
Yixiao looked at Sean in confusion, although he was a little shocked that the man in front of him was so young.

But what surprised him even more was how much this man thought of him? He wanted him to figure out a way to escape under the nose of the Demon Slayer Order?

Although he was very tempted, it didn't mean that he could save O'Hara, because O'Hara had violated the taboo of the World Government.

So the two of them fell into an atmosphere of silence, with only the crackling sound of the burning fire around them.

Just when Sean was at a loss, he suddenly remembered the system.

Looking at his more than 700,000 plot points, Sean decided to do a fifty-draw combo.

See if he can draw a skill that can help, if not, he can only force it.

So he shouted in his heart:"System! Do fifty draws!"

Then a blue light curtain appeared in front of Sean's eyes, and inside the light curtain was a turntable with dozens of black question marks on the turntable

【Congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden guarantee mechanism. 】

Seeing this, Sean was delighted. He really thought that the system would not have a guarantee mechanism. He didn't expect it to be waiting.

【Congratulations to the host, you got a random photo album】

【Congratulations to the host, you got a whitening pill】

【Congratulations to the host, you got a pair of stinky socks】


【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the A-level gene potion】

【Congratulations to the host, you get a bottle of Coke】


【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill"Mirror Flower Water Moon"]

Sean's face was getting darker and darker, because the things he drew, as he thought, were not suitable for him at all.

But the Mirror Flower Water Moon that appeared at the end cheered him up.

【Mirror Flower and Water Moon: Due to the rules of the world, the initial triggering condition of this skill is the Conqueror's Haki. As long as the target is hit by the Conqueror's Haki, the opponent's five senses can be controlled. Note: It will be invalid if the host's combat power is not higher than three thousand of the opponent. 】

When Sean saw this, he had mixed feelings. Sure enough, it was another useless skill that could not increase combat power. It's a castrated version. Think about Aizen's style, and then think about yourself. It's too difficult to be the mastermind behind the scenes.

But although it's useless, you can play some operations.

For example, the current O'Hara incident can be used. It's no exaggeration to say that Aokiji and Akainu at this time, with his current abilities, make them both hands and feet.

In addition, two gene potions were drawn, and the rest were useless things.

【Host: Sean

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Combat power: 20001"10 ordinary soldiers, 11-499 elite soldiers below lieutenant colonel, 500-4000 elite colonel to major general, 4001-7000 lieutenant general, 7001-9999 general candidates, 10000 and above generals/Four Emperors, no upper limit." (It is a combination of dao power and ability. The combined value is lower than the pure dao power value.)

Abilities: telekinesis, armament Haki Max, observation Haki Max, domineering Haki Max skills: prayer, swordsmanship, Flying Thunder God Teleport, Kageka Suigetsu,

Warehouse: Mikazuki Munechika, Yumeng Senbum 'used', pure gold upgraded version * 9, change of clothes, several photos, Yunyun Fruit, Nekomata Fruit, Kamaitachi Fruit, A-level gene potion * 2...

Plot points: 217218]

In general, it is not a loss, and a plan immediately emerged in my mind.

He opened the map system, found O'Hara's location, and directly controlled the island under his feet to lift off.

Boom boom - such a loud noise startled Xiao, and hurriedly asked:"What happened?"

"I have come up with a solution." Sean lit up a cigar, and under the control of Sean's ability, the cigar formed an arrow:"This is my ability, let's go directly to O'Hara to make some preparations."

Then, the island flew at a high speed under Sean's control, much faster than the Golden Lion.


After about a day, they arrived above O'Hara.

Sean simply stopped the island in the air, grabbed a smile and flew downwards.

But on the way down, Sean saw a giant at the edge of the jungle, laughing loudly with a little girl the size of a bean.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that the timing was just right.

At this moment, Sean deeply doubted whether his luck was good or bad.

To put it in a bad way, what he drew was nothing, to put it in a good way, the time for two consecutive crossings was just right.

If he had been procrastinating for a long time, or the route had deviated a little, he would not have been able to change it in time.

Now is the time when Little Robin wants to join the historian team to study history together.

After being rejected, he met the giant Haguval.·D·Sauro, a giant with a funny laugh but also a member of the D clan


Listening to their faint laughter, Sean knew that the navy was coming.

The historical text that Robin's mother Olivia and the expedition team were looking for was the most taboo secret of the World Government, so when their expedition team was unfortunately intercepted by Haguval·D·When the navy warship led by Vice Admiral Sauro discovered it, all 33 people traveling with Olivia died, and she herself was imprisoned and later in Haguvar.·D·With the help of Vice Admiral Sarron, Robin successfully escaped back to his hometown O'Hara.

The only remaining light in Robin's already dark life will completely disappear today, and she will fall into darkness for twenty years.

For Sean, Robin is the most distressing person in the entire Straw Hat Group.

She lost her father when she was born, and her mother left her when she was three years old to pursue the historical text.

She was fostered in a relative's home, but she was used as a servant since she was a child.

Moreover, because she ate the devil fruit, she was bullied by children of the same age and called her a devil.

Only the scholars in the Tree of All-Knowing are her true friends and a ray of light in her dark childhood. At the age of 8, she scored full marks in the doctoral degree exam and became a member of the O'Hara scholars.

This genius girl will lose everything today.

The giant who taught her to"be coquettish" if she was unhappy will die because of her.

The O'Hara scholars who celebrated her birthday and taught her knowledge will also fall under the Demon Killing Order.

The maternal love she longed for and the mother she missed so much would fall on the way to save the secretary of the Tree of All-Knowing just after they met again.

In the end, she would be given the title of"Son of the Devil", which made her live in constant exploitation and betrayal since she was eight years old.

With the blood of a scholar, she has been searching for the truth for twenty years, and she wants to end her tired life in Alabasta.

Looking at Sean with a smile, who looked a little strange, she asked:"What's the matter? Do you know that giant?"

Sean said without comment:"The navy is coming, you go and sink all the ships in the port one by one, and no one is allowed to leave the island, otherwise you will die!"

Although some fools made him very angry when watching anime, he couldn't really let them die like this. He couldn't change his position just because of his liking for someone, otherwise it would be contrary to his beliefs.


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