In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 112: Crazy Battle of Gods (Part 2)! 【Subscribe, Customize】\r

Although, the final battle of gods won or lost.

It still depends on the slaughter and competition between the races of the gods.

But the stronger the strength of the Lord of God's Domain, the more powerful he will give to the race of his own God's Domain.

Brings greater encouragement and morale bonuses.

It is difficult for a weak god to encourage his own race of the gods to fight frantically for himself.


God's Domain racial morale such a thing.

There is almost no impact on Earth players.

Because for them, it's a huge game.

Even if you know you're going to die.

They'll get excited too - terribly, terribly excited.

With the idea of ​​hacking one and earning money.

Aoao screamed and rushed up to fight.


This time the power competition between the gods.

I am afraid that it will only affect the morale of Zhou Fangyu's demon clan, and Zhang Bo's God Realm race.

The collision of the ten-color storm and the shadow arrow.

Victory was soon decided.

Son God's control and use of divine power is still superior after all.

Therefore, even if Zhang Bo only used about 150,000 divine crystals.

It still completely destroyed the ten-color storm.

But this ten-color storm is not without effect.

At least one or two thousand beasts around Uncle Zhang were blown away.

It is impossible to attack Zhou Fangyu's domain for a short time.

Ultimately, from the looks of it.

The two fought a draw.

But in fact, Zhang Bo and Zhou Fangyu both knew it.

If Zhang Bo was too poor, he would be reluctant to spend more divine crystals to launch a more powerful energy attack.

I'm afraid that's not the case.

But the number of divine crystals is also one of the measures of the power of the gods.

to be frank.

Zhou Fangyu's development time is too short.

Give him a year.

He just harvested divine crystals from players on Earth.

It can make Zhou Fangyu attack directly with the power of the ten-color storm.

Kill Zhang Bo.

Unfortunately, it is now clear that Zhou Fangyu can't do that.

It can only be carried by the earth players and Zhang Bo's God Realm race.

Zhang Bo snorted coldly and said to Wu Weilie who was beside him:

"This Zhou Fangyu does have some ability, but this is probably his strongest means.

"Wait until my army of God's Realm races rush into his God's Realm, how long can he resist?"

to be frank.

Uncle Zhang was more than 20,000 years old, and among the gods, he was already in his old age.

The reason why he is willing to sacrifice his life for the Wu family and his son this time.

On the one hand, they want the divine crystal and divine domain development resources that the father and son of the Wu family rewarded.

On the other hand, I just want to pass this battle of gods.

Completely seize Zhou Fangyu, the genius and demigod realm, for his own use.

Although Zhou Fangyu is only a demigod.

But his divine realm is extremely powerful.

This is something that Wu Weilie has confirmed many times.

As long as you plunder all of Zhou Fangyu's divine domain resources and divine domain races.

His divine realm strength can be improved by leaps and bounds.

Break through to a high-level child god, or even a peak child god.

Add another tens of thousands of years of life.

Therefore, Zhang Bo will be moved.

He agreed to help the Wu family to kill Zhou Fangyu.

at this time.

The ten-color storm has completely dissipated.

Uncle Zhang was extremely surprised, and at the same time, he was pleasantly surprised.

He developed the Divine Realm in front of him, and it was astonishingly large.

One thousand square kilometers than the average demigod.

More than fifteen times larger.

That's 15,000 square kilometers!

Many elementary gods who have just entered the realm of the gods do not have such a large area of ​​​​the realm of the gods.

What kind of adventure did this Zhou Fangyu have to have such a terrifying area of ​​God's Domain?

"It doesn't matter, ten Black Demon Flood Dragons have been bred in my Divine Realm."

"These Black Demon Flood Dragons are all powerful divine races at the peak of the Immortal Martial Realm.

"Just one step away, you will be able to rise through the calamity and become a dragon of the first stage of the fairyland!

"In this battle, Zhou Fangyu will never win against me!

