Everyone was speechless about Sean’s bad taste. Robin was also a little envious. If he was really that powerful… Thinking about it, Robin was also a little excited.

At this time, Sauro, who was very knowledgeable, asked directly:"What about the swordsman who can cut steel? They can cut steel just like cutting tofu."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Sean, but Sean looked at everyone with a look of looking at a fool.

Sauro felt a little uncomfortable being looked at, and said a little shyly:"I am not wrong, there are indeed swordsmen who can cut steel easily."

Seeing the giant being a little shy in front of him, Sean felt that it was hot and turned his head to look at the cute little Robin to wash his eyes.

Then he said unhappily,"Are you stupid? Did you take advantage of the domineering power? Besides, Robin's most powerful and outstanding ability is not that it can transform into any part of the body, but that it can be continuously produced.

Do you understand? If the opponent's swordsmanship cannot cut through the enamel as hard as steel like cutting tofu, he has already lost the qualification to fight with you.

Even if the first layer is broken, what about the second layer? What about the third layer? As long as you are strong enough, no one can break your defense!


This is not Sean's fantasy, this can be done. The huge tree that left Robin, which skill is not stacked up layer by layer?

Robin's current training conditions are much better.

Sure enough, this smart girl's eyes lit up, and she even raised her hand to release a skill to Sean.

A tuft of hair suddenly grew out of the ground and directly wrapped around Sean's ankle. This ability made Sean's eyes light up.

He asked quickly,"What is this called?"

Little Robin said proudly,"Withering Flowers·Strangulation, I derived it from 'Wheel Flower Blooming'. I have a lot of ideas now, and I can't wait to try it."

Sean sighed, worthy of being a full-level kid who got a doctoral certification at a young age, his brain is good.

This is covered with domineering and can evolve into Doflamingo's string-string fruit. You know, the weight of a hair is 100 grams.

Sean looked at Dr. Kroba and said,"Look, this is Little Robin's fighting talent, but she never attacks O'Hara's people."

Olivia on the side saw her daughter's talent, and she was happy and worried, because she already knew that Little Robin had a bad childhood.

But then she became firm. Anyway, the scholars of O'Hara could not leave the sea in the short term, so it would be better to take this time to accompany her daughter and catch the tail of childhood.

Then the banquet ended with everyone's conversation.

The next morning.

Sean took the island and flew in the direction indicated by the map function early in the morning. The direction he pointed to was naturally the White Sea, which was located above the Grand Line.

The buoyancy of the White Sea was enough for O'Hara to stand on it, but he couldn't get too close to the people of Sky Island. They could have trade exchanges, but they couldn't have frequent close contact.

Because O'Hara was too sensitive, pirates would occasionally rush to the"Kingdom of God" on Sky Island.

After Sean flew for half a day, he finally arrived at the range of the White Sea. Without saying a word, he threw O'Hara down.

Boom - although the movement caused by the island scared the residents, they still hurried to the shore to observe the sea area where they would live in the future.

They already knew that they would live in this sea area for a long time in the future, but most people didn't think it was a big deal.

Because they had lived on the island for most of their lives, and now they just changed the environment. The island is still the same island, and the relatives around them are still those relatives, which is enough.

After settling everyone in O'Hara, Sean took Yixiao and Robin to the next destination, Pikar.

Enel's hometown is also the location of the Thunder Fruit. This fruit is very suitable for Yixiao. It can not only make up for Yixiao's mobility problem, but with his ability, he will never use it as roughly as Enel. The reason why he didn't bring other scholars is that sometimes the three of them can't let too many people know about the topic, and Robin can keep her mouth shut with her little and smart personality.

After flying for a while, they finally saw a small island not far away, but Yixiao and Sean felt something was wrong.

Because they heard a burst of greasy and ear-piercing singing before they got close.

As the three stepped onto the island, Robin suddenly had a dazed look in her eyes and walked forward in a daze.

Sean saw Robin's abnormality and quickly grabbed her collar, but instead of making Robin sober, she struggled even more.

The blurred eyes disappeared in an instant, replaced by bloodshot eyes, making Robin look quite hideous.

He growled in a low voice:"Sean, let me go, I want to chase this beautiful song! It's very important to me!"

Hearing this, Sean looked at the side and smiled nonchalantly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and released a burst of low-intensity domineering color, which instantly shocked Robin sober.

Robin also stopped struggling:"What happened to me just now?"

"You were distracted by the song just now. You just said that the song was very important to you."Yixiao stepped forward and explained.

"singing……"Hearing this, Robin gradually fell into a daze again, mumbling non-stop.

Sean shouted directly:"Wake up, this is also a voice that can control people!"

In an instant, Robin's eyes regained clarity. Although he was lifted up in the air, he still patted his chest and said with a look of fear:"It's terrible, I was controlled without knowing it."

Then he looked at the two people on the side with a puzzled look:"Why aren't you affected?"

Sean did not answer directly. He had already determined that this was the ability of the ability user, and he also had an idea about this fruit. He did not use purification at the first time, just to see the upper limit of this ability.

So he asked back:"Now? Are you still confused by this song?"

Robin frowned and felt it for a while, then showed contempt:"Huh~ What an ugly voice, I don't know why I don't have that feeling anymore."

Sean looked at him and smiled:"What about you? What did you feel when you first landed?"

"No, if I must say, I just felt the emotion in the voice. Maybe my observation Haki is strong or my will is strong?"

Sean did not comment on Yixiao's words, because he saw from the reactions of the two that the ability of this fruit should be able to affect people's emotions, but once they wake up and know this ability, they will be immune to it. It's like hypnosis. Once you are alert and don't want to be hypnotized, you can't enter the state anyway.


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