In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 137: He is the main person to solve the case?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

Zhou Fangyu just came out of the domain of the gods.

Suddenly it hit something soft.

He took two steps back in fright.

When he saw what he had just hit, his whole body seemed to be on fire.

I saw Zhou Fangyu standing in front of the beautiful angel Keisha.

She, who has always shown herself as an iceberg beauty, is also blushing at this moment.

Protect your hands in front of you.

Looking at Zhou Fangyu, it was as if he was going to eat him.

"Hey, that Keisha, why did you enter the men's toilet?"

Zhou Fangyu quickly changed the subject.

Keisha said:

"Master Gabriel and Master Sima Yun have already finished their meals and are ready to go to the crime scene to check the situation.

"You stayed in the bathroom and never came out."

"I'll come and call you. I knocked on the door for a long time, but I didn't see you coming out."

"I thought you were in danger and rushed in."

"Who would have thought, you guy..."

Speaking of this, Keisha's face turned even redder, and she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

Zhou Fangyu smiled awkwardly and changed the subject again:

"Since the two gods are looking for me, let's go out quickly. Don't make them wait."

Keisha glared at him fiercely, and for a long time, she couldn't say a word.

Zhou Fangyu felt uncomfortable when she saw her, and was about to run away.

At this moment, I don't know what Kaisha thought.

Suddenly, he burst out laughing.

Then, she actually took Zhou Fangyu's arm.

"Let's go, the two gods are still waiting for us! 35

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the bathroom with Zhou Fangyu in his arms.

Wait for the two to come to the hall of the temple.

All the gods in the audience have finished their meal.

He left the long table and waited for the two of them at the gate of the temple.

Gabriel and Sima Yun stood at the front, and they didn't say anything when they saw Kaisha walking over with Zhou Fangyu in their arms.

But behind them, "Five Ninety Three" and a dozen other young gods were stunned.

I can't figure it out, how did this kid Zhou Fangyu get Kaisha, the first true god of the younger generation of the Western Empire?

Among them, Zheng Tianqing quietly gave Zhou Fangyu a thumbs up.

That means, brother, it's so powerful!

I didn't expect you to be so quick to abduct the first goddess of the younger generation of the Western Empire.

And Wu Junhou looked at Zhou Fangyu's eyes, but it was even more unkind.

Obviously, this young god with a high self-esteem is deeply displeased by Zhou Fangyu's practice of stealing all the limelight again!

"Hmph, grandstanding! Later, if you can't solve this case, how will you end it?!

Wu Junhou's words changed the atmosphere of the scene instantly.

Although not named.

But everyone knew that he was talking about Zhou Fangyu.

The meaning inside and outside of the words is obviously to say that Zhou Fangyu won the favor of the goddess Keisha by bragging.

Zhou Fangyu just smiled slightly when he heard this, and didn't bother to pay attention.

Like Wu Junhou, the arrogant gods with eyes higher than the top.

How would you know.

Behind him, Zhou Fangyu, stands the strongest criminal investigation force in the entire human civilization.

It can be said that the 8-person crime-solving team formed by Zhou Fangyu.

Put it in the world of gods—a world that doesn't have a criminal investigation system at all.

It is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, using the power of adults to bully children.

Therefore, it was conservatively estimated that Zhou Fangyu would solve the case one day.

Now this Wu Junhou rushed out for no reason and "begged" Zhou Fangyu to slap his face.

Of course Zhou Fangyu had to fulfill his wish.

"Lord Gabriel, Lord Sima, I'm sorry, I'm late.

Zhou Fangyu said to Gabriel and Sima Yun with a smile.

The two gods smiled and glanced at Kaisha, who was still holding Zhou Fangyu's arm.

Not much to say.

"Since everyone is here, let's go to the crime scene and check it out, and then go to the shuttle in Podos that we just discovered."

After Gabriel finished speaking, he walked out of the temple first.

Sima Yun walked out of the temple side by side with him.

Zhou Fangyu and Kaisha followed closely behind them and walked out.

At this moment, Sima Yun suddenly turned his head and whispered to Zhou Fangyu:

"Young man, come on! Marry the first goddess of the younger generation of the Western Empire back to our Eastern Empire. I'm optimistic about you!""

After speaking, the big man turned his head and continued to move forward.

When he came to Gabriel's side.

Gabriel said to Sima Yun angrily:

"If you want to marry the first goddess of our angel family, this kid is still far away! 35

Sima Yun laughed and said:

"There are some gaps now, but who knows what the future will be like!"

Zhou Fangyu looked at the two bosses and even started to gossip about his relationship with Keisha.

