Sean came back to his senses and looked at the people in front of him with a cold face. He gradually released a momentum, although it was only a little bit, but it made the four colonels in front of him and a group of lieutenants behind them unable to move, as if falling into an ice cave.

After all, Sean just wanted to scare them, so he couldn't knock them out, otherwise no one would watch them pretending to be stupid.

Their noisy voices also stopped abruptly, and everyone's face flushed, as if someone was pinching their neck, and they could only make weird"ho ho" sounds.

The marines who were just standing and watching farther away were even more stunned, their mouths opened as if a devil fruit could fit in.

Sean strengthened his momentum one step further and applied gravity to these people.

"Bang Bang Bang——"

At first they tried to resist the gravity, but within a second they were kneeling on the floor one after another.

Sean looked down at them:"Don't you like to call people short? Why are you looking up at me now?"

Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel who had just called Sean short turned red, and veins on his neck seemed to burst out of his flesh and blood at the next moment.

You can imagine how angry he was at the moment, but he couldn't struggle no matter how hard he tried.

The navy watching from a distance wanted to come to rescue them, but they were a little afraid, so they could only watch blankly.

Sean didn't care, just paced back and forth, muttering to himself:"Let me tell you a story.

There was once a general who was ordered to lead an army, but the lieutenants of the army were all dissatisfied, thinking that this officer was so short that he must have no ability, and then they laughed at him unscrupulously.

Do you know what the consequence was? Well, you can't speak, so let me tell you, the consequence was that the short officer drew the knife at his waist and chopped off the head of the lieutenant who laughed at him.

He said, 'I hate to raise my head to talk, you laugh at my shortness, then I will cut off your head to shorten the distance between us', and then he held a meeting as if nothing had happened. Do you think this story I told you is touching?"

After the voice fell, in the horrified look of the crowd, Sean looked at everyone, as if he was gesturing how much to chop off.

They panicked at this moment. This was really a madman, more terrible than those of them who were not disciplined, because the look in his eyes was serious.

They really wanted to shorten the distance, but they couldn't do anything, even couldn't speak, they could only watch, this mental torture made them regret it.

Can't they just be law-abiding marines?

Time passed by bit by bit, and there was only the sound of"da, da" footsteps and their own panting at the scene.

After a long time, Sean nodded with satisfaction, walked to the side and picked up a water pipe.

After covering it with armed color and hardening it, he walked in front of them. Seeing that Sean seemed serious, the soldiers made a"ho ho" sound. They begged Sean to let them talk.

Sean didn't even look at it and hit the leg of the soldier closest to him with a stick.

Suddenly, I saw that his legs showed a strange arc, and then lost support and fell to the ground with a"bang".

The marines who didn't participate in this operation were shocked. This was too cruel. This leg became like this, it was estimated that it couldn't be saved.

What's more terrifying is that even if they wanted to open their mouths and scream to release their pain, they couldn't do it. They could only make low gasps like a wounded beast.

This is not over yet. Sean broke the legs of dozens of people in front of him, and then just stood aside, as if an artist admiring his masterpiece. He is definitely a psychopath. People around him gasped and contributed to the rise in global temperatures.

Everyone thought Sean was satisfied and were ready to call a military doctor.

Sean clicked his tongue and said,"No, even though you are shorter than me now, it's still not enough. Your hands are longer than mine, so...……"

Before everyone could react, Sean quickly shuttled between the soldiers lying on the ground.

When everyone came to their senses, they found that all the officers' hands and feet were disabled. Those who almost cried out quickly covered their mouths. They looked at the silver-haired young man who was less than two meters tall with horror. It was really cruel.

Sean watched and commented,"Oh, it's still almost there. Let's do it again. The steel pipe really doesn't look good enough."

Then everyone saw Sean raised his palm, and before others could figure out his intentions, they saw a milky yellow light with a little starlight on the bodies of the group of people.

When the light dissipated, everyone was shocked again. They saw that the officers who were originally disabled had their hands and feet restored to their original state. They all admired in their hearts that it seemed that this new commander was not so fierce.

But the sudden"crack" of bone fracture drew their attention back.

The onlookers were so scared that they trembled with fear, because Sean broke the hands and feet of these people directly, and arranged various text patterns.

After that, he had enough fun, and used his skills to restore them, and then picked up the water pipe to continue hitting their limbs.

Those soldiers who were oppressed by gravity and momentum and could not speak or move felt that they could not even commit suicide. They could only endure the pain of bone knocking again and again. They only had one wish now, which was to be able to shout and vent the pain.

But none of them could do it. At this moment, they regretted it very much. This was just a devil in human skin. They were all shouting in their hearts, what was going on with the devil fruit, the hottest fruit was eaten by the person with the coldest heart, and the most healing ability was also obtained by the person with the cruelest heart.

If God gave them another chance, they would definitely not do such stupid things again. Isn’t it better to be a law-abiding navy?

Just like this, Sean kept interrupting,���It closed, interrupted and healed, ten times in total.

But in the end, the group of people lying on the ground had dull eyes, as if they had fallen into darkness. Even the onlookers couldn't bear to watch. This method was too terrible. They couldn't die even if they wanted to.

Just after the last treatment, Sean withdrew the gravity and restrained the momentum.

But the people on the ground still didn't move at all. Sean looked at these people who looked like they were being played and was amazed. This"prayer" has so many uses.

Then Sean looked at the people on the ground with indifference,"I will forgive you this time. The next time I will blindfold you, cut your arteries, make you listen to the sound of your own blood flowing, and repeat the treatment. Believe me, it will be more painful than this!"

Seeing the light gradually coming to the eyes of the people on the ground, Sean suddenly shouted angrily:"I want to see everyone on the playground in five minutes! No matter if they are in the kitchen, logistics, or on guard, even if they are processing documents, I will see every one of them!"

Looking at the people who were still in a daze, he said,"Four minutes and fifty seconds left!"

After hearing this, everyone was alerted and hurriedly ran out at their fastest speed, wishing their parents had given them two more legs. The onlookers ran directly to the playground to gather.


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