
"Yes, why do you think there is no connection?"Sean looked at Robin with a puzzled look.

Robin pursed her lips and said awkwardly:"Because other children call me a monster and treat me as an alien, I only dare to use it secretly when doing housework."

Hearing this, Sean immediately understood that it must be the rejection of those little brats. I wonder if they will regret it when they see Robin when they grow up.……

"Your fruit is very powerful. You are wasting your power. If you use it well, it can be one of the top fruits."Sean looked like you are guarding a treasure mountain without knowing it.

This made Robin a little confused:"Then, what should I do to become powerful?"

Sean looked at the sky, and the roar in his ears gradually weakened.

"Drink this." As he spoke, he took out the genetic medicine and asked Robin to take it.

Robin did not doubt it, raised his head and drank it down.

"This thing has no side effects, but you need to practice constantly. People who won't eat even if food is right in front of their mouths deserve to starve to death."

Then Sean stood up and said,"I'll talk to you about the development and application of the fruit later. I'll take care of the following things first. Don't tell anyone about this potion."

Little Robin nodded obediently, and Sean said nothing more, walking towards Dr. Kloba and others.

Sean said to everyone,"I'll go down and deal with the follow-up matters of the island first, and grab some food by the way."

Everyone nodded. Although they didn't know what method Sean used to make the navy and CP members below stupid, they didn't dare to ask. After all, this was his trump card.

Sean flew directly to the edge of the island and looked down. He saw that the warships gradually stopped firing.

Because in the eyes of everyone below, the whole island was already full of flames, as if it would sink at any time.

Sean flew directly down and used telekinesis to control the island below, breaking it in the middle.

The huge cracked gully began to seep sea water, and gradually the sea water became turbulent, spreading around the entire island.

After a while, the entire island gradually sank. This scene was also seen clearly by everyone on the warship, except Sean, as if he was a transparent man.

Just like that, the warships left in a mighty manner, and Sakaski did not kill innocent people in front of Kuzan.

Although Kuzan was sad about the death of his good friend Sauro and also questioned the World Government, he did not doubt the justice in his heart as before.

"It seems... we can let Mr. Huang move around when we go back, and let Yixiao keep a close eye on Akainu!"

Just like that, Sean was catching sea kings in the sea while thinking about the next layout.

Not long after, Sean flew towards the sky, followed by a dense array of various seafood.

Everyone in O'Hara was stunned. Sean threw a large part of it in front of the civilians, and then took the rest to the direction of the Tree of All-Knowledge.

Sea beasts such as sea kings are not affordable for ordinary civilians. Powerful people disdain to sell large sea beasts, and those without strength find it difficult to catch them.

So when they saw these high-end ingredients at first glance, they all became excited, and their uneasy mood eased.

Sean came to the Tree of All-Knowledge, and the scholars were all there, and said directly:"Come on, a few chefs to process all the ingredients."

"Oh, by the way, make this one for me and I’ll eat this one myself." Sean said, pointing to one of the sea beasts that was twice his size.


As night fell, the entire O'Hara had experienced a thrilling disaster during the day.

Fortunately, they were rescued. Although they were still confused about the future, in front of the delicious food, everyone still chose to have a big banquet to calm their frightened hearts.

Behind the Tree of Omniscience, there was a relatively private place, where only Sean, Sauro, Robin, Yixiao, Olivia and Dr. Baroque were.

The other scholars were all smart people. They all knew that Sean did not want to reveal his identity, so they consciously did not come here.

After eating and drinking, Sean sat next to Robin, lit a cigar and began to smoke.

After a while, he said:"Let me tell you about your fruit ability first, so that you can have an idea."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of several other people. They were all curious about how to develop Robin's fruit correctly.

"Your fruit ability is that any part of your body can grow on tangible things like flowers, so you have to figure out where the most advantageous part of your body is."

Although Robin's big move, Devil Blossom, looks amazing, it is a bit fragile in front of the emperor-level strongman. Now that we have genetic drugs, we can completely develop in the direction of tanks.

Robin thought for a while and said,"Is it bones? But I can't develop it that deeply yet."

"No! There is another place that doesn't need to be detailed to the bone, and it can be controlled just like your arm."

The others were thinking about it, but Robin said directly:"I don't know."

Sean continued:"It's the teeth! Our teeth are divided into three parts: the crown, the neck and the root. The hardest part is the enamel on the surface of the crown."

"Tooth enamel contains 96% of calcium, magnesium, scale and other chemical components. It is a highly calcified tissue, and its hardness is much higher than that of iron."

"For example, the hardness rating of diamond is 10, while tooth enamel is rated 8, and ordinary iron is between 5.6, the same rating as bone."

"As for the steel here, I don't know much about it, but it can be roughly divided into three grades: 7, 8, and 9. In other words, you can completely realize your dream of Gundam!"

After saying that, he looked at Robin with envy. Robin was also a little confused. After hearing so much, he only knew that the teeth were very powerful, and he didn't understand anything else, so he asked:"What is Gundam?"

Sean explained:"You don't have to care about this. You can think of it as a huge armor, a huge armor covering your whole body, and manipulate the armor to fight. Isn't it cool?"

Sean's development is not a conceptual level, but a suggestion from the feasibility aspect. After all, Robin can even make a huge human clone.

Robin, who has an explosive physique, drives a Gundam and kills like Uchiha Madara's Gundam. It is handsome and has high defense.

Seeing that Robin still looked confused, Sean said directly:"Think about it, that hardness, superimposed on domineering, there are few people in the whole ocean who can break your defense!"

"Even if someone breaks your plan with great effort, but finds that your own strength is ridiculously high, you can then taunt your opponent to your heart's content."

"Hey, are you surprised? Are you unexpected?"


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