In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 135: Frightening case-solving experts! 【Subscribe, customize】\r

"You just believe that I am innocent? Are you willing to take such a big risk for me, and even dare to say a promise to solve the case within a day?"

"Do you know that if you can't solve the case in one day, what kind of anger you will suffer from Lord Gabriel?"

"Is it worth it for the god of mine, who might be a murderer?"

Kaisha asked suddenly in Zhou Fangyu's ear.

Not waiting for Zhou Fangyu to answer.

She suddenly said something very melancholy:

"When I was young, my grandfather calculated the destiny for me!"

"Say that my fate is against the gods, and I will be lonely for the rest of my life. 35

"But at the age of 30, I will meet the only god who can save my life."

"This person will stand up and help me out when I am in trouble."

"It will also be the key to my promotion to the gods.

"But grandpa said that if I really meet this god, the fate of the gods will be broken, and I will become the woman of this god.

"Aren't you the god who can break my destiny?!

Zhou Fangyu almost jumped up from his chair when he heard this.

"Hehe, stop joking."

"How can this kind of thing be true?"

"Calculating the destiny, I remember that at least the king can do it, right?

"If your grandfather is the king of gods, how dare the people in the temple arrest you?

"I guess it's your grandfather who is teasing you and talking nonsense!

Zhou Fangyu quickly replied.

To be honest, a man who can become a woman like Keisha.

It is very attractive to any man.

But not to mention, this woman is now deeply involved in the struggle between the temple and the angel family, which is extremely dangerous.

Even the identity of this woman is destined that Zhou Fangyu will not be tempted by her.

Let's imagine.

Kaisha is the first of the younger generation of gods in the Western Empire.

The strongest genius god of the angel family for thousands of years.

In the Holy See of Light, the first master below the gods.

593 is so glorious and light in one.

If, she really followed an unknown young god of the Eastern Empire.

What an uproar would that cause.

Light is Keisha's admirer and suitor in the Western Empire and the Holy See of Light.

It is estimated that they can line up to hack Zhou Fangyu to death.

It was tempting to get this woman.

But the risks and dangers to be taken in the middle are too great.

Zhou Fangyu still has a lawsuit in his head and faces a lot of dangers and difficulties.

Don't dare to provoke the woman Keisha.

"Hehe, I'm just joking for you, don't take it seriously."

Kaisha suddenly smiled when she saw Zhou Fangyu's ghostly expression.

See this smile.

Zhou Fangyu immediately raised a sentence in his heart:

Looking back and smiling Bai Meisheng, Liu Gong Fen Dai has no color!

Holy, sexy, elegant, charming, glamorous...

I have to say, this woman really has the beauty to charm all beings.

No wonder so many young gods in the Western Empire flock to her.

They confessed to her and pursued her wildly.

"Haha, just kidding, just kidding. 35

Zhou Fangyu said awkwardly, thinking to himself.

Even such a beautiful goddess can "heartlessly refuse"!

Is there something "worse than beasts"?

Thinking of this, he quickly shook his head again.

I call this out of vulgar taste, how can it be called "beasts are not as good as".

Just when he consoled himself.

Keisha asked suddenly:

"Zhou Fangyu, do you really have the confidence to solve the case in one day? 35

This time, Keisha's tone and expression were very serious.

Zhou Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the other party was really joking just now.

I put the story of the so-called "Man of Destiny" to the back of my mind.

He smiled mysteriously with great confidence:

"Don't worry, in terms of solving cases, there is no god better than me in the entire god world!

After he finished speaking, he was embarrassed to find out.

How come the tone of these words is so similar to what a Twitter master said.

It must be that when he was possessed by the little diamond wind, he had too much contact with that guy.

were infected by him.

At this moment, Zheng Tianqing who was sitting near him also flew over curiously.

"Zhou Fangyu, do you really have any tricks in solving the case?"

can see.

This Zheng Tianqing was very interested in solving the case, something that few people in the god world paid attention to.

Zhou Fangyu smiled mysteriously.

"Since it's a unique trick, naturally it can't be said in advance.

"Say it, but it won't work."

This time, not only Zheng Tianqing, but also Keisha next to him were caught by his words.

whetted the appetite.

But Zhou Fangyu ignored them and ate dinner alone.

Filled up my stomach quickly.

"Okay, I'm finally full." Zhou Fangyu said with satisfaction.

Afterwards, he said to Keisha and Zheng Tianqing beside him:

"I'm going to the bathroom to fix my physical problems.

"It would be embarrassing to go to the toilet again in the process of solving the case."

"If anyone asks where I've been, please explain it to me.

After that, Zhou Fangyu turned around and went to the bathroom on the side of the temple.