His face was full of black lines, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

It was Keisha who was still holding his arm beside him.

His face was natural, as if he hadn't heard what the two bosses just said.

Still holding Zhou Fangyu's arm tightly, he walked forward.

Zhou Fangyu tried to pump his arm several times, but was unsuccessful.

In the end, he had to let Keisha hold the hand.

that's it.

In the gossip of the two gods, and the envy and hatred of a group of young eastern gods.

Zhou Fangyu walked out of the temple.

Bishop William and the Holy Knights were all standing outside the gate of the temple at this time.

Looking at the expression on his face, he was obviously angry with Gabriel for not inviting them in just now.

Unfortunately, none of them dared to show it.

"Lord Gabriel, can we start solving the case now?"

William bowed and asked for instructions with a displeased face.

Gabriel smiled and said:

"It's time to start."

Afterwards, his words changed and he said with a smile:

"The main person in charge of this case is Zhou Fangyu.

"Then, I hope that the Knights Templar who are in charge of solving this case can fully cooperate with him and follow all his commands.

"I think, Bishop William should have no problem with this!?

When William heard this, he almost jumped up in anger.

Let a junior god of the Eastern Empire command the Paladins.

Isn't that humiliating to them?

But William quickly swallowed the breath.

He knew that if he refused Gabriel's request at this time.

At that time, if Zhou Fangyu can't solve the case in one day.

Gabriel is likely to use this as an excuse to attack the Knights Templar.

Even continuing to delay the arrest of Keisha.

Therefore, William finally suppressed the anger in his heart and bowed:

"The Knights Templar will definitely cooperate actively with this god of the Eastern Empire!

"As long as he's not out of order, we'll follow his orders for the time being, it's fine!"

Gabriel saw that William had endured this breath.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Then, he laughed again.

"Okay, let's go now!"

"From now on, everything will be based on Zhou Fangyu's orders."

Zhou Fangyu heard this and knew that Gabriel was creating the best environment for him to solve the case.

He nodded gratefully to Gabriel.

Then, of course, he said to William:

"Bishop William, we have to go to the first scene of the disappearance of the captain of the Podos guard.

"During this process, please give me a copy of all the relevant files and materials collected by the Knights Templar."

"I want to check it out for myself."

William was silent for a moment, then nodded gloomily, "No problem!

Afterwards, he instructed Kelder, the leader of the Knights behind him:

"Captain Kelder, you are now taking us to the first crime scene.

"Also, let the captain of the Knights Detective Brigade, who was in charge of solving the case, rush over immediately with the case file and information."

Kelder nodded, picked up the intercom, and spoke to Steve, the captain of the detective team.

Afterwards, he took the lead and led the crowd to the scene of the first crime.

Soon, Steve, the captain of the detective team, brought the case file.

Angrily, it was handed over to Zhou Fangyu.

Obviously, the captain already knew.

Zhou Fangyu is an oriental deity who is outspoken and claims to be able to solve a case in one day.

He and the detective team he led had spent three or four days without any clues.

As soon as Zhou Fangyu came up, he claimed to be able to solve the case in one day.

Isn't this naked slapping him in the face?

Therefore, Steve's attitude towards Zhou Fangyu is naturally not very good.

But Zhou Fangyu didn't care about it at all.

Because he didn't need Steve to do anything.

He just wanted to come to his case file and show it to the 8 people who solved the case.

Let them get acquainted with the world background of the world of gods, and at the same time understand the basic process of this case.

As for what Steve and the others did - the test results of divine aura, fluctuations in divine energy, traces of divine energy, time retrospect, and so on.

For the 8-person case-solving team, it has no effect at all.

Earth's criminal investigation methods have never had these contents.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu went to the scene after a while.

With the help of the 8-person case-solving team, it is necessary to inspect the crime scene in person.

After getting the case file.

Gabriel nodded and waved.

Directly took these dozens of gods and flew into the air.

Fly directly to the landing pad of the spaceship where Podos disappeared.

at this time.

Zhou Fangyu took the opportunity to put some of his spiritual thoughts into the realm of the gods quietly.

The 8-person case-solving team has all been in place at this time.

They are now staying in the room that Zhou Fangyu prepared for them.

Through the holographic projection screen in front of you.

The group chat system prepared with Zhou Fangyu.

They have already introduced each other in the group chat system, and have a preliminary understanding and understanding.

When Zhou Fangyu looked through the chat records of these case-solving experts.

He was also surprised to find out!

In this case-solving group.

The most "popular" person turned out to be Dr. Han Niba.

