
Let's not talk about the little Loli's subtle changes, because Sean didn't know either.

At this time, he was sent to another time node by the system.

There were many lush green trees all around here, and Sean quickly turned on his observation color to sense this place.

He found that it was just a small island, and there was no trace of humans on the island. There was only a small lake in the center of the island.

Sean thought about it and decided to go to the lake to catch some freshwater fish to eat.

Because the food in the past month was too casual, and because the two children needed to supplement nutrition, Sean directly caught sea kings as ingredients.

They eat a lot, and Rocinante is not a professional chef like Sanjishi.

Basically, they are all roasted and sprinkled with seasonings and eaten.

After a while, Sean came to the sparkling lake, and the weather here was also very good.

When Sean was about to catch a fish, he caught an orange object not far away from the corner of his eye.

He turned his head and opened his mouth slightly:"Fog!"

Sean walked towards the orange object in two steps. After picking it up, he saw that it was covered with some mud. He couldn't see the specific appearance, but he could roughly see that it was a fruit.

He took it to the lake next to him and washed it with water, and finally revealed the true face of the fruit.

The orange fruit showed flame patterns, and it looked like a burning flame. What else could it be if it wasn't the Flame-Flame Fruit?

Sean was a little confused. Is he so lucky? He can even pick up the Flame-Flame Fruit.

Even if it is said that the magma fruit, one of the three natural disaster fruits, can burn everything and is the superior fruit of the Flame-Flame Fruit, Sean doesn't think the Flame-Flame Fruit is bad at all.

He is now in this world and understands that the so-called magma fruit can burn everything is just a concept.

Just like his gravity fruit, can he use gravity to create a black hole?

The most important thing is that he has fought with Red Dog. Although his magma is very lethal to him, it is not to the point where he can't bear it.

The maximum temperature of magma is only 1400 degrees, which is essentially crystallized minerals turned into liquid.

But there is no upper limit for flames, but this has already risen to the concept of ability development.

With excitement, Sean felt that he was finally going to become the emperor of luck? With an excited heart and trembling hands, he opened the map function and checked the time by the way.

【1503 of the Haiyuan calendar, unnamed island. 】

Sean's excitement froze, and he quickly looked through the events. There was nothing happening in the past few years, except for the days when several members of the Straw Hat Pirates were born one after another. There was only one event this year, Boa Hancock was abducted by human traffickers, but he didn't know the exact time, so he was a little helpless.

As for going to Amazon Lily Island with a shameless face and telling 12-year-old Hancock not to go out to sea?

Is that possible? Don't be kidding, it's a country full of women who advocate force, just don't be treated as a gangster.

And he can't do anything to lick it. Anyway, there is no woman in his heart, and he will be a god when he draws his sword.

At best, when he passes by, he can just remind someone casually, and the rest depends on God's will.

The current plot point is dispensable to him. It's best if the other party believes it, but he can't do anything if he doesn't believe it. He knows that the women on this island are very conceited.

I thought it was luck, but I didn't expect that this fruit was just a consolation prize.

Sean looked at the fruit and sighed,"You said you were the floating fruit, how nice it would be," and suddenly Sean had an idea, yes, why not go find the Golden Lion?

After some operations during this period of time, in addition to buying two bottles of gene potions.

There are still more than 200,000 left, and the search function of the map determines the required plot points depending on the degree of mystery.

Starting at 50,000, there is no upper limit. Finding a person is 50,000, and finding a devil fruit requires 100,000. Those in the historical text are more expensive, and 500,000 is just the information historical text.

Sean immediately decided to deal with the Golden Lion, find him for 50,000, and finally find the devil fruit for 100,000.

The plan worked!

Sean put the fruit away and put it in the system mall. He would not give it to Ace, this idiot.

Ace simply uses elemental attacks, but Sabo directly uses physical weapons with fruits, which is very strong. For Ace's growth, he should follow his father's way.

Ace should just practice Iron Fist obediently, and get him a gene potion when he returns.

When the system deducted 50,000 plot points, Sean had already found the location of Vermeu Island.

He immediately stopped wasting time, sat cross-legged on a stone slab, and soared into the air.


After flying for about half a day, Sean was a little hungry and was ready to go down to see if there was a town where he could have a good meal.

After putting on his mask and cloak again, Sean lowered his altitude.

But apart from the endless sea, he did not find any islands.

Just when Sean was a little disappointed, black dots came into view in the distance.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a large merchant ship.

Sean immediately took out some Baileys and prepared to exchange them for a delicious meal on the ship.

Merchant ships on the sea generally would not refuse a powerful person like him to take a ride, not to mention paying.

But before landing, a burst of anger rose up!

Because this is a ship of human traffickers, and even the flag of the World Government was hung.

Under his perception of the color of seeing, he could see the human beings huddled in the cabin, and he could sense the negative emotions such as hesitation, fear, confusion, and the shapes of chains and cages.

There is no doubt that this is a ship of the running dogs of the Celestial Dragons!


Sean landed directly on the deck with a loud noise.

After hearing the loud noise, a group of strong men in black suits came and surrounded Sean.

At this time, the strong men in suits made way in the middle, and a bald man in a gray suit with a ferocious look came out and stepped forward and said,"Sir, what do you want?"

Sean got straight to the point and said,"Are you human traffickers?" The bald man chuckled and did not answer directly. Instead, he pointed to the flags on the ship and said,"What do you want to do? Why don't you take a look at what these flags represent?" The bald man was not stupid. Anyone who could suddenly fall from the sky must not be a weakling. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he planned to force him away. No one on this sea could resist the Celestial Dragons!

Hearing the bald man's threat, Sean laughed in anger and asked,"The flag of the World Government, what do you want to say?"

The bald man thought that the cloaked man was a fool, so he explained,"The World Government prohibits the buying and selling of people. Think about why we can hang this flag?"

Hearing this, Sean calmed down instead, because in his mind they were already dead.

So he said playfully:"Oh? Then I really have to listen carefully, why don't you tell me?" It was the first time that the bald man saw such a dumbfounded person. Although the other party was wearing a mask, he still felt that he was not very old from his voice.

So he said:"Of course, the goods on this ship are for the adults above, the world's nobles, do you understand? Young man……"

"So after all this talk, you are just a lackey of the Celestial Dragons?"

…… ps: Thank you for your small gifts, I wish you all a happy National Day, I will continue to write after I wake up. I will save Hancock. If you think about it from another angle, it means that the non-African has become the European emperor~ I went out for a walk today, I am so sleepy, I have updated so much first, I will continue to write after I wake up~

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