In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 113: Unprecedented Victory and Gain! 【Subscribe, Customize】\r

at this time.

Flying in the sky, Zhang Bo and Wu Weilie were observing the battle.

His face was covered in ashes.

They all thought about the strength and quantity of Zhou Fangyu's God Realm race.

Should be far more than the average demigod.

But under the leadership of the ghost orcs and 10 powerful dragons.

Zhou Fangyu's Divine Realm race should be destroyed in an instant.

But the reality is far beyond their imagination.

The first thing that made them incredible was the number of races in Zhou Fangyu's divine realm.

Outside the two main cities, there was an army of players that could not be seen at a glance.

It makes your scalp feel numb when you look at it.

Don't count at all.

Zhou Fangyu's Divine Realm race at least exceeds one million.

What is this concept.

In the world of gods, it is the gods who are less powerful.

The number of God's Domain races does not exceed one million.

And sub-god-level gods like Zhang Bo.

The number of races in the Divine Realm exceeds 200,000, which is already shocking.

But what about Zhou Fangyu.

At a glance, his Divine Realm race is far more than 1 million.

What made Zhang Bo and Wu Weilie feel crazy was that.

In such a huge divine domain race.

There are still a large number of powerful races of Gaowu Peak and Gaowu Great Perfection.

To know.

Uncle Zhang cultivated the ghost beast clan above the 100,000 Immortal Martial Realm Elementary Rank in his Divine Realm.

But it took thousands of years.

This is what he is usually proud of.

But now, what is the situation of this Zhou Fangyu in front of him.

18 years old.

It is said that the opening of God’s Domain has only taken more than two weeks.

There are millions of races in the God Realm with high martial arts.

If this gives him a few years to grow.

He hasn't directly become a god king, or even a god emperor!

"Magic Flood Dragon! Don't fight with each other, immediately go to destroy their city, find the core of God's Domain, and then destroy it."

Zhang Bo shouted immediately.

He has seen it now.

This Zhou Fangyu wanted to rely on the number of "five-eighth" clans in his own god domain.

Shengsheng exhausted all his Divine Realm races to death.

The only way now is to use the advanced combat power of one's own side.

Perform assault-style beheading tactics.

Never get entangled with the opponent's crowd tactics.

I have to say that Zhang Bo's command is still very correct.

But he underestimated Zhou Fangyu's cards.

The two great gods, Dijiang and Houtu, are in charge.

Who can destroy the core of his domain.

In addition, Zhang Bo also underestimated the madness and wisdom of the players.

Just after his order was given.

5 Flood Dragons on each side began to charge towards the city frantically.

But here in Shenzhou City, there are Taiyi and Di Jun who are at the high level of the Immortal Martial Realm, Xihe, Chang Xi, and Xiao Zuofeng in the middle level of the Immortal Martial Realm, and 100 big demons at the beginning level of the Immortal Martial Realm.

Although the strength of these demon clans is not as good as that of the 5 Demon Flood Dragons.

But they are united enough and desperate enough.

There are these monsters standing in front of the five dragons.

They simply can't break through.

As for Fengdu City, the five Demon Flood Dragons did not meet any decent opponents.

After all, there is almost no high-level combat power here, and it can only rely on human sea tactics.

But for a flying race like the Demon Flood Dragon.

The Nether Race, who can't fly for the time being, obviously has no way to deal with them.

But just when these 5 Demon Flood Dragons thought that they would soon be able to break through to Fengdu City.

Players once again let them know their strength and wisdom.

More than 2,000 Divine Power Ballistas suddenly appeared among the players.

Facing the Demon Flood Dragon who wanted to attack, he started to shoot frantically.

at the same time.

A special race created by Frankenstein - the race of mechanical life.

A total of 20 supernatural mecha warriors rose into the air in an instant, killing the demon dragon in the sky!!

These ballistas and divine power mecha warriors should have appeared in Shenzhou City.

But now, they all appeared outside Fengdu City.

the reason is simple.

Before this demon invasion.

When the players in Shenzhou City received the announcement from Houtu and Dijiang.

The presidents of several major guilds went through simple discussions.

In the end, not a single ballista was left, nor a single divine force mecha warrior.

All let a group of players escort these things.

Through the sacred mountain of the demon clan, it was transported to the Netherworld.

The reason they brought these things over.

He just didn't want Fengdu City to be attacked by the enemy.

There are many old players in Shenzhou City.

They have the strength to deal with high-strength enemies.

But the Netherworld is all new players.

When they faced the high-end combat power in the demons, they would definitely not be able to resist.

At this time, they definitely needed the divine crystal bow ballista and divine power mecha warriors even more.

Usually, the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth and the Netherworld are two hostile forces.

But in the face of foreign invasion.

They became close friends again.

Sure enough, the decision of the presidents of the major guilds in Shenzhou City was correct.

Now, 20 Divine Mechas and more than 2000 Divine Crystal Bows.

Great power.

Divine Mecha can allow a player to directly improve a great realm.