Although, everyone knows that he is a serial killer.

But for his many experiences helping the police catch other criminals.

Obviously very interesting to the other detectives.

They are asking him for details on this.

And Han Niba deserves to be a top psychologist, with a terrible emotional intelligence.

When he chats with any detective, he can tell the other party's most interesting and favorite topics.

Make everyone feel very comfortable.

So much so that everyone ignored his identity as a murderer.

Among them, only Duanmu Hongyu learned the identity of Han Niba.

I hate and hate him very much.

But it didn't specifically target him, just when Han Niba spoke.

Duanmu Hongyu didn't speak much.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Fangyu nodded with satisfaction.

The relationship between the members of the 8-person crime-solving team is not bad.

There was no serious confrontation and contradiction.

Only in this way can we effectively help him and solve the mysterious disappearance and death case of Podos.

Subsequently, Zhou Fangyu opened the case file.

All were projected onto the holographic projection screen in front of the 8 members of the crime-solving team.

"Hello everyone, I am the main participant in the case you are trying to solve this time!

"The Lord of God's Domain must have already informed you.

"This time, you will indirectly understand the entire content and process of this case through my vision.

"At the same time, if you are investigating the scene, looking for evidence, and reasoning about the case, you need to provide me with help.

"After the case is finally solved, the Lord of God's Domain will give you the rewards you want."

"Then, please read the contents of the case file carefully. 99

"I want to remind you, because this case takes place in a world made up of gods.

"The background of the world in the files is completely different from the earth.

"The gods here can do many incredible things on earth."

"In the process of solving the case, you must take this aspect into account.

"Therefore, everyone in the case file must read carefully about the situation in this world."

"Of course, for the specific process of solving the case, you don't need to follow the detection process of this world. After all, this case has been proved that it cannot be solved with the methods of this gods' world."

"Therefore, everyone should use Earth's detection methods to solve the case!"

See Zhou Fangyu's tip in the group chat.

The members of the 8-person crime-solving team immediately stopped chatting with each other.

Begin to read the contents of the case file carefully.

At the same time, compare with Zhou Fangyu's tips one by one.

Soon, these members of the case-solving team had a general understanding of the situation in the world of gods.

At the same time, they also noticed.

The criminal investigation methods in this world are very simple and simple.

There is almost no concept of physical evidence and trace identification at the crime scene.

This also made the eight case-solving experts breathe a sigh of relief.

Because of common sense.

Since the criminal investigators in this world do not have the concept of physical evidence and trace identification.

Then the criminals in this world also have no related concept.

In this way, the probability of finding corresponding physical evidence and criminal traces at the scene will be greatly improved.

Zhou Fangyu saw that everyone had read the basic content of the case file.

In fact, the main thing is to read the case file——

The basic background of the gods world, as well as the time of the incident and the people involved.

The rest, the things recorded in this case file, are almost useless to the eight experts who solved the case.

This is why Zhou Fangyu knew from the beginning of 3.9 that he had to re-investigate the scene.

See that 8 people have read the dossier.

Zhou Fangyu reminded again in the group chat:

"Attention, for this case-solving mission, I will select a main case-solving person who will follow me throughout the whole process of solving the case. When I investigate the case site, he will give me hints and help throughout the process!""

"The main investigation direction of the case will also be determined by the main investigator.95

"The other seven people are all cooperating with the case-solver and must obey the command of the main case-solver."

"Afterwards, I will send a quick answer button in the group."

"Whoever presses it first will be the main investigator of this case."

Zhou Fangyu announced the rules for solving the case.

Then, a quick answer button was posted in the group chat.

The first person to press the button will be the main solver.

Guide him through the whole process.

The reason for using this method is that the 8 people in the group are all very strong.

Zhou Fangyu didn't know how to choose.

If they were allowed to go their separate ways, there would be no one main solver.

It's easy to cause confusion!

As a result, Zhou Fangyu did not know who to listen to when investigating the scene, reasoning about the case, and collecting evidence for trial.

Therefore, he simply randomly selected a main solver.

Others have come to assist the main case solver to check and make up for omissions.

In this way, the strongest strength of the case-solving team can be exerted.

It can also make Zhou Fangyu behave smoothly and naturally when solving cases.

Not to be seen by other gods.

Someone behind him guides him in solving the case.

In the group chat of the case-solving team.

The quick answer button is released.

Instantly prompt, grab the information of the detective who is qualified to solve the main case.

This hand speed is so fast that Zhou Fangyu is amazed.

Looking at the person's name, Zhou Fangyu was even more impressed.

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