
Then Sean told Doflamingo some details, but he still had to wait until the person who was responsible for connecting with him arrived.

Naturally, Doflamingo also knew that Law was a smokescreen pushed by Sean.

When he saw Baby5 calling him"Sir Sean" in a sweet way.

Doflamingo was almost mad again. He tried to trick Baby5, but the little loli just wouldn't listen.

She said something that moved Doflamingo.

"Sean's needs will occupy my life."

It was at this time that Doflamingo realized how persistent this little Lolita

's belief was. At the same time, his resentment towards Sean became even stronger. This was clearly looking for loopholes to fool children. This person was really bad!

Knowing that Sean and his friends needed a place to stay, Doflamingo told them a place.

Sean took everyone away on a small purchasing ship. He would not expose his ability in front of Xiao Ming.

Thinking that there was still nearly a month left, and there were no major events in the timeline of the comics, he would not wander around. The most recent event was the birth of Chopper two years ago.

In addition, now that he has broken the gene lock, he knows the nature of this system very well, and it will never give you power directly.

Just use it to practice Flying Thunder God Teleportation, and strive to achieve a second-carved mark, which will be a real teleportation! Although it is unlikely.

So Sean has no idea about the plot points in the short term, it is better to invest in a few more tools.

Especially when going back to the past, the greater the impact they cause, the more they will probably gain when they return to the future.

Advanced skills will be available in the future!


Just like that, as soon as the group left Doflamingo and the others' sight, Sean used his ability to speed up...

In the following time, Sean trained the two little ones, and he was also practicing the marking speed of Flying Thunder God's transmission.

But I always feel that something is missing, and mental strength and domineering spirit are somewhat similar.

But he just doesn't feel smooth at all, always feels that it lacks moisture and is not moist enough.

It is worth mentioning that Luo and baby5 are also very hard-working. After all, they live in a pile of pirates and have seen too much cruelty.

Knowing the importance of strength, they can now feel their progress every day.

Since drinking that potion, although they are exhausted every day, they can feel that they are getting stronger every day.

Rosinante also performs his duties as a nanny very well.

During this period, Sean asked Rosinante to make a life card, because he wanted the tool man to look at this and come to him, and let him report back to the headquarters.

After all, he was using the navy this time. Even if Sengoku was there, he needed to go back and explain Law's matter in person, and by the way, he needed to ask for a copy of Law's copywriting approved by Sengoku himself as a pirate.

The navy said that Doflamingo had boarded a big ship and would definitely become a dark giant in the future.

At that time, Law would lurk there as a pirate under his command.

Time passed quickly, and a month passed quickly.

On this day, the system prompted Sean that he would be forced to be teleported away in five minutes.

After knowing this, several people looked at this"Marshal of the Navy" who had been with him for a month with a complicated face. Although he was very strict, it was undeniable that several people had gained a lot.

Especially Rosinante, he learned from Sean the correct way to open the Silence Fruit.

The essence of sound is the sound wave generated by the vibration of an object, which is transmitted through media such as air, solids and liquids, so he will develop his abilities in this direction.

Baby5 hugged Sean's thighs and said nothing. Although he knew that they would meet again in the future, he still felt very sad.

With a pursed mouth, tears rolled in his eyes, but he was stubborn and didn't fall.

Sean squatted down, touched baby5's head, and said with a smile:"I will leave in a few minutes. See you in seven years. Before you go, tell me what you promised me."

Baby5 pursed her lips and said with a slight tremor in her voice:"I can't be needed by others anymore, and I can't eat strange devil fruits.……"

"Also, be more ladylike, don't wear clothes that are too revealing, and develop good habits.……"

"Also, I can only be Sean's little maid.……"

Tap, tap - the tears in the little girl's big eyes finally couldn't be held back, and the big tears fell down.

There was a sobbing tone in her voice:"And more... I have to eat well, exercise well... and strive to become a strong person!……"

Seeing the blue light gradually emanating from Sean's body, the little girl threw herself into Sean's arms like a swallow returning to its nest, and started to cry loudly.

"Let's look forward to seeing each other next time. I look forward to your excellence~"

"And there's more, and there's more, I haven't finished yet! You can't leave... Woohoo……"

Without waiting for Sean to respond to her, she suddenly squatted on the ground.

The place where Sean was standing was empty, without a single person.

The little girl cried heartbreakingly, and Ronaldinho and his wife didn't know how to comfort her.

The little girl was actually not stupid, otherwise she would not have survived to be adopted by the Don Quixote family after being abandoned by her mother.

She was also very clear that her personality would be exploited, but she lacked love and security in her heart.

Sean appeared and said that he needed her like his usual"partner". She would be very happy even if she was trained as a tool.

But the promise Sean made to her was shocking to the little girl who had experienced so much cruelty at the age of 11.

"Unless I die, I will always need you."

"Let me tell you a secret, no one in this world can kill me~ I'm very strong!"

Sean's words have been lingering in her mind, this is a real need.

She doesn't think that she has anything worthy of being coveted by the other party, worthy of the other party using the potion that he spent a lot of money to cultivate her, just because of her verbal promise...

This inferior and cute little girl, at this time, doesn't know that her greatest characteristic is loyalty.

At this time, the little Lolita who was crying with her knees hugged, her crying slowly turned into sobbing, and gradually, she stopped sobbing.

Just when the big and small Luo classmates were a little worried.

Baby5 slowly stood up, the shadow in the bangs covered her face, making it difficult for the two to see each other's faces clearly.

Baby5 slowly raised her little face, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened her big eyes, imitating Sean's cold expression and looked at Luo:"Let's practice sparring."

Luo was a little dazed. Is this still the little girl who loves to play pranks but would be scared to tears by his stern face? She always feels different, but he doesn't know what's different.

Rosinante saw more than Luo. Although he didn't know whether the change was good or bad, it was definitely because of the man just now.

He just didn't know how the other party made a"convenient" tool become his exclusive one?

If Sean knew what Rosinante was thinking, he would definitely tell him that it was"sincere". If he used bullying to drive Baby5 away every day, it would be a miracle if she would open her heart to him.

Because women are emotional, regardless of age, they are often more sensitive to emotions than men.

Don't you see that women are more likely to notice that men are cheating than men?

Some men have raised their sons for decades and didn't know that their sons were not theirs.

Some women can tell that you have cheated with a detail in a photo, a sentence, or even a change in attitude.

This day was a turning point in the change of character for Baby5, and it was also a day of growth.


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