In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 134: The strange eyes of the goddess! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

In the Temple of Gabriel.

All the gods in the audience turned their heads and looked at Zhou Fangyu, who had just "speaking nonsense" like a madman.

To know.

It has been more than three days since the Portos case.

Every god on Shenyun Island is very clear about the situation of this case.

Not to mention the detection, so far even Podos' body has not been found.

Otherwise, the people of the Paladins would not have been holding on to Keisha.

Because, so far, all the clues related to the Podos case.

All pointed to Keisha.

Under such circumstances, even Sima Yun, a well-known wise man in the Eastern Empire, dared not say that he could solve this case and help Kaisha prove his innocence.

Zhou Fangyu is a young deity who looks like a hairy boy.

What ability do you have to solve such a mystery.

"Zhou Fangyu, don't talk nonsense! This matter has nothing to do with you, don't meddle in it!

At this moment, Keisha behind Gabriel spoke first.

She's out of control now.

I don't want Zhou Fangyu to get involved.

Zhou Fangyu looked at her and smiled confidently:

"Caisha, I'm not talking nonsense. I do have confidence in solving this case.

The gods present were a little surprised to see him so confident.

Could it be that this young deity really has any extraordinary strengths in solving cases.

to be frank.

In the world of gods, everything is based on the personal power of gods and the power of the gods.

Mighty gods, for the difficulties and problems that occur on weekdays.

99% of them can be solved only by their divine power and powerful divine race.

Especially in the realm of the gods, the gods are almost omnipotent.

So, solving this kind of thing.

Often not taken seriously at all.

Because, usually after a big case like a murder.

The gods can quickly determine the murder target by detecting the divine power, magic traces and breath around the place where the crime occurred.

Even without these traces.

Powerful gods can also use time rewind, this incomparably powerful magical power, to directly check the location of the case and everything that happened in the past.

The real murderer has nowhere to hide.

It really doesn't work, the gods have a last resort.

That's the celestial deduction.

By communicating the world will of the gods, and deducing the fate line of the gods of death, directly check who killed him.

But in this case of the disappearance and death of Podos, the most paradoxical thing is here.

All the above methods used by the gods to investigate the case have all failed.

At the place where Podos disappeared, there was no fluctuation or trace of divine power or magical power.

Going back in time is not possible.

The trump card of Tianji deduction is also the best method Sima Yun, a candidate for Tianjimen sect master, is good at.

Also failed.

Sima Yun has deduced the fate line of Podos since he knew about this case.

But he can only see him confessing to Keisha, and after being rejected, he went alone to the place where he last disappeared.

After that, his fate line became a complete mess, and he couldn't see anything.

This is also when Gabriel invited him to help solve the case.

The reason why he refused directly and politely.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, but in the face of this case, he can't do anything.

And why is Zhou Fangyu so confident in solving the case?

It is because he knows these methods of solving cases in the gods world.

Too much reliance on the divine power and special supernatural powers of the gods.

On the contrary, it has not developed the means on the earth to detect cases based on comprehensive information such as criminal traces, criminal psychology, and criminal motives.

That is to say.

Although the world of gods is very powerful, it is also too powerful.

Many side-by-side technologies and civilizations have been suppressed and ignored.

not developed at all.

When encountering a case like Podos, it is the case detection method on earth, which is more likely to have miraculous effects.

Of course, Zhou Fangyu himself does not know how to investigate and solve cases.

But he can have the whole earth behind him, and almost all criminal investigation experts can back him up.

Zhou Fangyu believed that under his great reward, the master of the divine domain.

There must be a criminal investigation expert on Earth who can solve this case.

"Lord Gabriel, I am confident that this case will be solved within a day.

Zhou Fangyu said confidently:

"His Royal Highness said that the three treasures of the angel family should be rewarded to those who solved the case. It will not only be valid for the gods of the Western Empire, right?"

"If I solve this case, can I get the three treasures?"

Gabriel was in a bad mood at this time.

His manner of speaking is no longer as modest as before.

"Don't worry, His Highness the Holy Son will do what he says. Any god on Shenyun Island, as long as he can solve the case and prove Kaisha's innocence, he will definitely be rewarded.

Zhou Fangyu nodded with satisfaction: "That's good!"

"My Lord Bishop William, I just said that this case can be solved within a day.

"Although you have brought the arrest warrants of His Highness the Son and the Pope, the arrest warrant should not specify a specific time for the arrest of Keisha. 39

"In this case, it's better to wait for me for a day. If I can't solve the case within a day, it's not too late for you to arrest Kaisha."

