
Akainu broke countless trees when he was kicked away, and finally he was embedded in a huge rock that looked like a hill.

The deafening roar of the collision scared the soldiers of the G5 branch.

They had seen people disobeying orders and rebelling against superiors.

But they had never seen, let alone heard of, someone hitting a general over a disagreement.

They could only sigh silently in their hearts, saying that he was worthy of being their new commander. If this guy was not exiled to G5, who would he exile? At this moment, they all believed that Sean was their leader.

But then came the deep worry, although the torture Sean had just given them cast a shadow on their psychology.

But they didn't care. Who hadn't experienced physical pain in their navy career on the edge of a knife? What's more, Sean healed their accumulated pain in the end.

They all stood on the roof and looked at the battle situation in the distance, although there was a constant roar in the depths of the jungle.

The dust in the sky obscured their vision, but it was not difficult to guess that neither of the two commanders used their true strength.

But the two commanders are at loggerheads, and neither of them will give in. Sooner or later, they will get angry. If they use a large-scale attack, G5 will be eliminated.

Thinking of this, everyone felt cold all over and felt unwell. At the critical moment, it was the younger brother Monto who reacted:"Let's go and notify the headquarters, otherwise it will be too late and they will get angry, and we will be finished."……"

A word awakens the dreamer

"That's right, report what happened here to the Marshal.……"

"But who can we tell? What if the higher-ups ask us to stop it?"

"How can we stop it? If we have that ability, would we be transferred to G5?"

"You can't say that. Isn't Brigadier General Sean transferred here?"

Listening to the topic of the crowd going off the topic, Monto shouted and asked them to be quiet.

"Okay, I'll contact the headquarters now. Don't go and watch out of curiosity. Otherwise, don't blame no one for saving you if you die." As soon as the voice fell, Monto jumped directly from the rooftop to the rooftop of the opposite office building.

As the highest-ranking officer at the time, Meng An also began to organize and try to move some important documents and materials to the port first.

What if the headquarters hasn't arrived yet, and those two monsters are so engrossed in the fight, can everyone still escape to the sea?

On the other side, in the office, Monto saw Akainu's Den Den Mushi and directly called Marshal Sengoku.

"Sakaski, are you coming back?"

Hearing this, Monto asked cautiously,"Excuse me, is this Marshal Sengoku?"

On the other side of the Den Den Mushi, Sengoku frowned,"Who are you? Why is Sakaski's Den Den Mushi in your hands?"

The sudden scolding frightened Monto so much that his whole body tensed up,"General Sakaski...he and Brigadier General Sean are fighting. Can you help me contact Marshal Sengoku?"

Hearing the slightly trembling voice on the other side, Sengoku was silent. After a moment of silence, he became furious:

"I am Sengoku! You'd better tell me everything in detail."

After that, Sengoku took out another Den Den Mushi and contacted Kizaru, asking him to come to his office.

Monto told Sean everything that happened from landing on the island to fighting with Akainu without reservation.

He even told them how they united to show Sean a lesson but were taught a lesson.

At the end, his voice was full of panic:"Marshal Sengoku, their fight is getting more intense, what should we do?"

Sengoku listened to the roar coming from the Den Den Mushi from time to time, and he was also annoyed. These two bastards, aren't they afraid of both sides being injured and attacked by pirates?

But after adjusting his mentality, he still said:"Be careful, Borsalino will be there soon."

Hearing this, Monto almost jumped up with joy. God knows how much his mood fluctuated.

Sengoku then added,"Pay attention to the surrounding waters. Their fight cannot be spread out, otherwise the pirates may make a big move."

After saying that, he hung up the Den Den Mushi, and Monto followed Sengoku's instructions to pass on the order.

Not long after, Kizaru came to Sengoku's office.

Sengoku went straight to the point and said,"Borsalino, you set off now to stop Sean and Sakaski's fight, the sooner the better."

Kizaru scratched his head in confusion,"What's wrong? Is their handover not going smoothly?"

Then Sengoku repeated what Monto had told him with a serious face.

Then he added,"The New World is too chaotic now. Once their battle situation is known to the outside world, there will definitely be big pirates coming to make trouble... So, you have to hurry."

"It’s really scary~ Are those two monsters so unscrupulous? Aren’t they afraid of attracting other monsters... Really~"

Having said that, Kizaru also knew the seriousness of the problem. He stood up and walked out of the office, turned into a ball of light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the two people who were competing in physical skills did not know the consequences of their battle.

No, maybe they know, but Sean doesn’t care, and the same goes for Akainu. If the pirates dare to come, he will let those pirates die in the sea.

Sean kicked Akainu with a whip kick, and Akainu blocked it with his arm.

The two were in a stalemate, but Sean said sarcastically:"No way, no way? Is the admiral so weak?"

Akainu pushed Sean away with a sudden force, then rushed forward and punched Sean.

Sean also exchanged fists with Akainu, and the ground where they stood was shattered by the impact of their fists.

In less than a moment, a deep pit with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared with the two of them as the center, and the two of them continued to punch each other in the pit.

The sound of the ground collapsing scared the navy who were paying attention to this place from a distance, and they thought the island was going to be gone.

After a while, both of them jumped out of the huge pit, and Akainu stared at Sean with a serious face:"Kid, I really underestimated you."

Sean tilted his neck,"So, is this the limit without using the power of the fruit? Can't you even force me to draw my sword?"

In their fight, the two had a tacit understanding not to use their abilities, because once they used their abilities recklessly, the defense line located in the New World would no longer exist, so even if they fought, neither of them wanted the fortress to be gone.

After all, strictly speaking, they were all family members. Akainu only wanted to suppress Sean's arrogance, and Sean just hated being targeted.

That's all.

Akainu also sneered,"Huh, you weren't even born when I used a knife, so what? You think your physical skills are strong? You can't even tear my clothes apart. Since you're not strong enough, just keep your tail between your legs!""

"Damn it, you're done! Red Dog!"


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