That is to say.

A high level player.

Put on the divine power mecha, before the divine crystals are used up.

He can match a high-level enemy in the Immortal Martial Realm.

This is a very terrifying strength improvement.

5 Flood Dragons are nothing but the strength of the peak of the Immortal Martial Realm.

In the siege of 20 high-ranking supernatural mecha warriors of Xianwu.

Coupled with the attack of more than 2,000 divine crystal bow ballistas on the ground.

It quickly becomes scarred and scarred.

In the end, only one was beheaded or seriously injured.

One by one fell to the ground.

One of the Jiaolong, after it fell, happened to be next to a ballista that had just attacked him.

This Jiaolong frantically performed a dying blow.

Throwing the huge dragon tail towards the ballista.

at this time.

Next to a player in charge of commanding the ballista.

He suddenly rushed up and blocked Jiaolong's tail attack with his body.

His body was violently pulled out.

Smashed several people around the ballista.

One of them turned out to be the old bridge of the Nether tribe.

After Laoqiao stood up, he quickly helped the player who sacrificed his life to protect the ballista.

"Young man, you are too brave, they should give you honors, they should give you high military exploits!!

Unexpectedly, after the player took off the helmet on his head.

Spit out blood.

With a smile, he said to Laoqiao:

"Hey, old man, I'm not a boy anymore."

Laoqiao's pupils dilated, his face filled with disbelief:

"You, you turned out to be Twitter?! Impossible, you can do this kind of self-sacrificing thing.""

Twitter laughed out loud:

"Of course I won't sacrifice myself. I just don't want these bastards to spread wild on our territory. God's Domain Master is good to us, and we have to help him look after his home!"

With that said, Twitter continued to charge with a big laugh.

It rushed towards the Demon Flood Dragon, which had just landed and was not completely dead.

While rushing, he shouted a Chinese idiom that he had just learned recently.

"Brothers, rush with me! Man, don't turn your heels if you die!!!"

Inspired by Twitter geeks.

A group of crazy-crazy players charged wildly at the Demon Flood Dragon.

If one was killed, he rushed up to two.

Ten were killed, and a hundred were charging.

Especially when the Twitter geek got kicked out three times in a row.

There were three charges in a row.

In the end, the Twitter master shouted:

"Laozi, die without turning your ankles! 35

Then it was made into a patty by a Demon Flood Dragon.

The nether players who saw this scene on the scene were completely crazy.

Even a player in the wild world can go so hard to guard their Fengdu City.

What face are they afraid of!

a time.

Crazy charging became the norm.

Dead players can be resurrected immediately.

Immediately resurrected, and then rushed out to fight.

Those who cannot be resurrected, delete the account and re-register, and become a new player without strength.

Also continue to charge.

Even if you are a human shield, help other comrades resist for a moment.

It is also an honor and honor!

Madness, blood, glory, life, dignity...

this moment.

God's Domain doesn't seem to be a game anymore.

It is the common home for all players.

The incomparably powerful Demon Flood Dragon was frightened.

They neighed sadly.

Then, one by one, the divine power mecha was knocked down into the sky.

Afterwards, he was dismantled by countless players, or captured alive.

Just under twenty minutes.

5 terrifying Flood Dragons that are enough to sweep away many sub-god-level gods.

It has become a trophy for the players of the Nether family.

Without the command of these Demon Flood Dragons.

More than 50,000 ghost orcs have also become headless flies.

Under the siege of millions of players.

Gradually divided and eroded, it is like a reef submerged by the sea in the end.

Completely disappeared outside Fengdu City.

at the same time.

The battle outside Shenzhou City also reached a climax.

Outside Shenzhou City.

At this point, the 50,000 orcs have been slowly wiped out by the players.

There are only 5 Demon Flood Dragons left, relying on their powerful strength and flying ability.

Still fighting with demon clan and some flying sword fairy players.

But anyone with eyes can see it.

These 5 Demon Flood Dragons are just struggling to the death.

Killing or capturing them is only a matter of time.

Huge dragon roars and screams resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The strongest Demon Flood Dragon in the lead persisted until the last moment.

But he was still defeated by Taiyi, Di Jun, and Xiao Zuofeng.

Hardly pressed to the ground.

Then he was stabbed one by one by countless players, and he was directly divided into corpses.

In the sky.

Looking at the ghost orcs and the devil dragon that have been defeated.

The faces of Zhang Bo and Wu Weilie were even uglier than those of the dead.


"There are too many races in his dominion! And they are very powerful! They can even create powerful machines and weapons!

"The other party is definitely not an ordinary demigod, I even suspect that he is the reincarnation of a certain god emperor!!

Zhang Bo's face was pale.

His body was shaking at this time.

Wu Weilie asked, "What will happen if the gods lose the battle?"

Uncle Zhang looked at him in horror, but did not speak, but the meaning was already clear.

God is defeated, only death!

There is no longer a second possibility!

The realm of the two gods, once docked together.

