
Sean looked at the execution of these soldiers and nodded with satisfaction.

Although they have many problems, they are all capable people, otherwise they would have been shot directly when they were sent to the military court for the first time.

But it is also difficult for them to execute orders, but no matter how difficult it is, they have to do it. Soldiers are bound by orders.

Only by completely shattering their pride and dragging them into darkness will they understand how precious light is.

At this time, as long as they are given light again, they will cherish it.

Although the means are somewhat violent and belong to armed obedience, it doesn't matter, there is still plenty of time to get along.

When they come back from injuries and help them with treatment, they will know which commander is the best. Yes, that's right.

In less than five minutes, everyone gathered. The tall man was called Meng An and his brother was called Monto. They were both lieutenant colonels, so they were responsible for reporting.

Sean nodded with satisfaction, looking at the marines standing all over the training ground, thinking that even if they were gangsters, their execution was not inferior to the elite troops of the headquarters.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard a roar from the office building:"Little brat! You ignore me like this, aren't you afraid that I will punish you!"

Boom - a big man in a red suit jumped down from the window and hit the concrete floor of the playground heavily, cracking the concrete floor.

Who else could this be but Akainu? The brothers Meng An suddenly felt a pang in their hearts, it's bad!

Just now, the two of them were frightened by Sean's methods and rushed into the office building to drag all the marines they saw, fearing that they would miss any of them.

The soldiers waiting at the door of Akainu were naturally pulled in.

Just now, Akainu was handling official business well, and he had also formulated a series of plans to encircle and suppress pirates with other branches. Just when he was about to give orders to execute the plans, no one responded for a long time.

Under the perception of observation Haki, the whole building was empty, but he was the only commander without troops. How could an extremist like Akainu bear it? In his opinion, not standing guard properly when standing guard is disobeying military orders and should be punished.

Although the brothers Mongan and Monto looked about the same height as Akainu and were stronger, their legs still went weak when facing Akainu.

Mongan had no choice but to say in front of Sean with a trembling voice:"Brigadier General Sean... I was too anxious just now, and accidentally pulled the soldiers outside General Sakaski's door..."

Monto had no choice but to bite the bullet and step forward to explain to Akainu:"General Sakaski, we didn't mean it... Please give us a chance……"

But Akainu ignored the two people beside him. He felt that Sean was extremely bad and didn't act like a soldier at all.

Soldiers should obey orders! Sean, this alien, was too hateful and was definitely targeting him.

Akainu's whole face was slightly flushed with magma, and the rising high temperature immediately made the nearby soldiers sweat profusely.

Staring at Sean, he gritted his teeth and said,"I am not Sengoku, and I will not be threatened by you! As long as you dare to rebel against the navy, no matter where you are, I will catch you with my own hands!"

Sean narrowed his eyes and stared at Akainu. He knew that Akainu must have something else to say, and he would not be so bored to come and talk nonsense.

Sure enough, the temperature rose again in an instant, and Akainu turned his head to look at the two soldiers who had just been standing guard at his door

"You two, you left your post without your superior's consent. Although it did not cause serious consequences, you must be brought to the military court! Wait for the verdict!"

Sean knew that this was directed at him. No matter how iron-blooded Akainu was, he would not embarrass two grassroots soldiers because of this matter. He was really unhappy with him.

"You are not allowed to go!" Sean said in an unquestionable tone:"The document from the headquarters has been issued. I am now the acting head of the G5 branch. I handle the affairs of my jurisdiction. What does it have to do with you!"

"Humph, I am a general. Don't say you are just the acting base commander. I have the right to mobilize all the branches in the New World, not to mention two soldiers who have left their posts without permission."

"Are you sure you want to target me?"

"This is for the navy! Not to mention that I am your superior!"

Just when the two were at loggerheads, thousands of soldiers nearby were trembling with fear at their aura. They did not expect the new superior to be so tough, and he was not at all inferior to Admiral Akainu.

Sean understood that this was Akainu's attempt to strike his arrogance, but Sean did not want to spoil him.

Although in Sean's mind, Akainu is a real soldier, and he admires such a person in his heart. Although he does not know what he has experienced, his personality is too extreme.

Sean asked himself if he was arrogant in order to make his position clear, but in Akainu's eyes he became a rebellious navy...

So his face turned cold:"Then let's say it clearly. I just didn't want to get involved in your factional ideological disputes at the beginning, but if you are aggressive again and again, I will be angry."

Akainu said gloomily:"Humph, but you shouldn't threaten the navy! The navy does not tolerate any provocation. Marshal Sengoku and others tolerate you, but it does not mean that I can tolerate you!"

"Hahahaha……"Sean laughed in anger:"If you guys hadn't been testing me all the time, would I be so angry? Don't you hate threats?

If I threaten those higher up, I'll either demote you or I'll go hang out with them every day. What do you think are the chances that you'll be on the same level as me in the future?"

Hearing this, Akainu's veins bulged. Of course he knew what Sean meant by this, which was to threaten the World Government with the lives of the Celestial Dragons.

And the success rate is also very high, because all they want is balance, and all the fights on the sea don't matter to them.

The premise of this is that Sean can really do as he said, and he can leave anytime and anywhere without fear of seastone.

There were already drops of magma dripping from Akainu's fist, melting holes in the floor.

""You kid! Are you looking for death?"

Sean sneered,"Everyone in the G5 branch! Return to the dormitory!"

""Akainu! I've been putting up with you for a long time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sean used the shaving technique, combined with repulsion and weightlessness on his body, and the fast Akainu didn't even have time to react.

He had already appeared in front of Akainu, with the domineering aura of the upper cherry blossom wrapped around his right leg, and kicked Akainu with a whip kick.

Although Akainu didn't expect Sean to dare to take the initiative, he was a veteran after all, so he directly wrapped the armament color around his arm to block Sean's kicking skills.

Unfortunately, due to the hasty defense and Sean's great strength, he was kicked directly into the dense forest behind the fortress, and it was unknown how far he flew.

The Marines were a little confused and didn't know whether they should go back. A sudden change left them no time to think, and they all wanted to escape from the scene at all costs.


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