
Hearing this, the fat on the bald man's face seemed to prove

"Boy, don't think you can talk freely just because you are in disguise. Even if you are their dog, are you qualified to be one?"

Sean was really angry and laughed. What kind of idiot spread such a deformed idea.

Before Sean could respond, the bald man waved his hand and said,"Go and catch him for me. I will torture him slowly!"

Sean didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, so he took off and started to fight.

Sean clenched his five fingers towards the deck and whispered softly:

""Chaos·Hell Funeral"

Boom -

Everyone on the deck, including the bald man, was suddenly pressed to the ground by gravity.

Immediately after that area of the deck, the flow of air gradually produced all kinds of strange winds.

Some were like heavy objects smashing at everyone, some were like knives cutting each other, and there were inexplicable sounds of breaking through the air, and often after the sound of breaking through the air, one person was left with a hideous wound... or they felt that they were pushed from the back to those"death sickle"-shaped winds... In short, it was a mess, and blood gradually dyed the deck red...

Gradually, the wooden boards on the deck were also affected, and the wood chips gradually became shattered, and then combined with the air.

Making all kinds of strange"air" full of texture.

Under the collision and interweaving of various forces, the deck completely disappeared and turned into a ball of powder attacking the men in suits, and they fell to the next level.

The magical thing is that this"wind" did not mean to extend outward, but kept circling around these people.

Sean looked down at him, although he wanted to let himself go like this The force destroyed the entire ship.

But he still had to rescue the people in the cabin, and it would be troublesome if the ship was destroyed.

So Sean loosened his five fingers, and all kinds of wood chips and meat scraps fell to the ground in the range of the force field collision. In the storage room on the second floor, there were only wood chips mixed with red liquid on the wooden boards.

Yes, under the pull of the force field, all that was left of these scum was a pool of red viscous liquid mixed with the wood chips.

Sean slowly landed on the other side and exhaled. If it weren't for the angry attack He would not use a butcher knife to kill a chicken.

Although it was controlled in a small range, once he released it with all his strength, it was different from other natural disaster-level fruits, which could directly change the weather and topography.

His ability could completely turn everything in the geographical location into dust and wipe it out.

Next, Sean strolled around the merchant ship because he knew there were still a few rats here.

As he walked down the cabin, he picked up some small wooden sticks. He casually put these small wooden sticks on the ground while walking.���Go out, with bursts of air-breaking sounds, followed by a brief whimper.

Not long after, Sean came to the warehouse where the"goods" were imprisoned.

Rather than a warehouse, it was a cage, mixed with all kinds of pungent smells.

It is conceivable what kind of mental torture these people have suffered here, this is completely imprisoned as animals.

Once the people here don't end themselves here, then when they are sold as goods in the future.

When they are"renovated", they may be more adaptable to the identity of slaves.

What's more, all the imprisoned here are little girls!!!

Suddenly Sean felt that it was too cheap for those scum just now, and they shouldn't let them die so easily.

At this time, the large and small cages in the"warehouse" trapped forty or fifty young girls.

They all looked at the mysterious man in the cloak who suddenly came in timidly, but there was no light in their eyes.

It seemed that they didn't believe that anyone dared to rescue them from this ship. When they were abducted, they already knew where the ship was going.

As children, they could only accept it.

At this time, next to one of the cages, a short man wearing gold and silver, a fur coat, and exuding the temperament of a nouveau riche, was holding a gun with trembling legs, pointing it at Sean.

"You...you stop right there! Otherwise I will shoot!"

Upon hearing this, Sean did not stop and continued to walk towards him. He was a little curious. Why did this man think that this thing could deal with him?

But this man immediately pointed the gun at a girl in the cage and roared:"I really shot! Don't you want to save people? You can't save her if you come over again!"

This dwarf is not stupid. Of course he knows that such a strong man will not be so easy to deal with.

But he doesn't care. He has hostages. He has seen and heard too many"heroic deeds" of the so-called"heroes" on the sea.

In his opinion, those people obviously have the strength, but they will be restrained by some"small things" until they fall into the abyss. They are simply stupid.

Sure enough, after he saw Sean really stop, he said with a little complacency:"As long as you let me go, I will let this man go."

Sean tilted his head and pointed at himself:"So, are you threatening me?"

"That's right! The people here shouldn't have died. If one person dies because of you, the rest will hate you for the rest of their lives! Think about it carefully, hero!"

Sean laughed dumbly. It turned out that this man regarded himself as a saint and tried to criticize him on a moral level.

If it were someone else, they might really be threatened by him, not to mention that he was strong enough to save the person before the other party opened fire.

He himself was never afraid of this mere"public pressure", and he would not overestimate the credit of these people. They were all a group of despicable scum. Once they succeeded, their demands would become even worse.

The most important thing is that Sean never thought of himself as a hero. He only did what he could and labeled himself as an ordinary person.

So he whispered:"You will not be able to survive today. ��Can't die."

Before the dwarf could react, Sean disappeared and appeared directly in front of the dwarf.

He stretched out five fingers, pressed on the other's face, and slammed him to the ground.

Bang, bang - two sounds rang out at the same time.

One was the sound of the dwarf being smashed into the floor, and the other was a gunshot.

When the dwarf saw Sean appear in front of him, he subconsciously shot at the other party.

Sean stood up and looked down at the other party who had died. Yes, Sean subconsciously used some force when he heard the gunshot.

As a result, the other party could not withstand Sean's grip, and his skull was directly shattered. You know, his current combat power is the ceiling of the ceiling.

Sean murmured:"You have to know that it is very difficult to control the force of stepping on an ant without killing it."

The girl at the side, before she could recover from her role as a hostage, saw the scene in front of her that would haunt her for the rest of her life. In just a moment, the manager was out of breath...

Hearing the mysterious man's mumbling, she also lost consciousness.

The human traffickers they were powerless to resist, just... stepped on ants?


P.S.: Thank you for your small gifts. The readers’ call made me get up at 2 a.m. to write...

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