
When Sean heard Zefa agree, he immediately smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much. From now on, as long as it is something I can do, just tell me and I will do it without hesitation. As for them, they are now at my house. Shall we go see them now?"

Zeffa was unhappy when he heard this."I agreed because you are a good child, not because of so-called favors. I am so old, what else can I ask you for help with?"

Sean smiled embarrassedly and said,"You are right, you are the light of the navy!"

Hearing this, Garp and Sengoku next to him were unhappy. One of them was a marshal and the other was a naval hero. They immediately shouted in unison:"What about me!" ×2

Sean was too lazy to pay attention to the two disrespectful old men, one was a bad old man who loved to dye his hair, and the other was a violent old man who loved to snatch other people's snacks. Ha, tui~

Seeing that the two old children were about to quarrel, He immediately came out to smooth things over:"Okay, you guys, now let's go meet this monster who has not shown his talent together……"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo suddenly said,"Why don't we go to dinner together? Don't go to Sean's place. Let him go back and bring the people. We can just meet up at the restaurant."

Sean looked suspicious. He was obviously hiring someone to do the job, so why did Zhan Guo rush to treat him to dinner?

Perhaps seeing Sean's doubts, Zefa explained in a hidden way,"Zhan Guo's son is coming back today, so he is quite happy. He was thinking of treating us today."

Sean nodded. So that's it. Zhan Guo's son is back, that's good... What the hell!!!

Where did Zhan Guo's son come from? Isn't he just a godson? And he was killed.

So he asked with a look of astonishment:"Old Sengoku actually has a son???"

Sengoku said happily:"Yes, he is my adopted son. He has been the chief of staff of the branch in the West Sea for the past few years. Now he is finally willing to take the initiative to return to the headquarters."

Garp immediately said,"Then you have to teach him a lesson. He actually wasted his time in the West Sea for a little kid. I think he is just slacking off."

Hearing this, Sengoku was unhappy,"Don't come on, Rosinante is a spy trained by the navy to infiltrate the pirates in the future."

Crane also added:"And that child's ability is not suitable for the navy, and he will be coveted."

Now Sean was completely confused. Rosinante, shouldn't he have died long ago?

And that kid who is not suitable for the navy and will be coveted, isn't it Luo?

Damn, it's a mess... What went wrong? Obviously, I only appeared in the public eye recently.

Even when I joined the navy two years ago, I was very low-key, and I was low-key in the East China Sea.

The most important thing is, according to the anime he had watched, Rosinante died thirteen years ago.

That was in 1509, and he did not go out to sea until 1510, so where was the problem?

Seeing that Sean was a little absent-minded, Zefa pushed Sean and asked,"What are you daydreaming about?"

"Ah, nothing." Sean suppressed his doubts and had to change the subject,"Well, well, it's not good for you to discuss the training of spies in front of me, right? Shouldn't this be a naval secret?"

Zhan Guo waved his hand and said,"It doesn't matter, you don't know who the child is, and besides, I believe you are on the navy's side."

Sean thought to himself, not only do I know, I even know exactly why he is coveted.

But he had to suppress his doubts and found out what Rossinanti was thinking about this.

"That's it, I'll go back and take my junior sister to the restaurant."

Zhan Guo waved his hand happily:"Go ahead."


On the way back, Sean kept thinking whether it was a coincidence or man-made.

He didn't believe that his development and hiding would cause the butterfly effect, even if the foundation of the butterfly effect required the butterfly to flap its wings, right?

If it was man-made, it would be terrible, because what Sean had encountered so far was exactly the same as the plot.

After thinking for a long time, he had no clue, so he had to meet Rosinante and try it again.

In this way, Sean went back and told the sisters about Zefa and asked them to be mentally prepared.

Because if they couldn't hold on, Zefa would no longer guide them. Zefa's teaching method is absolutely second to none.

Sean has regarded Kuina's family as relatives since he was a child. There are many dangers in this sea, and he doesn't want Kuina to die one day.

After all, she doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, unlike Nami and Robin, who can escape danger every time they are beaten.

Besides, Sean doesn't want the two sisters to be beaten, which is very distressing.

The sisters are also very conscious. After all, Sean still has the ability to heal, and he will take them home to rest every week.

So he was not afraid of being exhausted, he just wanted to finish his training as soon as possible, and then follow Sean to ride the sea.

When Sean was walking on the street in the living area with the two little girls, he saw Tina and Smoker.

They also saw Sean, so they came forward to say hello.

"Sean is back, and now many of the new recruits are beating their chests and stamping their feet, wondering why you would recruit pirates as navy instead of choosing them."Smoker said with a street-smart look.

The two girls looked at Smoker, who looked like a gangster, timidly, and didn't know what to say.

Aren't navy men all righteous?

Tina may have seen the little girl's doubts,"Little sister, Tina tells you, although he doesn't look like a good person, he is a very powerful navy man~"

Kuina said bluntly:"Are all navy men so exposed?"

""Uh..." Tina glanced at Smoker, who was wearing a jacket without zipping it up, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Smoker's face turned red.

Sean saw the embarrassment of the two, so he explained to Kuina:"Don't judge a book by its cover. Although he doesn't look like a good person, he is a good person, although he is a little weak."

Kuina nodded perfunctorily:"I know~ Aren't we going to eat? Dashiqi and I are starving to death..."

Sean had no choice but to look at them and said:"Let's talk next time, I'm going to take them to meet Mr. Zefa and that old man Zhan Guo"

"Are you guys going to the barbecue? Tina too..."

Hearing this, Sean looked at Smoker.

Smoker bit his cigar,"Ah... a friend has been out on a mission for a few years, so he asked us to go out for a meal and a small gathering."


No need to think, it must be Rosinante. Sean was shocked. It turns out that you all in the world know that Rosinante is still alive.

Only I don't know?

So I sat up in shock from my dying illness, and the clown turned out to be me?

Sean was in a bad mood. He always thought that he was in control of the rhythm, but now he has become the clown.

…… ps: The main storyline will be slowly unfolded later. It's not an upgrade flow, nor is it playing the pig to eat the tiger, nor will it be a fighting plot that keeps changing islands...

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