
Just when the mother and daughter looked at each other in silence, a shell suddenly hit.

The people on the island ran wildly, even scattering Robin and Olivia.

Then the CP members landed on the island and captured all their scholars, and even Olivia was captured.

Spandine was even more arrogant and fired the first shot at Kroba.

Then, under the order of Sakaski, countless shells fell on the island, and the people of the CP organization also hurriedly fled the island.

Only these scholars who had to live and die with the Tree of All-Knowing were left, trying to rescue the books.

Robin and Olivia also had a touching recognition, and finally Olivia also joined the action to save the books.

In the end, all the scholars died under the shells and flames, and little Robin also followed the last words of Dr. Kroba.

Keep running away, then Sauro took Robin to escape, but was finally stopped by Aokiji who came.

Robin continued to run under Sauro's instructions, and even when she saw Sauro frozen into an ice sculpture, she. The pressure she was carrying was too heavy.

At this moment, a voice resounded in the hearts of everyone in O'Hara.

""Break it, mirror flowers and water moons."

Then, cracks and sounds like shattering glass appeared in front of everyone.

Then, after a crisp sound of shattering glass, the"glass" in front of them was completely shattered.

O'Hara appeared in front of everyone, still intact, but the difference was that they could not see the sea.

Just when everyone was a little confused, Sean came directly to the scholars of the Tree of All-Knowing.

Sauro, Olivia and Little Robin were also brought over.

Seeing the confused expressions of the crowd, Sean had to say softly:"This is my way to save you, and everything you just saw"

"All of this happened when I was not around. If you don't believe me, you can look at the sea below."

The scholars had too many doubts. Upon hearing this, they hurried to the edge of the island and looked down.

Suddenly, their legs became weak. Although Sean did not raise the island too high in order to let them see the cruel reality, the flying island was still shocking to them.

And what they saw below was that the members of CP landed on the island that Sean brought below.

The leader, Spandine, cursed at the air, shot at the air, beat, and so on.

Until the sound of artillery explosions sounded again on the island, they left the island again.

Gradually, more and more people gathered at the edge of the island, looking down at the island below that was constantly bombarded by warships.

Everyone was terrified, but also a little confused. They finally understood why all the ships in the port were gone.

Someone was saving them, but where would they go in the future?

Sean asked all the nuclear The key figures all went to the Tree of All-Knowing to gather, leaving only the bewildered residents who were a little overwhelmed, but did not dare to raise any opinions.

They could only quietly wait for the arrival of the judgment of fate, but one thing was that it was at least better than staying down there and waiting to die. The reason why Sean let everyone on the entire island fall into the illusion was to make all of them realize a reality, that they had all died.

Otherwise, even if they were saved once, they would still find ways to die next time.

Next, just help Yixiao find the thunder fruit, let him eat it, and then use the power of the fruit to change the magnetic field of the island.

Otherwise, once the world government has some permanent pointer or something, it will be exposed. Sean has considered everything.

When she came to the Tree of All-Knowing, little Robin saw her mother, the mother she had been thinking about, the mother who had been lost and found again.

Suddenly, there was a mist in her big eyes, and she couldn't help it anymore, and pounced on Olivia like a swallow returning to its nest.

"Mom, mom, woo woo, you are not dead, it's great, it's so great, woo wow……"

Little Robin finally burst into tears.

Olivia squatted down, gently hugged Robin, and said lovingly:"I'm sorry, my daughter, I didn't fulfill my mother's responsibilities. You must have had a hard time these years, right?"

Little Robin buried her head in Olivia's arms and shook her head, choking and saying:"No, although, although there are some unsatisfactory aspects, but, but the scholars here are very good to me."

"They also celebrated my birthday, taught me knowledge, and more, I am also a doctor and an O'Hara scholar.…"

"But, but I still want my mother……"

At the end of the conversation, Robin raised her head, and tears were hanging on Carlisle's big eyes, blinking as she looked at Olivia:

""Mom, please don't leave me, okay?"

Olivia couldn't stop crying as she listened to her daughter's self-narration. She could only bite her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying like Robin.

Gently stroking Robin's little head, she said with a slightly trembling voice:"Mom will not leave you again. If you can survive this time, Mom will stay here with you and will not leave you easily again.""


The unique innocence of the little girl was fully displayed at this moment. She would not think about why everyone could survive, nor would she think about who made them see what they just saw.

She only knew that her mother would not leave her, she was very happy, and she could continue to learn knowledge happily here, although some children were annoying. What

Olivia said about"if you can survive" did not refer to the Navy's Demon Killing Order, but to the people who saved O'Hara.

She didn't believe that someone would go against the World Government for them for no reason.

The only thing that could be used for them in O'Hara was knowledge, although she didn't know what the other party wanted to do with them.

But they all regarded the Tree of All-Knowing as a belief, and they were saved once, so no matter what the other party asked, they could not refuse.

This is the consensus of all scholars. Now, all they can do is wait for the cloaked masked man to come out and judge their future fate.

Sean looked at the satisfied little Robin, and the corners of his mouth under the mask also slightly raised a curve.

At this moment, he felt inexplicably satisfied, and no longer changed for the sake of changing the plot.

I just want to change the darkness in Robin's life and let her have a childhood bathed in sunshine.

This feeling seems... not bad?

After the mother and daughter calmed down, Sean stepped forward and said,"I think you should understand your situation, right? If the news of your survival spreads, there will definitely be a more crazy reckoning."

"So, why not listen to my advice on your future plans?"

…… ps: These pictures are a bit difficult to write, please don't criticize so much, please read on patiently.. Please, I wrote enough words for each picture before leaving the ps at the end, not watered down, and thank you for your small and big gifts, thank you all, and wish you all a happy Valentine's Day!

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