The reason why Zhou Fangyu wanted to delay Kaisha's arrest.

Certainly not his sudden outpouring of kindness.

The reason why he came forward to help Keisha.

One, of course, was for the reward promised by the Holy Son of the Holy See.

The three treasures of the angel family are too tempting.

Once you get these three things.

In addition, Zhou Fangyu in the Lost God Realm this time, may harvest the magic manuals and props above the fairyland.

for a long time to come.

Zhou Fangyu's divine realm strength will enter a period of continuous explosion.

There is no need to worry about the invasion of that Western raider group at all.

Also, Zhou Fangyu helps Kaisha.

It was also taken into account that, on Shenyun Island, the only person who truly protected him, and who could make him feel at ease, was only Keisha.

After all, Keisha had sworn to the will of the gods.

This time, the expedition to the Lost God Realm of Shenyun Island was full of fog.

First, Podos, the head of the temple guard, disappeared and died.

Afterwards, two gods, Gabriel and Sima Yun, who were far beyond the specifications, personally boarded Shenyun Island and presided over this expedition.

Then there was a fierce infighting between the Holy See Angel Family and the Temple faction.

In this environment, if Keisha was really captured by the people of the temple.

Not to mention whether she can come back alive.

Who will sincerely protect Zhou Fangyu's safety during her absence?


Gabriel is an eternal god, and will he care about the safety of Zhou Fangyu, a weak eastern god?

Totally impossible.

As for Sima Yun, who I just met.

He is a high-level education department in the Eastern Empire, and he is also the candidate suzerain of Tianjimen, the largest sect in the Eastern Empire.

Zhou Fangyu, a young god from a small remote city.

Why let a big brother who is not a relative or a native place protect his safety with all his heart!


After thinking about it, Zhou Fangyu felt that he was the most reliable person on Shenyun Island today.

Still Keisha!

As long as Keisha is okay.

She would definitely not let Zhou Fangyu have an accident.

In addition, behind Keisha stood Gabriel and the Holy Son of the Holy See.

There are these two big men to protect.

As long as Keisha can get rid of the suspicion of murdering Podos.

Zhou Fangyu was on Shenyun Island for two months.

You can sit back and relax about your own safety.

Therefore, he will speak amazingly.

To solve the Podos case in one day.

At the same time, they also used this as an excuse to ask the people in the temple to delay the arrest of Keisha.

Zhou Fangyu This is not arrogance.

By adjusting the time flow rate of God's Domain.

One day in the main world can be equivalent to 100 days on earth.

He couldn't believe it, a simple disappearance murder.

Gather all the famous detectives on earth.

Can't detect in 100 days!

In short.

When Zhou Fangyu asked to delay the arrest of Kaisha, the words were spoken.

The gods at the scene were once again shocked by his amazing confidence.

And Gabriel's eyes suddenly lit up.

He unfolded the arrest warrant in his hands.

Sure enough, although there are the divine power signatures of the Pope and the Son on it.

But no specific time of arrest was set at all.

"Bishop William, this arrest warrant does not specify a specific arrest time"||. 35

"I think it's better to wait a day later, after the young god of the Eastern Empire has solved the case. Let's decide whether to arrest Kaisha! 35

Gabriel said in a very calm and majestic tone.

As soon as Bishop William heard Zhou Fangyu's words, he cried out in his heart.

At this time, I heard Gabriel really use this as an excuse.

Again, their attempt to arrest Keisha was rejected.

This made the cardinal angry.

"No, although there is no time limit on the arrest warrant. But after the arrest warrant is issued, it is customary to immediately arrest the gods involved in the case."

"How can this be used as a reason to delay the arrest?! 35

"In case this young boy from the Eastern Empire can't solve this case for ten days and a half months. Do we have to wait ten days and a half months before we can arrest Kaisha?"

"At that time, what if Keisha absconded in fear of crime?"

Bishop William said hoarsely.

Gabriel smiled slightly, "Don't worry, if you say it's one day, just one day. 35

"I believe that this god Zhou Fangyu from the Eastern Empire will definitely solve this case within a day.

"If a day later, he can't solve the case, then I will never stop you from arresting Keisha!

Gabriel's words instantly attracted the attention of all the gods present.

It was transferred to Zhou Fangyu again.

Everyone was extremely curious why Gabriel would have such confidence in Zhou Fangyu.

I believe this incomparably young god can solve the case in just one day.

Especially Sima Yun, who is familiar with Gabriel's character.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu really began to look at him differently.

