... even if Geng Boy smiled, he couldn't help but want to hit the old man in front of him, not to mention the little temperament of Sean. He will die

, although, although I also hate him like this"

Sean looked at the cute look of little Robin and could only repeat to himself over and over again that the world is so beautiful and should not be so irritable... This is not good, not good.

But he still couldn't help it, so he glared at Dr. Kloba:"You don't know, why are you so serious? Are you playing a monkey?"

And Dr. Kloba was also confused, why was he hated? Even little Robin was like this.

He could only say aggrievedly:"Archaeology is serious. If I don't know, I don't know. Do I have to be frivolous?"


Although it sounds reasonable, everyone wants to beat him.

In the end, Olivia came out to make peace:"Mr. Sean, what should O'Hara do next?"

Talking about business, Sean had to silently write down the fact that Dr. Kloba played him in a small notebook and wait for a chance to retaliate.

Suppressing the little thoughts in his heart, Sean said seriously:"I will go to Sky Island early tomorrow morning. There is a historical text there. Then I will find a devil fruit called Thunder and let Yixiao eat it to completely change the magnetic field for O'Hara!"

"In the next 20 years, you will all live on it. I will pull a few more uninhabited islands up there, and let some residents of Sky Island make trade with you."

At this point, Sean looked at Sauro:"Big guy, your strength is very good. I hope you can abide by the position you mentioned. During this period, you will protect O'Hara."

Then he looked at Olivia and said,"The residents of the island, I can only trouble you to talk about the interests involved, and you must hide my true identity!"

A smile on the side was stunned. This"working emperor" in the workplace saw that he was inexplicably arranged with a fruit, and immediately retorted:"Then why don't you eat it? I won't stay on Sky Island forever."

Sean felt so good when he saw him confronting Akainu, and now he personally experienced this low EQ guy confronting himself, and he was angry.

But he still said in a gentle tone:"I have eaten it. Do you have your eyes on your butt? Didn't you see how this island came up? Didn't you hear that I just asked Sauro to stay in O'Hara?"

Hearing Sean's gentle yet cold words, Yixiao shuddered and immediately kept silent.

And Sauro quickly said:"That's good, I also want to know what D finally stands for."

Just like that, the future of O'Hara was determined in a few words.

Dr. Kloba was also excited to interrupt when he heard Sean say there was a historical text, but he gave up when he saw Sean's expression was not very good.

Now the opportunity has come, and he quickly said:"Then can you take me with you? I want to see the new historical text as soon as possible!"

Sean also looked at Dr. Kloba excitedly:"Really? Do you really want to go with me?"

Hearing this, Dr. Kloba was also delighted:"Of course, as an archaeologist, there is nothing more exciting than exploring history. When do we set off?"

Unexpectedly, Sean performed a wave of face changes, from excitement to a wooden face, and spit out a few words with dead fish eyes:"I refuse!"

Dr. Kloba, who was dancing with joy, suddenly froze in joy, and then looked incredible:"What did you say? If you don't take me with you, can you interpret the historical text?""


"Then you should take me with you, otherwise I'm afraid that some environmental factors will be left behind when you bring back the historical text."

Looking at Dr. Kloba who looked like he was doing this for your own good, Sean was speechless. Sure enough, you can't be thin-skinned in this line of work.

But he still pointed at Robin and said,"Doesn't she know how to do it?"

Little Robin was a little confused. She had been rejected by the doctor to join the research team, but now she was suddenly invited to be the first to observe the historical text. Her heart was pounding with excitement.

""I, I, can I really do it?"

Although it was a question, Sean's eyes were already filled with mist, and he looked like he was about to cry because of being rejected.

Before Sean could speak, Dr. Kloba on the side was unhappy. He walked to little Robin and squatted down:"Little Robin, you are still young. The water here is too deep. You can't grasp it. It's better to leave it to Grandpa Kloba."

After saying that, he showed a smile that he thought was sunny. Little did he know that the experience of being bullied in his early years had already made little Robin's character move towards a dark direction.

So he said:"Okay, but Dr. Kloba, don't punctuate like this next time, otherwise Sean will really beat you up!"

Just like that, Robin provoked Sean's anger without a trace.

Sure enough, hearing this, Sean was unhappy:"Can you withstand a long journey? Not by boat, but by flying! Fly like me!"

As Sean said that, he took off into the air,"Many times faster than this speed! Can you persist?"

Dr. Cloba said with disdain:"I once sailed on the sea. What can flying do to me?""

"Oh? Then give it a try?"

"Let's try it!"

Sean smiled immediately. He didn't expect the chance for revenge to come so suddenly.

After standing up on the ground, he stretched out his finger and raised it slightly. Dr. Kroba floated up and slowly circled around everyone.

"Look, I don't feel any discomfort."

Dr. Baroque looked very proud, and Sean also smiled when he saw it.

Suddenly, Dr. Baroque slowly flew faster and faster. At the beginning, he could still hold back and not say a word.

In the end, the wind pressure caused by the speed blew his old face out of shape, and he said in a trembling voice:"Fast, fast, fast, let me, come down!"

Sean seemed not to hear clearly:"What? Even faster? You are worthy of being the descendant of the Tree of Omniscience, it's amazing!"

So the speed became faster and faster, until Kroba's saliva and snot flew all over, and then he stopped.

He is not a powerful old man like Caprelli. He is just an ordinary scholar. How strong can he be?

Seeing Dr. Kroba tremblingly wiping the saliva and snot on his face, Sean's idea came to his mind.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, let you play tricks on me!

Robin on the side looked at the two of them, some hesitant to speak, and muttered silently in his heart, looking so difficult to get along with.

So childish.……


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