Soon Gabriel and Sima Yun, the two bosses, found that Zhou Fangyu was gone.

Kaisha and Zheng Tianqing explained.

These two big men are relieved.

I have to say, a young god who may not even be a child god.

It can be in this temple where the arrogance gathers tonight.

Received such attention from the two gods.

Simply a miracle.

And Zhou Fangyu, the creator of this miracle.

As soon as he walked into the bathroom, he instantly entered his own divine realm.

After entering the realm.

Zhou Fangyu immediately adjusted the time flow rate of God's Domain to 100 times that of the main world.

Such 500 minutes in God's Domain.

It is only equivalent to 5 minutes in the main world.

Enough Zhou Fangyu to gather a group of real criminal investigation experts.

Help him solve the mysterious disappearance and death of Podos.


If Zhou Fangyu is in the current 2.1 million Divine Realm players immediately.

It is basically impossible to find top talents in criminal investigation and solving cases.

Because, before, every time he screened players who entered God's Domain.

All are selected according to other (bbdj) criteria.

The player's ability in criminal investigation has not been considered at all.


He has opened the declaration channel for new players yesterday.

Today is exactly the time when 17.9 million new players enter the game.

Zhou Fangyu immediately sent his spiritual thoughts to the earth network.

Go to the backstage of the official website of the Age of Gods and open the new player reporting statistics column.

At this time, 5.9 billion netizens have sent declaration information.

The entire earth has just 10 billion people today.

5.9 billion is almost the limit of all human beings who can access the Internet.

Zhou Fangyu doesn't believe that among these 5.9 billion people, there are still a few players with outstanding crime-solving abilities?!

Just thought for a while.

He integrated his spiritual thoughts into the entire human Internet.

Collected information related to case solving, criminal investigation, forensics, criminal psychology, etc.

Then, mobilize the computing power of all Internet computers in the world.

Simply made an artificial intelligence program specially used to screen case-solving experts.

In the end, Zhou Fangyu installed this program in the program he made last time that was specially designed to screen new players.

Since then.

When the program automatically filters new players.

The person with the strongest crime-solving ability will be screened first.

Then, according to other conditions, people with higher cultivation talent and higher morality will be screened out to become new players in the game.

After doing all this.

Zhou Fangyu immediately closed the reporting channel.

And announced the list of new players on the official website, which will be announced in two hours.


Zhou Fangyu will declare the existing 5.9 billion netizens' information.

All input programs, while mobilizing global computing power.

Comprehensive screening of the information of these 5.9 billion netizens.

The terrifying and huge computing power quickly screened out more than 13,000 of the world's top crime-solving experts from among 5.9 billion people.

These experts are specialized in-

Forensic identification, criminal traces, forensic identification, criminal psychology, psychological profiling, micro-expressions, criminal investigation reasoning, criminal motivation, criminal probability, etc. dozens of disciplines related to solving cases.

At the same time, they have made outstanding contributions or achievements in one million cases within ten years.

That is to say.

These 13,000 people can be said to be the most proficient people in the world.

Zhou Fangyu waved his hand and directly included them all into the list of new players this time.

Of course, it is impossible for all 13,000 people to directly participate in the whole process of solving the case.

Most of them, more as a backup force.

Just to complete some logistical support work in solving some cases.

Zhou Fangyu once again improved the conditions for artificial intelligence screening, requiring that 8 people be selected from the 13,000 people to form a case-solving expert team.

Although Zhou Fangyu is not good at solving cases and criminal investigations.

But have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?

In the detection process of many cases, there are often thousands of clues, and there are hundreds or thousands of query directions and reasoning directions.

If there are too many investigators and too many ideas for detection, it will often result in twice the result with half the effort, resulting in a dilemma.

Therefore, to really participate in the detection, only the best eight people are needed.

It covers 8 links and steps of case detection respectively.

Will suffice.

There are too many people, but it is easy to make mistakes!

After Zhou Fangyu reset the filter conditions and the number of people to be screened.

The artificial intelligence program again mobilized huge computing power to screen 13,000 people.

The screening speed is much faster this time.

It only took ten minutes to finally determine the list of 8 experts to solve the case!

But when Zhou Fangyu saw the list of experts.

After the first expert name and information.

An eerie feeling came to my mind instantly.

Zhou Fangyu has become a god even now.

One finger can run over this man.

But when he saw the man's name.

There was still a trace of fear in my heart.

"Damn, is there a bug in the artificial intelligence program I created?!

"Why did it choose this person as the number one expert in comprehensive crime-solving ability?!

"What's even more strange is that the place where this person stays is obviously impossible to have a computer and a network!

"What did he use to send out the declaration information for applying to become a player of "God's Domain"?! 35

Zhou Fangyu muttered to himself in shock.

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