
After Sean finished his instructions and smiled, he threw him towards the port.

Sean flew straight to the giant Sauro. He had no time to deal with little Robin now. He wanted to confirm Sauro's position.

Under Sauro's vigilant and Robin's curious eyes, Sean appeared in front of Sauro.

He got straight to the point and asked directly:"Big guy, let me ask you, do you know something, so you defected from the navy?"

Although Sauro was a little confused about where this person came from, he looked at the other person's figure floating in the air.

He still felt that the small figure carried a terrible power, but even under pressure, he still asked:"You, who are you, are you from the World Government?"

After that, he protected Robin in his hands and looked at the other person with a vigilant face.

Sean was too lazy to waste time, and directly prayed and healed the injuries that Sauro suffered during his escape.

He said bluntly:"I need to know your position. I don't believe that the World Government will directly issue a demon-killing order just because of a woman's defection."

Yes, he didn't believe that a giant vice admiral would let a prisoner go and then escape. If he didn't escape, he would at most be charged with negligence, and there was no need to risk his life.

Sauro felt the injuries on his body recover visibly, and he immediately realized that the other party was not here to deal with him.

After hesitating for a moment, Sauro still said:"Because, all of this is a conspiracy of the World Government. It has been planned since so many historians gathered here."

"A plan to completely destroy these scholars. They just guide those scholars to find the historical text. With their curiosity, they will study it privately even if it is forbidden."

After hearing this, Sean understood in his heart that instead of worrying about the historical text being analyzed by people who don't know where it comes from at any time, it is better to put them together and raise them well, and then slaughter them. As long as all the scholars who understand ancient characters die, there will be no more trouble.

Thinking of this, Sean sneered:"Huh, it's really despicable. What about you? If you survive today, what is your position!"

Robin on the side had already opened her mouth in shock, not knowing what to say. In her worldview, they did nothing wrong, so why were they targeted?

Sauro didn't pay attention to Robin's emotions, and said bluntly:"I can't go back, there is no room for me there!"

Hearing this, Sean nodded. Although he had expected it, it would be better to confirm it.

So he said:"Remember what you said today. The navy and the world government are coming. Don't go out to sea, stay on the island, don't go out."

As soon as the voice fell, some ships gradually appeared on the sea in the distance.

Suddenly, Sauro became nervous and said to Robin who was still in shock:"Robin, run! The farther the better!"

Seeing this, Sean interrupted directly:"Don't leave this island. I will not be responsible for the consequences of whoever steps out. Leave the rest to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sean flew towards the port, picked up a piece of wood and threw it into the sea.

Sean stood directly on it, and the board was like a small wooden boat, sailing steadily towards the direction of the naval warships.

After a while, they came to the sea, and in one of the warships, a man with a white baseball cap and a serious face looked at the small wooden board blocking their way.

His expression became solemn, and he ordered:"Anyone who prevents the navy from performing its mission will be eliminated. The majesty of the navy must not be desecrated!"

""Yes! Vice Admiral Saraski!"

Soon the soldiers took action, and Sean's observation Haki sensed the actions of the irritable Akainu.

Without hesitation, the pupils in the mask flashed a scarlet light, and a substantial momentum attacked the naval fleet.

Like a shock wave, the warships were oppressed and made creaking sounds.

Except for the navy above the rank of vice admiral, all fainted, even if this was not Sean's full explosion.

Seeing this, Saraski's legs directly elementalized and turned into kinetic energy to fly towards Sean. His fists were even more directly elementalized, and the magma dripping down emitted a scorching high temperature.

In the blink of an eye, he came in front of Sean, raised his fist and smashed it down:"The navy will never allow anyone to provoke you!"


Saraski looked at the man in front of him who was beaten into a headless corpse by his fist, and snorted coldly.

"Humph, Conqueror's Haki is not your capital to provoke the navy!"

After saying that, he returned to the warship and saw that everyone on the warship was foaming at the mouth and fainted.

Although a little unhappy, the marines on each warship, even those led by the World Government official Spandain, all lost their ability to move.

He didn't have the ability to operate all the warships by himself, so he had to discuss with Aokiji and take action later, and first surrounded O'Hara.


On the other side, the residents of O'Hara Island had a bad premonition when they saw the warships coming with gunfire.

They rushed to the port in a panic, but when they arrived, they found that all the ships had sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Sean also went directly to the Tree of All-Knowledge to discuss evacuation with Dr. Cloba and other scholars.

But they were stubborn and wanted to stay at the Tree of All-Knowledge to protect the knowledge here.

This was still in Sean's mind, and he immediately ignored everyone and just said take care of himself before leaving.

Although no one is willing to leave now, Sean will give them a second chance, a chance to regret, a chance to cherish themselves, and a chance to understand that only by keeping their lives can they protect the Tree of All-Knowledge.

Sean smiled and said,"You sank all the ships, right?"

""Ah, I did follow your instructions, but what exactly do you want to do?" Yixiao scratched his head curiously.

Sean smiled mysteriously, looked at the busy streets, and immediately released a large-scale domineering aura.

Just a little bit of it, and everyone on the island, except Sauro and Yixiao, was frozen in place.

But it came and went quickly, and Sean was just a prerequisite for triggering the skill.

But those ordinary people felt as if they couldn't breathe just now, and there was a feeling of suffocation. But after a careful inspection, they found that nothing had happened, and these civilians were still running on the street.

At this moment, Sean saw a white-haired woman with scars and a little embarrassed.

Who else could this be but Olivia? Then he saw Robin passing by Olivia.

But neither of them recognized each other. Sean sighed slightly and used a wish directly on Olivia.

The milky yellow light on her body instantly caught Robin's attention.


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