Zhang Bo was not afraid at this time.

Rather happy.

In his opinion, the higher the strength of Zhou Fangyu's divine domain, the better.

In this way, after he killed Zhou Fangyu, he could gain even greater promotion.

Zhang Bo's current area of ​​God's Domain is only 100,000 square kilometers.

If you add Zhou Fangyu's God's Domain.

It can directly increase 15,000 square kilometers.

His strength is equivalent to a direct increase of 15%.

Such a terrifying improvement made his blood boil.

God battle!

This is a must fight!

Because the benefits are so great!

"All ghost orcs, charge with all their strength!! 35

"Start the Battle of God's Domain!!

Uncle Zhang's order reached the ears of the beasts of his Divine Realm in an instant.

"Hoohoho! 35

"Blood, I want blood! 35

"I haven't eaten the meat of the God's Domain race for a long time, I miss it so much!

"I'm going to have a good meal today!

In the crazy beast roar, mixed with some vague human words.

Obviously, after a long period of development.

Uncle Zhang's God Realm race can speak human language.

at this time.

In Zhang Bo's God Realm.

Ten terrifying black long snakes flew out.

This snake is huge.

At least twenty feet long and four or five feet thick.

It was covered with black scales.

Three terrifying huge eagle claws grew out of the middle end of the snake's stomach.

There are also two big drums on the top of the head.

All features are displayed.

These are ten black dragons.

But it is different from the majestic and atmospheric dragon in the legend.

The eyes of these dragons were full of cruelty and blood.

puffs of black gas,

From time to time these dragons come out of their noses and mouths.

All the surrounding air eroded and made a 'sizzling' sound.

You can see how powerful it is.




These dragons first appeared in Zhou Fangyu's divine domain.

Immediately broke out in addition to the terrifying neigh.

That is these dragons venting.

To vent their inner excitement and excitement for their impending slaughter.

"Follow the orders of the Lord of God's Domain, the ghost orcs, all attack!"

Among the ten Flood Dragons, one is the largest Flood Dragon.

At this moment, a terrifying roar broke out.

This voice is like human language, but also like animal language.

It makes people hear it, and it's hard to say.

But this roar, to Zhang Bo's ghost beast clan.

It's like a booster, a stimulant!

Make all the ghost orcs in the sky become extremely violent and addicted to killing.


These crazy beasts.

Panting, roaring wildly incomparably chirping.

He rushed towards the ground frantically.


The vanguards of the ghost orcs found this divine domain very strange.

There are two main cities, one on the left and one on the right.

see this.

The Demon Flood Dragon in charge of command roared.

Let one Flood Dragon under him, with 4 Flood Dragons, lead half of the orcs of about 50,000.

To attack Fengdu City in the Netherworld.

And he took the remaining four dragons and led the more than fifty thousand orcs in the realm of the gods.

Thinking of attacking Shenzhou City.

at the same time.

Demons and human players on the ground.

I have also clearly seen these demon races that have entered the realm of the gods.

Di Jun, Tai Yi, Xi He, and Chang Xi of the demon clan.

I saw the ten Demon Flood Dragons who were leading the attack.

All frowned.

"These celestial demons are not good! The ten leading demon dragons have reached the pinnacle of the Immortal Martial Realm. They are one level higher than the two of us. 39

Di Jun stared straight ahead.

He is the most powerful person in the Prehistoric God's Domain today.

The sensitivity of perception is far beyond what ordinary demon clan and players can compare.

Although I can't clearly see the appearance of the ten black flood dragons.

But the breath exuded from the other side.

It was enough to make Di Jun feel startled.

Soon, Di Jun and Tai Yi found out.

These celestial beings are actually divided into two divisions.

A team attacked Fengdu City.

A team attacked Shenzhou City.

"Brother, look at what we should do now! Lose the Netherworld to help the Netherworld? Or go to the Wild World and help the Human Race and the Witch Race?"5

When Taichi saw this, he immediately asked.

