
After listening to Kizaru's words, Sean and Akainu were surprisingly in agreement.

They asked in unison:"Who is spreading rumors?"

Kizaru said cheerfully:"I don't know, but judging from the time, the pirates in the New World have already known about it~"

Sean was speechless.

Akainu asked the key point,"So you said those pirates are rushing to the G5 branch?" Kizaru nodded:"And they can't be stopped, because this time the distance is too far. Many big figures in the New World will be ridiculed if they retreat. Even if you stop fighting, they will come."

Akainu's increasingly gloomy face was reflected with bursts of red light.

"Humph, if they dare to come, I will make them completely buried in the sea this time!"

Sean was too lazy to listen to Akainu's bragging, and asked directly:"How long will it take them to get to the sea, what is the headquarters' plan?"

Kizaru pouted and said:"Well, it should take no more than a day. As for the headquarters, I received a call from Den Den Mushi on the way, saying that Aokiji, Marshal Sengoku and Mr. Garp are also coming."

Hearing this, Sean took a breath of cold air. Do they really need such a luxurious lineup?

"So which forces are jumping?"

Kizaru scratched his head and said,"Hmm... it seems that they are all here, as long as they are the overlords, they will come."

"Oh, this is a bit troublesome. Can we control the situation? What about those lieutenant generals?"

"Humph, if you are afraid of death, just be a deserter, kid. As long as I am here, I will never let any pirates enter the paradise."

Hearing this, Sean was unhappy:"You were beaten to death by me."

"You were sneak attacking!"

"But I still got beaten"

"If you are afraid of death, get out of here!"

"I can teleport at any time. Do you believe that I will take them back to the headquarters and leave you here alone?"

Kizaru interrupted them hurriedly,"The general officers from the New World are on their way here. They should be the first to arrive."

Hearing this, Akainu was too lazy to continue arguing with Sean, and turned around and walked towards the dormitory.

He had to clean himself up. After all, he represented the navy and could not be embarrassed.

Sean raised his hand and used a"wish" on Akainu.

Akainu paused, but still walked away without saying anything.

Kizaru asked curiously,"Don't you hate him very much? Why are you treating him?"

Sean said,"Let's go to the cafeteria first. I'm so hungry.……"

So he walked and said,"Although I don't like him, it's just because his ideas are too extreme, but after all, we are colleagues, and there is still a big battle to be fought."

"He was undoubtedly an excellent sailor, but definitely not an excellent officer. He treated his colleagues with the same extremes."

"I just didn't want to get involved in the faction dispute between him and Aokiji, and he hated me. You let him be the commander with such a small tolerance? Don't let him die alone in a big battle."

"He never understood that any group is built up from the bottom and the middle, layer by layer."

Kizaru was a little surprised. He didn't expect Sean to see it so clearly. However, he overlooked a factor. On this sea, fists speak.

So he asked:"Then do you think Aokiji is more promising?"

Sean shook his head and said with a sigh:"I don't think highly of him. Let's not talk about the strength. He and Akainu are two extremes. Akainu is willing to sacrifice everything for the rules, while Aokiji can do everything and even ignore the rules. There is no doubt that he is more humane. He can be a good leader, but he is definitely not a qualified law enforcer."

Kizaru also knew Sean's thoughts for the first time, and he became interested:"Since you are not optimistic about them, but Marshal Sengoku is getting older and will step down sooner or later. Do you want to compete with them?"

Kizaru feels that even though Sean's current status is not high enough, he is the strongest competitor.

As long as time passes, his prestige in the navy will definitely surpass those two people, just because of his healing ability.

The World Government dare not offend him. With the character of those in power, they only want balance. As long as it does not affect their rule, they don't care about anything on the sea.

Because if they take action against Sean, if they cannot subdue him in one go, they will face the dilemma of having to sleep with one eye open.

Sean is too mysterious, so mysterious that even the World Government's spy agencies and analysts cannot know his trump card. So mysterious that even if they know that this is an uncontrollable factor, they dare not act rashly. If the position of marshal can tie him down, I believe the World Government will be willing.

Sean didn't know Kizaru's little tricks, and said bluntly:"Forget it, I have a clear understanding of myself, and I am not cut out to be a commander. I am just an ordinary person who yearns for peace in my heart."

Kizaru's mouth twitched when he heard the three words"ordinary people". If you are an ordinary person, then how can real ordinary people survive?

"So according to you, the entire navy has no candidate for the commander-in-chief?"

Since their battle stopped, the sailors of the G5 branch have all returned to the fortress.

The canteen also had chefs cooking again. Sean did not respond to Kizaru, but left a word of waiting and hurried to order food.

Not long after, Sean took a lot of food to the private room on the second floor and ate it heartily.

Kizaru watched from the side without any hurry. He had the fastest fruit, but he was a slow person.

After a while, Sean, who was full of food and wine, spoke:

"Yes, I have someone in mind, and that is you, General Borsalino."

Although he was a little surprised by Sean's answer, he didn't react too much:"This is really difficult~ I am the same as you, I don't have much demand for power."

"Have you ever thought about this? Let’s not talk about me first, but about Aokiji and Akainu. They have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years. How will the losing side deal with it?

��It's said who wins and who loses, but the loser will never accept the other party's ideas. Have you ever thought about the result?"

Kizaru certainly knows that in this sea, the belief of the strong is no less than the existence of their own lives, which is both ethereal and real.

What's more, it's just a matter of a camp?

Sean continued:"Maybe you will find it troublesome, but your smoothness to the superiors, your attitude towards your subordinates, and your measurement of sin, undoubtedly you are the one who should sit in that position most."

"But I just can't stand the constraints of that position. I understand what you said, but there's nothing I can do.……"

After the words fell, Sean saw a rare serious expression on Kizaru's face. Although it was still wretched, it was obviously different.

Sean shrugged indifferently,"Then why should the navy be the navy of the World Government? Why can't it just be a simple navy?"

…… ps: The last few chapters may be a bit long, but it’s all to explain some things, and the battle scenes won’t be dragged out, because the main focus is on the plot.

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