
Although Sean took a small revenge, he still upheld the good virtue of respecting the old and loving the young. He performed purification and prayer for Dr. Kroba, and he also wanted the old man to live longer.

After a while, Dr. Kroba, who had recovered, looked at Sean with resentment:"Don't you really want me to go?"

Sean's scalp numbed by the old man's eyes, and he quickly said:"This is also a kind of training for Robin. She will go to sea in the future, and this is also a training for her"

"I will spend a lot of money to train Robin, and you will have to rely on her to protect O'Hara in the future."

Dr. Kroba was speechless. He knew Robin best. She had the ability to fight back against the children of her age who bullied her, but she would not do it. She must be a scholar at heart!

"But this kid has no talent for fighting. Won't this waste your time?" He was most worried that Robin would delay Sean's time.

Although he was tricked a little, it was precisely this childish act of revenge that made this old man���The smart old man felt something different.

Maybe he was very strong, had ambitious goals, and had a bad temper, but Dr. Kroba knew that he was a good young man with a cold face but a warm heart.

He even cured the minor problems he had accumulated over many years of hard work, but he was just a little inconsistent.

Sean didn't bother to pay attention to the old man and looked at the somewhat embarrassed little Loli:"Shall we go and talk over there?"

The little girl looked at her mother. Although Olivia didn't think her daughter had any talent, it was good to be stronger in order to survive in this sea, so she nodded and motioned her to follow.

So little Robin followed behind Sean step by step, stirring her little hands constantly, showing the little girl's uneasiness.

Sean sat down on the ground, looking at the little Robin in front of him, showing a smile that he always thought was warm,"Don't be nervous, I just want to have a simple chat with you."

But what Sean didn't know was that although he looked good when he smiled, it didn't match the warmth of the sun at all. Instead, he looked arrogant and cold.

The little girl became even more nervous, so she stammered,"Then, then you, just say it."

Sean was a little depressed when he saw this. He had always wanted to create a sunny and positive image, but he kept hitting a wall. He could only try to be gentle and say,"The pictures you just saw are real. Do you know why O'Hara was destroyed in the original trajectory?"

Robin's originally nervous mood suddenly calmed down, with just a hint of fear.

She couldn't imagine how hard it would be for her to be hunted down by the behemoth of the World Government alone.

She was a smart girl, so she said directly:"Because we have touched the taboo of the World Government, but we don't have our own power, so we can only be slaughtered."

"Little Robin is awesome! But even if Sauro is protecting you now, you will still have to step onto the world stage in the future, but Sauro's strength is not enough to deal with any emergency. What should we do?"

Sean looked at Robin expectantly, hoping that she could tell him the answer he wanted. He felt that he was good at coaxing children, but he underestimated Robin. Robin was used as a servant by her relatives since she was a child, and was excluded by children of the same age. Her toys were books, and her friends were all knowledgeable scholars. Her mind was more mature than that of ordinary people.

Looking at Sean's posture of coaxing a child, although she was not used to it, it seemed that... it felt good to be coaxed like a child~

So her tone was also a little excited:"So you want me to be the pillar of O'Hara, even if there are emergencies in the future, or even if I am exposed, I can protect O'Hara."

Sean nodded seriously:"Yes, you are really smart, but the process of becoming stronger is very difficult. Can you persist?"

"I can do it." Then Robin hesitated:"But what should I do?"

This is Robin's true thought. She really wants to become stronger now and protect the people she wants to protect. She is afraid that one day, she will be forced to lose everything in O'Hara.

Sean was not surprised by this, but he did not intend to let Robin follow the path of animation.

The way Robin's abilities are used in the animation is derived from her childhood experiences, so they are all assassinations, which are too embarrassing.

He wants to train Robin to drive a tank of Gundam!

So he said:"I have a very precious potion that can greatly improve your physical talent, but you have to practice hard. After all, I can't stay here for too long. In the end, you will become a strong man who ranks first in the whole sea!"

Robin understood that Sean called her out alone because he wanted to give her the precious potion. She was also a little expectant and hesitant:"But is it really appropriate for me? According to you, even if this thing is given to a pig, it can become stronger, right?"

"You are wrong. People who don't have the heart of a strong person will only waste their talents even if they take this stuff. But I am optimistic about you, I just hope you can promise me one thing."

Robin saw Sean's serious expression, and his face was tense as he asked,"What is it?"

"This is your future position. You must stand on my side. I will not force you to do something you don't like, but you must be mine! You can't betray me."

Sean thought, what a joke, he doesn't have time to stay here and slowly build a bond with Robin, and he doesn't want the pig he raised to run away in the future~

But Sean didn't know that for Robin, he who saved O'Hara and her mother was equivalent to giving her a second life. She was even ready to follow Sean's footsteps for the rest of her life to explore the truth of history, so how could she betray him?

So the little girl said firmly:"I will never betray you, absolutely!"

Sean smiled. He has met so many little ghosts at present, and what he is most optimistic about is Robin's ability.

In addition to the level of strength, Robin, who is intellectually elegant, knowledgeable, has high emotional intelligence and understands the ways of the world, is undoubtedly the best subordinate.

Piccolo, a lunatic, and Yixiao, who has no emotional intelligence, are much better.

So he said:"You are a capable person, right?"

Hearing this, Robin's face turned pale. She was the last one to mention her ability. Her childhood experience told her that she would be regarded as an alien or a monster.

But under Sean's gaze, she didn't dare to lie and could only nod slightly:"My ability is to make any part of my body grow like a flower on any tangible object."

"But... does this have anything to do with my becoming stronger?"

At the end, the little girl's voice trembled slightly

…… ps: Thank you all for the gifts, big or small. I’m afraid that the moon on the 15th will be too round and with so many people sending blessings, you won’t be able to see my blessings, so I can only wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance.

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