Di Jun thought about it and said:

"It's better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt his ten fingers!"

"The human race and the witch race in the prehistoric world are powerful!"

"As long as our demon clan helps it resist the impact of the five dragons. 35

"The other demons should be wiped out by them soon!

Taichi said excitedly:

"Okay, just listen to my brother. Let's go! 35

Di Jun nodded, waved his hand, and ordered:

"All the demon clan obeyed the order, set off, and immediately rushed to Shenzhou City to assist the human clan and the witch clan to destroy the invading demons.

"Can we finally start?"

Xiao Zhanfeng touched the sparse hair on his head.

His face was full of excitement and longing.

This fanatic who dedicated his body to Zhou Fangyu.

Extremely frenetic at this time.

His demonic energy swelled out instantly, growing his body to more than five meters high.

This is a flexible use of the law of heaven and earth.

Although the power is not as great as when it is fully urged.

But the remaining demon power consumed is very small, and it can last for two or three hours.

"Charge, children of the Father!

"Kill all these invading demons! Let the glory of the Father shine on the entire Prehistoric God Realm..."

Thousands of demon clans shouted at Tai Yi and Di Jun.

The demon blood boils, rises into the sky, and kills directly at Shenzhou City!


The crazy sprinting flight made the speed of the demon clan extremely fast.

Just when the five Demon Flood Dragons, with 50,000 ghost orcs, rushed over the city of Shenzhou.


The roar of the demon clan had already descended upon them.

The five dragons had already discovered the arrival of the demon clan.

They brought more than a thousand orcs who were good at flying.

It collided with the demon clan that attacked from the air.

at the same time.

There are 49,000 ghost orcs left.

Has rushed into the player's queue.

Just a shock.

Thirty or forty thousand players died.

But none of the players backed down.

Countless witches and warriors madly carried out counter-charges.

The ghost beasts that just fell to the ground were directly divided into countless small tofu pieces.

Those ghost orcs who only have the first level of immortal martial arts, and even high martial arts great perfection.

In an instant, it was suppressed by countless warriors and witches.


Crazy comprehension, disregarding the life and death of his teammates.

Desperately launching a Taoist saturation attack on the suppressed orcs.

The seemingly incomparably powerful ghost beasts actually came after the first wave of attacks.

Like a giant in a quagmire.

Players with unclear numbers are trapped in it.

Unable to move.

At the other end of the Prehistoric God Realm.

Outside the Fengdu city in the underworld.

The other 50,000 ghost beasts led by the other 5 Demon Flood Dragons.

The initial attack was much smoother than Shenzhou City.

But soon, they were also trapped by the frenzied attacks of a large number of players.

The nether clan may not be as powerful as the human race and witch clan players.

But don't forget, they are all Nether Races, and various means of life-saving emerge in an endless stream.

Born to be unbeatable little strong.

Every time the terrifying Demon Flood Dragon attacks, it can take away the lives of thousands of Nether Race players.

But in between his attacks.

The attacks of countless Nether Race players also erupted on them.

Although these attacks are not even enough to destroy the scales on these dragons.

But little things added up, and soon wounds began to appear on the bodies of the five Jiaolongs.

And the players they killed at this time had already exceeded 40,000 or 50,000.

Plus the players killed by the other 50,000 ghost orcs.

Almost over a hundred thousand.

But what made them desperate was that the nether players seemed to be endless.

No matter how many they killed, there would still be more nether players rushing up in the end.

This battle of the gods.

In the moment it just started, it entered the white-hot.

This was something Zhang Bo and Wu Weilie never thought of.

more frightening to them.

On the ground, there were so many crazy players on Earth who couldn't play.

Because they found that this group of guys is not only huge in number.

And none of them seem to be afraid of death.

It made them wonder.

Could it be that Zhou Fangyu's Divine Realm race consists of a group of lunatics?!


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