Just now, from Gabriel's mouth, I learned that Folding Blade is willing to use the Spear of the God of Light in exchange for Kaisha to protect Zhou Fangyu for two months.

Sima Yun became interested in Zhou Fangyu.

Now, even the always proud Gabriel.

I also value this Zhou Fangyu so much.

This makes Sima Yun no longer interested in Zhou Fangyu.

He had already made up his mind.

After today's events are over.

When he goes back, he must have someone check Zhou Fangyu's situation.

He wanted to know when such a monstrous young man appeared in the Eastern Empire.

And he, the Minister of Education of the Empire, knew nothing about it.

at the same time.

The eyes of the young oriental gods Tianjiao present also changed fundamentally when they looked at Zhou Fangyu.

Just now, when Gabriel introduced Zhou Fangyu, he said that he was a senior high school candidate in Dongyang City this year.

Most of Tianjiao actually disdain Zhou Fangyu.

After all, Dongyang City is in the Eastern Empire's urban agglomeration of as many as hundreds of thousands.

It is a very remote and unremarkable small city.

In addition to this city, there has been a slightly famous killing god Bai Qi.

There are no young gods that have been noticed and known by the outside world.

Therefore, in the eyes of these geniuses.

Zhou Fangyu is simply a hillbilly from a small place.

Even if Gabriel admired him so much, it was probably just in the face of the folding sword.

Just some polite words.

Only Zheng Tianqing is the arrogant god who still has the heart of a child.

I just had a few words with Zhou Fangyu.

The other Tianjiao just ignored Zhou Fangyu at all.

But now, Gabriel faces such a dilemma.

He still respects and trusts Zhou Fangyu so much.

This is not to say "courtesy".

a time.

Zhou Fangyu is sharp-edged and radiant.

It suppressed all the arrogances present and became the object of attention of all gods.

This naturally made these Tianjiao very uncomfortable.

Especially Wu Junhou who came from the imperial capital.

He has always been a genius!

He is the best senior high school student in the Eastern Empire this year, and among all the young gods, he is the first super genius to reach the realm of the elementary gods.

This time, I followed Sima Yun to Gabriel's palace for a banquet.

In fact, Wu Junhou has the idea of ​​competing with the world's talents and subduing all the young gods of the Eastern Empire.

But what he never expected was.

Haven't waited for him to show up.

In the middle of the road, he killed a Zhou Fangyu, and repeatedly attracted the attention of the gods in the audience to him alone.

It doesn't give other young gods any chance to show up at all.

How could this convince Wu Junhou.

at this time.

Bishop William was forced into a corner by Gabriel's words.

He thought about it for a long time, but still did not dare to offend the eternal god Gabriel too much.

In the end, William could only grit his teeth and nodded:

"Well, in order to show my respect for Lord Gabriel, I won't arrest Keisha immediately.

"But I only give you one day, if this kid can't solve the case within one day, it will prove Keisha's innocence.

"I hope Lord Gabriel won't stop me from arresting Keisha!

"In addition, while this kid solves the case, I hope to be able to monitor the whole process, and Keisha can't leave our sight."

"Please, Lord Gabriel, agree to my request.

Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief when he saw William's clothes softened.

Of course he also knew.

If now Keisha is really caught in the temple.

It finally proved her innocence, and after she came out, her vitality would be greatly damaged.

After all, Keisha is the first genius of the younger generation of the Holy See of Light.

For many years, the young deity who had suppressed the temple.

The temple has long been looking for an opportunity to abolish Keisha.

How could you pass up this opportunity?

At that time, even Gabriel and the Son were angry.

But Keisha didn't die, but her strength dropped dramatically.

The temple is a big deal to throw out a scapegoat.

What more can Gabriel and the Son be!

after all.

There is the King of Light.

It is impossible for the angel family and the temple to be completely torn apart.

But now, Zhou Fangyu, a stunned young man, rushed out and wanted to solve the case within a day.

With this as an excuse.

Gabriel can justifiably delay the arrest.

It doesn't matter if Zhou Fangyu can solve the case in the end.

With this day's buffer period, Gabriel can think of other ways.

Save Keisha.

Of course, Gabriel wonders whether Zhou Fangyu can solve the case in one day.

Also with high expectations.

If Zhou Fangyu can really solve the case in one day.

Proving Keisha's innocence, Gabriel is of course the happiest.

Because in this way, Keisha can be completely safe without him paying any price and means.

This is of course the best result.

