
After a night of tossing and turning, Ace originally said that he would take him to Dadan's house, but Sean refused on the grounds that he did not want to catch bandits. He also called his subordinates to come to the port to pick him up, saying that the ship's doctor was very good.

Ace knew that Sean was leaving, and although he was reluctant, there was nothing he could do. After all, his leg was broken and he had to go back for treatment.

So they agreed to go to sea as a navy at the age of seventeen, and asked Sean to let Garp guide him in training when he met Garp.

Of course Sean happily agreed. Garp, who did not have the peak of Conqueror's Haki, could teach Ace well.

There was no need to worry about Ace being killed by Akainu and Blackbeard anymore, although it was a bit dirty to fool a young boy.

But at least he could save his life, and the rewards were another matter. After all, Ace was very gentle when he grew up, and it would be a pity to die as a pirate.

So the two of them leaned against a big tree to rest, waiting for the navy to pick them up at dawn.

"Bulu Bulu……"

When it was almost dawn, the telephone in Sean's arms rang, and Ace woke up.

"I'm Sean. Have you arrived at the Windmill Village Port? Okay, I'll be there now."


After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, he looked at Ace who looked reluctant and said,"Let's go? Take me to the port of Windmill Village. I don't know where it is."


Just like that, Sean acted out the whole play, found a stick at random, used it as a crutch, and followed Ace step by step.

Ace wanted to come over to support him, but was rejected. According to Sean, he had to adapt to the life with a broken leg as soon as possible.

In fact, you tied your calf to your thigh because you were afraid of being discovered, so you showed the image of a disabled but strong-willed navy.

Ace was deeply moved and became more determined to become a navy. As for Luffy, at worst, he could just let him go when he saw him.

Not long after, they arrived at the Windmill Village, and the villagers got up early to work. The village chief was shocked when he saw Ace walking towards the pier with a man. He hurried to find Makino.

After all, he was Garp's grandson, so he knew a lot of people. But Ace used to have a bad temper and was unwilling to contact people.

Now he is better, and he also learns etiquette from Makino. He asks Makino what is the best situation, worried that Ace will be kidnapped by bad guys.

Not long after, he finally saw the small warship by the dock, and the village chief also came with Makino.

Seeing that they seemed to have something to say, Sean greeted Ace and slowly walked towards the direction of the ship.

Makino squatted down, looked at Ace with a gentle smile and said,"Ace, why are you at the dock? Was that your friend just now?"

Ace thought about it and said,"He is a navy, a navy who came here to catch pirates who got lost."

At this time, the village chief and others also noticed that Sean's left leg was empty, and there was a faint smell of blood.

Noticing their eyes, Ace continued,"There was an accident in the mountains last night, and a meteorite fell from the sky.……"

Then Ace slowly explained to them what had happened in the past few days, and told them everything except his own life experience.

After all, it was not something shameful, so the village chief and the others knew about it.

This was a navy who came to catch pirates but got lost, and then he met a boy, taught him for a few days, and established a bond.

But before leaving, an accident happened, and the navy broke his leg in order to save the boy, but his tenacious character made him walk here step by step.

Thinking of this, the village chief's eyes moistened:"Ace, I also want to see off such a great navy, let's go."

Makina always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, so she simply stopped thinking about it and followed the village chief's pace.

At the dock, Sean came over with a wooden stick. His subordinates saw that their leader had a broken leg, and they hurried down to help.

""Stay on the boat, no asking, no coming down!" After scolding, Sean waited for Ace with the help of a wooden stick.

The marines were touched to see that their chief did not want them to worry even though he had a broken leg.

He was too strong. However, they did not know who the chief was waiting for. They wanted to ask, but they did not dare to because the chief looked too fierce.

Soon Ace appeared in the sight of the marines. Sean walked up to Ace and looked into Ace's red eyes.

He bent down and said,"A man's farewell does not require tears, because the farewell now is for a better meeting in the future."

Then he took out a white cowboy hat with a navy logo from his arms and put it on Ace's head, covering half of his face.

"This is a hat that I have always cherished. I am giving it to you for safekeeping. Please return it to me when you become a general in the future... I believe you can do it."

Sean said this with an expression of reluctance and carefreeness.

Ace could no longer hold back his emotions, rushed over to hug Sean, and cried loudly:"I will... I, I will definitely find you, wait for me... I want to be the King of the Navy too!"

Makina on the side finally realized what was wrong. Isn't this similar to what Shanks said to Luffy two years ago.

One with a broken hand, one with a broken leg, one with a straw hat, one with a cowboy hat, one wants to be the Pirate King, and one wants to be the King of the Navy. Does the Navy have a king? Isn't the highest position the Admiral...

Thinking of this, Makina felt sick and seriously suspected that Ace was deceived.

But looking at Sean's legs, they were empty, and he did save Ace, so I should have thought too much.

And Ace didn't agree to do anything, he was just a navy, it should be fine.

After all, his grandfather is Garp, Makina thought.

Just like that, Sean boarded the ship, waved goodbye to Ace, and then walked into the cabin without looking back.


As the words fell, the ship slowly sailed towards the sea.

Ace stared blankly at the increasingly smaller ship in his sight, and finally made up his mind.

He looked at the village chief seriously and said:"Grandpa village chief, I would like to ask you to help me contact my grandfather and tell him that I want to be a navy, and I want to ask him to guide me in practicing domineering!"

The village chief's eyes were immediately filled with tears:"That's great, Ace, you finally figured it out, and we will finally have one less villain here. Okay, I'll contact your grandfather now."

After he finished speaking, he ran towards the village, leaving afterimages of his legs, as if he was afraid that Ace would go back on his word, leaving Ace stunned.

Makina looked at Ace's bitter face, smiled with her hands covering her mouth, and asked:"Hey, Ace, if you become a navy, what about Luffy?"

"It doesn't matter, our positions won't change the fact that we are brothers." Ace waved his hand and said,"And if I meet him on the sea in the future, I will let him go quietly... Hehe."

After that, he ran in the direction where the village chief left...

Makina looked at the direction where Ace left, thought about Luffy, then smiled and murmured,"That's right, Ace is a gentle brother"

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