Just as Akainu and Sean started another physical confrontation, the fight was in full swing.

In the sea area where the G5 branch is located, some pirates passed by but were attracted by the billowing smoke in the G5 base fortress.

Then they also heard the muffled sounds of various collisions, which attracted their attention.

Later, they saw a large number of navy standing in the port, and they were all looking in the direction of the smoke.

This really made these pirates burn with a raging gossip soul.

Fortunately, they were not reckless, but sent out swimming experts to approach quietly and gather intelligence.

After all, looking at the postures of these navy, they were on alert. Didn’t you see that there were already warships coming?

So the pirates on this ship did not know what was going on, and they did not dare to act casually. They had to stay away and wait for their swimming experts to bring back the information.

Not long after, the swimming brother came back.

With an excited look on his captain, he said:"Boss, I overheard explosive news and was almost discovered for this.��

The boss also said anxiously:"What's going on? Just tell me, don't waste time.""

"Well, you must remember to report my contribution. I heard that someone in there is fighting with Akainu."

After saying that, he did not forget to add,"They seem to be waiting for people from the headquarters to mediate. It seems to be an internal conflict." Hearing this, the boss was excited. He was a member of Kaido's group and was also quite famous.

But it was not enough for him. He still lacked a devil fruit, the animal type. If he made contributions, he might be rewarded.

As long as this message is passed on, the monsters currently competing for hegemony on the sea will be attracted.

Kaido must be very excited, because this is a chaotic feast, a feast unique to the new world.

Because he once learned from the drunk Jack that Kaido has been planning a major event and is committed to launching the top war.

Thinking of this, he quickly ordered:"Hurry up and leave this sea area. I will report the situation here to Boss Jack."

So the little leader went straight to the captain's room, took out the Den Den Mushi, and called 'Drought' Jack.

Not long after, a slightly angry voice came from the Den Den Mushi:"I'm hungover and have a headache, how dare you call me at this time! Give me a reason to let you go,"

Hearing the words of his boss, the little leader said in fear and trepidation:"Boss Jack, there is really a situation!……"

Immediately, the little leader told everything he had seen and heard, but maybe because he was not smart, he added artistic expressions to some of his words.

For example, someone from the G5 branch was fighting with Akainu, and the people from the headquarters were waiting for someone from the headquarters to persuade them to stop fighting. But when it came out of his mouth, it became Akainu fighting with people from the headquarters, and the soldiers from the G5 branch were trying to persuade them to stop fighting. After listening to the report from his subordinates, Jack hung up the Den Den Mushi after saying"I'll come back later".

Then he looked at the drunks on the ground. Their captain, the governor of the Beasts Pirates, was even more drunk.

Then he stepped forward and pushed his captain hard, but there was no response. He had to roar with his big voice:

"Boss Kaido! The top battlefield you want is coming soon!!!"

""Hmm..." Kaido's eyelids twitched, and he opened his eyes faintly.

He looked at Jack with sleepy eyes:"What did you just say?"

So Jack thought about it, and roughly processed the content according to what I said.

"My subordinate said that in the G5 branch, Akainu was fighting with the people from the headquarters. I heard it was Kizaru. It seems that many soldiers from the G5 branch were also affected and died."

"Boss Kaido, this is an opportunity. We can kill the top fighters of the navy and increase our reputation."

The 'Flame Disaster' Jin on the side also added at the right time:"If the development of this matter is true, they may both lose.

As long as we capture those two top fighters, the headquarters will definitely send a large number of navy to the New World, and the other monsters in the New World will not let them succeed."

Kaido squinted his eyes and thought, and after a while he said faintly:"It's really interesting. Let's get ready. We can't let this sea become unbalanced.……"


"Long live the captain~"

As one of the strongest forces in the New World, the Beasts Pirates' preparations for war naturally aroused reactions from all sides.


On an unknown island, the Red Hair Pirates were resting.

At this moment, Ben Beckman received a call from a Den Den Mushi.

Not long after, Beckman came back and said to the Red Hair,"Shanks, Kaido has made a big move. He is gathering his officers." The

Red Hair was a little confused:"What does he want to do?"

"It's not certain yet, but judging from the current news, the plot is definitely not small, the three big bosses, the Flying Six and other high-level combat forces have all been recalled."

Lakilu was eating big bones and meat, and said while eating:"Captain, could it be that he wants to take advantage of the last crazy time before the tranquility?"

Jesus Bu on the side said speechlessly:"Do you really think that a person like Kaido is a fool?"

Listening to the discussion of the crew, Shanks pondered for a moment,"Okay, gather everyone and go and see together, no matter what he wants to do, we can't let him succeed!"

At the end, Shanks narrowed his eyes and said to himself:"I hope you don't do stupid things... Balance, even if it is short-lived, is what all parties need now.……"


Wanguo, BIG·MON Pirates' base.

The great pirate Charlotte Linlin was having a party with her children.

At this moment, a hurried shout came from outside the door.

"Oh no, oh no, something big is going to happen!"

Charlotte Lingling hated being interrupted while enjoying her dessert. Suddenly, her whole body exuded a sticky aura like substance.

"Well... Perospero, you'd better give me a satisfactory answer, otherwise your end will not be too good~"

Feeling the pressure coming, Perospero had to bite the bullet and said:"Kaido and Red Hair have taken action, they have gathered the cadres."

Hearing this, Charlotte Linlin was also a little surprised. There was absolutely no possibility of any cooperation between the two.

Then she squinted and asked:"So, what do they want to do?"

Perospero was under tremendous pressure, but he didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Katakuri stood up at the critical moment:"Mom, no matter what they want to do, we can't just sit there and wait for death, and Red Hair's prestige has been growing in the past two years.……"

"Well, let's call the officers to go out to sea! Let them know our attitude! We can't let the world look down on our pirate group.……"


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