This is why Gabriel showed so much trust in Zhou Fangyu.

to be honest.

It was this old fox who had long thought that Zhou Fangyu would not be able to solve the case.

Other plans to rescue Keisha.

" problem, Bishop William's request is very reasonable.

Gabriel smiled and agreed to William's request.

William was also relieved.

He was afraid that Gabriel would not allow them to follow along to solve the case, or keep Keisha in their sight.

Because of this, Gabriel is likely to find a scapegoat to help Kaisha take the blame.

Or secretly let Keisha escape.

Now Gabriel agreed to his request, indicating that the other party did not have the idea of ​​using these deceitful methods.

This made Bishop William completely relaxed.

Because in his opinion, it is impossible for Zhou Fangyu to solve the case in one day.

After all, this is a strange case that the Western Empire has sent its top detectives, but it still cannot be solved.

A hairy boy from the Eastern Empire who wants to solve the case in one day.

In his opinion, it is simply a idiot.

"Lord Gabriel, let's see if we should start now and invite this young god from the Eastern Empire to start solving the case.

"Avoid too many nights and dreams, and let the real murderer escape."

William asked again.

At first, he was helping Kaisha, but he was actually blocking Gabriel's way back.

For fear of the day Gabriel said.

It is counted from the time Zhou Fangyu started solving the case.

If Zhou Fangyu starts solving the case in a month.

Then William didn't have to wait a month!

Gabriel naturally saw his careful thinking.

I don't want to bother with him about this.

Gabriel turned to look at Sima Yun and a dozen other young gods, Tianjiao.

"I'm sorry, distinguished guests."

"You saw it too, because of the Podos case. I may not be able to continue hosting you today."

"After this matter is over, I will definitely invite you to come to the palace for a small gathering. I apologize to everyone."

Sima Yun and a dozen young gods shook their heads in unison.

Sima Yun said:

"The dinner party can be held anytime, and it is the top priority to prove the innocence of Goddess Keisha as soon as possible.

"It's just that I have an unkind request. 35

"On the one hand, we are very curious about how the Captain of the Guard of Podos was killed."

"On the other hand, (Li Nuohao) we may be able to help in the process of solving the case.39

"Therefore, please also ask Lord Gabriel to agree, and we will watch the whole process of solving this case. 35

Sima Yun said this.

The dozen or so arrogant people next to him were all excited.

They really want to watch the whole process of solving this case very much.

Especially Zheng Tianqing and Wu Junhou are two arrogances.

most interested in this case.

Zheng Tianqing is naturally curious about everything.

Naturally, he wanted to know how Zhou Fangyu solved this strange case.

And Wu Junhou really thinks that he is intelligent and thinks that he can solve the case faster than Zhou Fangyu.

Therefore, he also wants to participate in this case.

After Gabriel heard Sima Yun's words.


After all, Sima Yun is a well-known wise man, and he has also solved several strange cases in the Eastern Empire.

He was willing to participate in the whole process of solving the case, which Gabriel could not ask for.

"Master Sima is willing to participate in this case, I can't ask for it! How can I refuse?"

Gabriel laughed.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he invited everyone present to sit again.

"Since everyone seems to be watching this case, it's better for us to join the table as soon as possible. After dinner, everyone will go to the scene of the crime together. We have already found the place where the Portos Flying Shuttle has been found, and it will not be too late to solve the case together.

After Gabriel said this, everyone realized that the stomach was still empty at this time.

They all looked at each other and smiled, and went back to the chair by the long table to sit down.

Soon, the maids filled the long table with the food for the dinner.

Everyone was anxious to go to the scene of the crime, and this time they stopped talking and started to indole.

William and the Holy Knights he brought were ignored by Gabriel, intentionally or unintentionally.

There was no intention of preparing food for them at all.

Angrily, William led people out of the hall and went to stand guard outside.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu also sat back in his seat and ate dinner.

He didn't eat at noon, and now he is really hungry.

Just then, Keisha sat beside him.

Her face was very strange, looking at Zhou Fangyu's eyes, strange, surprised, nostalgic, shy, and sweet

Zhou Fangyu was very uncomfortable looking at it, and a strange thought occurred in his heart.

What's the matter with this woman?

Wouldn't she fall in love with me just because I wanted to help her prove her innocence?

Hehe, how is this possible!

A peak true god will fall in love with a little god who has just entered the realm of the gods because of this kind of thing? Village!

But then, when Keisha said something in Zhou Fangyu's ear, he was shocked.

Zhou Fangyu was so startled that he almost jumped out of his seat.

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