Since everyone had the same destination, Sean followed them.

Not long after, the group arrived at the top ten must-eat restaurants in the Navy Headquarters, and the number one place was BBQ Q.

It was said that the generals would have to line up to eat there, and Sean was also looking forward to it. After all, since he became stronger, his appetite had also increased.

Looking at the two girls with the same physique as himself, it seemed that Zhan Guo was going to bleed a lot.

After telling the waiter the room number, the waiter took everyone to a large room on the second floor.

Before they reached the door, they heard a heart-wrenching shout and the sound of fists hitting flesh.

After the waiter opened the door, he saw a scene that shocked Sean. Chang Wei was beating Lai Fu... Bah, it was Zhan Guo beating a yellow-haired guy. While beating him, he cursed,"Who taught you to smoke?" and"You even got a tattoo on your face." Yunyun.

Garp laughed at the side, hoping that the world would not be in chaos.

So Sean walked in directly. The room was very large. In addition to the large dining table, there was also a living room on the side, with various sofas and snacks.

After sitting next to Karp, he asked,"Old Karp, what happened to them?"

"Hahaha, that's Rossinanti. Zhan Guo was very angry when he saw him with tattoos on his face and smoking, but this kid even burned his own clothes while smoking hahaha……"

Hearing this, Sean's face twitched. It seemed that this Rosinante was really stupid.

Rosinante saw Smoker coming in, so he pointed at Smoker and shouted loudly:"Stop hitting him, it was Smoker who taught me to smoke."

Before Smoker could come to his senses, he was pulled over by Zhan Guo and beaten. His whole face was bruised and swollen. He squatted in the corner with Rosinante and did not dare to get up. He could only look at Rosinante with resentful eyes, while Rosinante pretended not to see it and kept his head down.

After beating the two, Zhan Guo felt refreshed and his appetite was opened. He quickly asked the waiter to bring the menu.

As everyone sat down, Zefa also saw two almost identical little girls.

Sean introduced everyone to Kuina and Dashiqi. Kuina was fine.

But Dashiqi's face was flushed with excitement. After all, she had heard the legends of these people from her father when she was very young.

Now that she can eat with them, how can she not be excited.

After getting to know each other, the waiter handed the menu to Zhan Guo. Zhan Guo looked at the two girls who looked well-behaved.

Then he looked at Rosinante who was with Smoker, and almost beat them up again.

He snorted heavily, then smiled as softly as a chrysanthemum and said,"Why don't you just order, order whatever you want, you're welcome..."

Kuina and Dashiqi looked at Sean, and after seeing Sean nod, they began to flip through the menu.

Zhan Guo was furious when he saw such a polite little girl, and he scolded Rosinante,"Look how polite she is..."

Rosinante hung her head, pretending not to hear.

Not long after, Kuina pointed out a few vegetarian dishes to the waiter and handed the menu back.

Zhan Guo saw this and sighed in his heart, what a good child, so frugal.

So he said,"Don't you want to order some meat? The Shui Shui meat here is delicious, don't be polite to me."

Guina was about to say something to the waiter, but was stunned by the question, but still said,"I have ordered... I have ordered for the two of us and Sean, you can order the rest.……"

So he turned to look at the waiter and said,"I don't want the ones I just ordered. Bring two copies of the others first."

The waitress was also a little confused,"What, what two copies..."

Dasiqi raised her hand and said,"It means that except for the ones I just drew, all the food on the menu will be served in two copies.……"

Sean nodded in satisfaction. Sean had a big appetite since he was a child. This way of ordering food also shocked Kuina when he was a child.

But later he accepted it, not to mention that after their talents improved, the amount of training increased, and of course they needed to supplement their nutrition, so the two of them also became big eaters.

Kuina also told Dashiqi a lot about her habits, so she was not politely asking Sean if she could order food just now.

Instead, she wanted to ask if he ordered food the same as before.

At this time, everyone at the table heard it clearly, and they all looked at the two little girls in amazement.

Although people like Kapu Zefa can eat a lot, it is not surprising for everyone, after all, they both need food to replenish energy, but it is strange that the two little girls have such a big appetite.

If Sean hadn't said that the two were not ability users, everyone would have thought that they had eaten some strange fruit.

Sengoku's face turned green. The food here is very expensive. There are two servings at a time, and it's only for three people...

So Garp also slapped the table and laughed:"Hahaha, old man Sengoku, I want to order two books too, just like them……"

There was nothing he could do. After all, he was the admiral of the navy and he had to fulfill his words. He could only order four more servings with tears in his eyes. After all, the remaining two servings were enough for so many people.

After a while, amid the laughter of the crowd, the waiter served the dishes, and Rosinante stopped pretending to be an ostrich.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Baimao sitting opposite him. His expression was slightly stunned, and then he became a little excited.

Sean noticed the gaze and looked up. It seemed that it was really Rosinante. For a moment, Sean felt a little melancholy.

But gradually, Sean found that Rosinante's gaze on him was not right.

It was like a fan-shaped diagram, with admiration, resentment, and some inexplicable complex meanings.

Suddenly, Sean's body tensed up and his scalp numbed. What did this idiot mean? Why was he looking at me like that?

Zhan Guo thought that Rosinante didn't know Sean, so he explained,"Sean is a super star in our navy. He is very powerful. You should learn a lot from him. It took you so many years to become a colonel, while others became colonels in more than two years."

Rosinante said in a complicated tone,"I know he is very strong.……"

After hearing this, Sean felt uncomfortable. This guy must be secretly in love with me and investigating me.

So he slammed the table and stood up,"Sorry, I only like women, mature and intellectual ones."

Then he looked at Tina, his eyes lit up and pointed at Tina and said,"The type like Tina is good, I don't like men!"

After the voice fell, the whole audience was silent, and Tina was even more embarrassed and annoyed. Why did she say these inexplicable words when she was eating well!

The watery meat that Kuina was chewing suddenly didn't smell good, so she pulled Sean's hand and bit it hard.

But with Sean's physique, Kuina couldn't bite it, and she just thought it was a child's play.

Although he was only seven years older than her, he just regarded her as a family member, so he didn't think much about it.

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