Hearing Kizaru’s words, Kuro was nervous and a little embarrassed. In fact, he never thought he was weak.

It’s obviously you who are too strong, okay? We are all human beings, how come you are as strong as monsters!!!

The weak, pitiful and helpless Kuro could only pretend that he didn’t hear and continue to be an ostrich. After all, strictly speaking, he is still a pirate.

Hearing Kizaru’s words, Sean nodded in agreement and said,"He is a little too weak, but it doesn’t matter. It will be enough to let old man Zefa train him for a few months. Anyway, he has figured out a castrated version of Shave, so he should be able to learn the Six Styles of the Navy quickly. Besides, I just want him to help me with official business in the future. I don’t expect him to be very good at fighting."

""Oh?" Kizaru raised his eyebrows, a little surprised:"Do you study 'shaving' by yourself? It's really good. Do you want to give it to me? I don't want to be so tired."

Although the skills of the six styles are not very meaningful to the strong people at their level, after all, the skills of the six styles are all castrated based on the abilities of the strong people at their level.

For example, Storm Legs and Iron Block are castrated versions of the hardening and release of Armament Haki, not to mention Shaving. When the physical fitness is reached, the speed will naturally come.

So he was still a little surprised that he could study the castrated version of the skill of castration in the East China Sea, so he wanted to ask Sean for someone.

Sean refused categorically:"No, you want to be lazy and find someone yourself. What's the matter with staring at the subordinates of your subordinates?"

Kizaru looked disappointed:"Really~ What a pity,"

Sean rolled his eyes in annoyance,"What's a pity, you are lazy openly, every time I come in, I see you cutting your nails, where do you get so many nails?……"

"You are still young, you don't understand."

Kizaru said cheerfully:"What I cut is not nails, but an attitude~"

After saying that, he did not forget to look at Sean meaningfully.

Sean was too lazy to play dumb with the lazy king in front of him, and said directly:"Then I will hand him over to you, you take him through the procedures, I will go to old man Zefa to arrange two more people"

""Ah~ What a trouble~"

After getting Kizaru's response, Sean patted Clo's shoulder and then walked out.

Under Clo's frightened gaze, Kizaru also stood up,"Let's go, get it done early and come back to rest early, really~ Today is obviously my holiday……"

Cloe could see that Sean really had a position here. Although his military rank was not high, he could talk to these bigwigs on an equal footing.

He thought that he had probably followed the right person this time!

On the other side.

Sean strolled on the playground, and when he found that Zefa was gone, he went directly to the logistics office.

Sure enough, as soon as he pushed the door open, he found Zefa, but there were still a few people.

He, Sengoku and Garp, they were not too surprised at Sean's arrival. After all, everyone knew that Sean had a good relationship with Zefa, and he had also saved Zefa's ship.

Sean was a little surprised to see so many people, but he came back to his senses immediately.

They were all comrades-in-arms from the same period, and it was nothing to get together occasionally.

After saying hello, he got straight to the point and said,"Grandpa Zefa, I want to ask you for a favor."

Zefa was a little surprised,"It seems that this favor is not small, you kid has become so polite."

"Hahahaha, gravity devil, if you want to ask for help, can you at least bring some donuts?"

"Garp! You can say whatever you want! But don't take my senbei!!!"

He was speechless when he saw these three people who were about 200 years old in total.

But he didn't say anything. This was the way they had been getting along for decades since they were young.

Sean ignored Garp's request for"bribe" and said directly:"Ah~ Well, I want to ask the old man to help train the two girls."

Zhan Guo looked suspicious:"That's it? Can't you train them yourself?"

"They are only thirteen years old," then he looked at Zhan Guo with a wooden face:"And don’t you want me to go to the new world!"

"Hahaha, Zhan Guo, forget about your title of wise general. You even forgot the decision you made."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo's old face was a little embarrassed, but after all, he was a veteran who had experienced many hardships. He looked at Zefa as if nothing had happened.

Zefa pondered for a moment and said,"Can't we just send them to the elite training camp for recruits?"

Sean knew very well that the training camp for recruits was also different, although many officers and officers were his disciples now.

But it was different, like the current three admirals, although they were called"monster" students, so they could use domineering as soon as they graduated.

But they absolutely could not do without Zefa's careful teaching. Don't you see that Smoker and the like still use seastone as a weapon in the headquarters?

This is the difference between assembly line education and meticulous craftsmanship.

So Sean said,"I hope you can train them as monsters like you trained the three admirals. I hope they can master domineering in two years. I owe you a favor."

Everyone present looked at each other in bewilderment when they heard this, because Sean's words contained too much information. In this sea, being described as a monster is a compliment, describing those people with first-class strength and talent.

So Garp asked first:"Have they been exercising since childhood? Or are they devil fruit users?"

Upon hearing this question, Sean was silent. After all, Kuina and Dashiqi haven't really shown their talents yet.

And they are swordsmen, he can't tell them that he gave them genetic drugs, right?

But he still took over the conversation and said:"They are swordsmen, pure swordsmen, and they are very weak now, without showing any talent. They are my schoolmates."

Everyone was even more confused now. You, a swordsman, come to let 'Black Arm' Zefa train you? Isn't this funny.

Zefa had to ask with a confused look on his face:"But, I can't use a sword, and according to what you said, the training intensity of the boot camp is enough"

"It’s not enough. Believe me, they are really talented. My teacher and mistress are reluctant to train them, so I brought them here. Moreover, your training methods are of great help to them.

As for kendo, I will teach them personally after they graduate. What they lack now is a strong physique. Only when you are strong yourself can you be truly strong. This is the same truth I have understood since I was trained since I was a child."

After saying this, several old navy men present were a little curious. What kind of people were they that Sean was willing to send to Zefa even if it meant owing him a favor.

After pondering for a moment, Zefa said,"Okay, I promise you, but if they can't hold on, I won't teach them anymore. Can you take me to see them?"

…… ps: The next chapter will enter the main storyline, not the nesting doll of conquering one island and then the next one.

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