
Seeing Kizaru's hesitant expression, Sean interrupted him and said,"The times are about to go haywire. There are no gods in the world, and there is no need for them. In ten years... In ten years, this sea will boil completely.

Don't refute me. Maybe you know the people above very well, but I know the people below better than you. We are the navy of justice. Have you ever thought about how we"henchmen" will deal with ourselves after theocracy is behind us?

I don't believe you have no feelings for the navy. The majesty of the navy has never relied on any outsiders. It is fought by our soldiers with swords and guns.

You know better than Aokiji and Akainu how to deal with the people above. Only you can make the navy as independent as possible without being constrained.

In the age of twilight, no one can stay out of it, including you and me. No matter how hippie you are, it's useless. When they fall from the altar, our efforts for justice over the years will be worthless because of our position! It includes all the navy. You know better than me how serious the problems above are. After being exposed, our navy will become a joke."

Sean said dry mouth, and he never believed that he could convince Kizaru so easily.

But it is enough to plant a seed in his heart. If

Kizaru runs to run for the position of marshal, it will be a big deal. In the anime, not only is the behavior of this admiral unpredictable, but he has never even used his full strength.

No one knows how strong he is.

Kizaru's expression became more and more serious, and then he raised his head and asked seriously:"So, what is your basis for judging ten years later? This is something that even the world government can't do."

Sean shrugged,"Ha... I made it up, do you believe it? Just wait and see, when the new generation grows up, the old era will become a thing of the past, and this is a signal."

"The elegy before dawn will wait for dawn along with darkness, but the day before dawn is the darkest, isn't it?"

"I hope you can make a decision before that time. As long as you take up the banner of the navy, I will definitely be the first to support you."

"That's it, I'm going back to sleep, I'm so sleepy~"

Just like that, Huang Yuan looked at Sean's back as he left, unable to calm down for a long time.

In his heart, he kept weighing what Sean said. Although there was no evidence, he had a hunch.

Sean didn't lie to him, the gods would really fall.……


While Sean and Akainu were eating, sleeping and resting, the generals of the New World came to the G5 branch to prepare for the battle.

No one dared to disturb the two of them while they were resting. Regardless of whether they were injured or not, they must maintain their best mental state.

After all, this is a big scene, a collective collision between the overlord of the New World and the highest combat power of the headquarters.

One careless move may even lead to unimaginable consequences.

Kizaru has the highest rank among those present, and no matter which faction these vice admirals are from, they all know that Kizaru will not compete with their own superiors, so they also sincerely respect him.


On the other side, the pirates from the New World are about to arrive, and they are also aware of Kaido's movements.

The reason is simple. Kaido wants to pick up the leak and thus trigger a war. This is the judgment given by people who know Kaido.

Pirates who are not familiar with Kaido think this is a good opportunity to strike the navy.

As long as the performance is outstanding, there will be a foothold in the New World, and they will no longer be ordinary pirates.

So no matter whether they are big pirates or small pirates, they all went there.

Let's not talk about whether to fight or not, but gossip is human nature, so naturally you have to go to the scene to observe.

Kaido was also a little confused. Obviously, only he knew this news, how could the whole world know it inexplicably?

He didn't believe that all the pirates came to support him.

The New World has been in a state of chaos since Roger opened the Age of Discovery.

Now that the situation is finally becoming clear, he believes that there will be people who want to balance and jump out to oppose him.

Then he picked up the Den Den Mushi and called Charlotte Linlin, and a temporary alliance was formed.

Although he had been on the same ship with Newgate, they had been at odds since they parted ways.

So he didn't contact Whitebeard.


The next morning, Sean got up, washed up, and then walked to the cafeteria.

The G5 soldiers he met on the way greeted him with awe.

After breakfast in the cafeteria, Meng En came over:

"Brigadier General Sean, Admiral Kizaru asked me to come and have a meeting with you."

"Is that bastard Akainu here too?"

Hearing this, Meng En felt terrible. He thought that in the entire navy, only his own chief officer would dare to call Admiral Akainu a bastard.

So he quickly said,"Admiral Akainu and the other vice admirals are here. They are waiting for you to come over.……"

"All right."

After standing up, Sean went directly to the meeting room.

The soldiers standing guard at the door of the meeting room opened the door as soon as they saw their superior coming.

Wow, wow, Sean saw people he knew except Kizaru, Akainu and Gumir.

Even Vice Admiral Bastille, whose combat power was lying on the floor, was there. It was incredible that he was already a vice admiral at this time.

There were also Vice Admirals 5 of the Demon Slayer Order, Flying Squirrel, Spider Ghost, Doberman, Burning Mountain, Stoloberry and other vice admirals who were not as good as the best but better than the worst.

The moment the door was opened, everyone looked at Sean in unison. Everyone was also very curious about this super star of the navy who challenged Admiral Akainu as soon as he came to the New World.

Their first impression was that this man was definitely a strong man. Didn't you see Sean's cold and arrogant look? That was the unique aura of the strong...

Sean raised his hand and greeted him:"Hi, it's quite early."

"Ah, she is as young as the rumors say.……"

"Come and sit down, we are going to start discussing how to deal with the upcoming pirates."

""Yes... I've been waiting for you."

Seeing that everyone was greeting him enthusiastically, Sean quickly put away his frivolous attitude.

Regardless of their deeds, these were high-end fighters who defended justice, and their contributions were definitely not small. He quickly went over to talk to them.

Seeing Sean's kind attitude, they were also very satisfied. They were afraid of people who looked down on everyone. It would be a disaster for such people to gain power.

Not long after Sean sat down, someone else jumped out to make trouble.

"Humph, a mere brigadier general, you made so many lieutenant generals and two admirals wait for you, you still dare to sit down?"

Hearing this, the atmosphere on the field suddenly stagnated, and Sean squinted at the person who spoke.

Isn't this the arrogant Lieutenant General Bastille who was beaten down by Sabo in less than a minute?

The lieutenant generals here, although they all have their own positions, either under Akainu or Aokiji.

But they all have their own pride, their own judgment and their own way of dealing with people.

After all, a position does not mean being a licking dog.


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