took out some flour from the space and evenly spread it on his face, pretending to be relaxed.

"Hi, Ace, I'm so glad you're okay."

After a moment, Sean pretended to be relaxed and waved to Ace who came up to him.

Ace saw that he seemed to be okay, and just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but he saw that his face was pale, as if he had been smeared with flour.

The most important thing was that one of his calves... was gone, and there was a blank space under his thigh.

His eyes immediately turned red, and he pursed his lips as if he was about to cry, and asked:"Why did you save me, you can obviously escape by yourself."

Sean stretched out his palm and rubbed Ace's dog head, and said:"Even if you may become a pirate in the future, you are just a child now, and the job of the navy is to protect civilians who have not yet chosen a side."

"But...but your legs are gone...Is it worth it for my sinful bloodline?……"

Finally, Ace couldn't hold back his tears, and rushed to Sean, hugged Sean's neck and cried loudly.

"It’s okay." He patted Ace’s back and whispered,"As long as Ace doesn’t harm civilians when he becomes a pirate in the future, it will be worth it. Promise me."

Ace hugged tighter and choked up and said,"Well, I… I won’t be a pirate. I… I want to be the king of the navy, just like you. I want to see with my own eyes what the era left by that man will end up like."

【Ding, congratulations to the host for getting plot points +1000, +1000, +1000……】

Shit, shit, so much, more than what Kuina gave me that time. Kuina's family only gave me 2,000, and now there are only a few hours a day, but Ace gave me so much all at once, and it hasn't stopped yet.

If Ace wasn't there, Sean would probably want to jump up. Although the system is useless, some skills are still very useful.

Suppressing his excitement, he held Ace's shoulders with trembling hands and looked at him and said,"Then we have a deal."

Ace didn't see much difference, he just thought he was excited, so he nodded firmly in response.


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