Fight for real Dominion.

Then unless the core of the gods of one party is destroyed, the gods and souls are destroyed.

Otherwise, neither side can leave the realm of the gods.

Unless, at this time, there is a god king forcibly breaking through the void.

save them.

Otherwise, there is only one dead end.

But unfortunately, the two of them didn't even know the gods of the god level.

Not to mention the god king above the gods.

"What to do?!" Wu Weilie asked desperately.

Zhang Bo smiled miserably:

"Now, my Divine Realm race has been slaughtered. Even if it is alive, it has been captured and captured by the opponent. 99

"My strength in the realm of the gods has dropped to the level of first entering the realm of the gods. The godhead is shaky, and it is very likely that I will be reduced to a demigod."

"In this case, apart from waiting for Zhou Fangyu's release, I can't think of any other way.

Just when the two of them trembled.

Players who are still alive in the underworld at this time.

Carrying a dragon that was tied into a mummy.

Singing and laughing, he thought of going to Shenzhou City.

Following them were the divine crystal ballistas and divine mecha warriors sent by Shenzhou City.

These players are obviously going to Shenzhou City to thank the other party for their help this time.

Of course, once a month when the faction battles.

If they should cut the Shenzhou City players, they will cut it.

Just at this moment, everyone is a comrade-in-arms, which is enough.


Monster clan, human clan, witch clan, nether clan players.

Just in Shenzhou City for foreign exchange.

More than 2 million players come together.

The scene instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

As the saying goes:

The four major irons in life are to carry guns together, to prostitutes together, to share the dirt together, and to go to the window together.

Before these players, if only the relationship between players and players.

Now, they are at least comrades who have carried guns together.

The relationship between them is, of course, much closer.

Even, Zhou Fangyu also saw a lot of players.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he hugged the female player next to him, and gnawed for a while.

Seeing him indignant...

That's right.

Zhou Fangyu's spirit had already come out of the temple at this time.

He is now floating above the player's head.

After seeing the players converge.

Zhou Fangyu waved his hand.

Suddenly, an overpass made of divine power came directly in front of the player.

All the way to the sky, in Uncle Zhang's realm.

At this time, Hou Tu and Di Jiang appeared again.

"Congratulations! You have completely defeated the invading demons and wiped them all out.

"Now is the moment for everyone to enjoy the fruits of victory.

"Let's charge towards the demon's lair!!"

The words of Houtu and Dijiang once again ignited the enthusiasm of the players.

Even the noble demon clan, who were extremely reserved, couldn't help cheering at this time.

A crowd of more than 2 million people walked along the bridge, which is 10 kilometers wide and how many kilometers long.

He frantically rushed towards Zhang Bo's God Realm.

Although it is a big uphill.

But with the physical fitness of the players today.

The first player to rush to the flyover.

In less than five minutes, he came to Zhang Bo's divine domain.

at this time.

Zhou Fangyu's spirit has also been floating in the sky above this divine domain.

The first thing that catches my eye is a...

A dark forest with an area of ​​up to 450,000 square kilometers.

This is also the most important area in Zhang Bo's Divine Realm.

Ghost Orcs and Demon Flood Dragon.

They were all born and grown in this dark forest 3.9.

The area of ​​the Divine Realm of the Son God is generally at least 100,000 square kilometers.

But Zhang Bo is an old brand god who has survived for more than 10,000 years.

The total area of ​​his divine domain is as high as 750,000 square kilometers.

In God's Domain, there are mountains, rivers, forests, grasslands...

There is even a huge saltwater lake with an area of ​​up to 110,000 square kilometers.

Almost like a small ocean.

Look at this huge divine domain.

Zhou Fangyu was almost drooling.

The winner of the battle of gods can get everything that the loser has.

This is the most fascinating, but also the most brutal place in the battle of gods.

Today, he only wanted to get rid of the scourge of Wu Weilie.

At the same time, it is just to get the black water godhead in his body.

But who would have thought.

The bigger gain was actually given to him by the son-in-law, Uncle Zhang.

Just as Zhou Fangyu was excitedly counting the area and resource distribution of Uncle Zhang's God Realm.

Imagining that after owning everything in this divine domain.

How many innate god domain races can be born, and how many earth player leeks can be created, come to their own god domain, and let themselves harvest.

And the players at his feet.

But not in the mood to appreciate the sight of this new world.

They frantically followed the directions of the demon clan flying in the air.

Run towards the city in the center of God's Domain.

Although, the area of ​​750,000 square kilometers is indeed large enough.

But under the desperate running of these players.

But ten minutes.

One player saw the city wall of the central city of Zhang Bo's God's Domain.

A feast of plunder.

At this moment, the madness started.

This time, the battle of gods, whether against the players, against the demon clan, or against Zhou Fangyu.

It will be an unprecedented huge harvest.

And in this battle of gods, there is one thing.

Also after Zhou Fangyu is promoted to deity.

Bring him unimaginable improvement and surprise.

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