In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 138 : This caught the real murderer?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

Zhou Fangyu saw the tip of the main solver.

I couldn't help but sigh.

As expected of a guy who has been single for a lifetime, this hand speed is really amazing.

That's right.

This time, it is Dr. Han Niba who has grabbed the qualification of the main investigator.

Captain Guan:

"Damn, what's the hand speed of this Han Nipu? My hand speed is fast enough, but I still haven't grabbed him?"5

"Dr. Han Niba, aren't you in your fifties? Why can you do it so quickly?

Fang Muman said unwillingly.

"I'm sorry, I've been in prison for decades, and I can't solve the problem if I'm not fast."

Han Niba is obviously an old driver too.

Before everyone was caught off guard, the car had been driven to everyone's face.

Zhou Fangyu was also dumbfounded by Han Nipu.

In memory, isn't this Dr. Han Niba an elegant and aristocratic fan?

I didn't expect that after entering the realm of the gods, I would be able to drive in public.

"Okay, now that the main person to solve the case has been selected, Dr. Han Niba.

"Then, then, when I investigate the scene and reason to solve the case.""

"I was guided and prompted by Dr. Han Niba in real time.

"If other crime-solving experts want to make a different opinion and add what Dr. Hannibal missed. They can raise it separately after he has finished speaking.

After Zhou Fangyu finished speaking, his mind moved.

Withdrew his spiritual sense from the realm of the gods and returned to the world of gods.

Only a trace of spiritual sense was left to keep in touch with the chat room of the 8-person case-solving team.

at this time.

under the leadership of Gabriel.

The gods have come to the first scene of the disappearance of Podos.

I don't know who spread the news that Zhou Fangyu would solve the case within a day.

The crime scene was near the landing pad of the spacecraft.

It was already crowded by the young gods of the Eastern and Western Empires who came to participate in the expedition on Shenyun Island this time.

Take a look.

There are nearly four or five hundred gods.

Fortunately, although the world of gods does not have the concept of protecting the traces and evidence of the crime scene.

But there is a divine aura that avoids letting other gods.

Contaminate the relevant regulations of the crime scene.

As a result, the entire spaceship tarmac was covered by the deities of the Paladins.

It was covered with a special defensive barrier.

These onlookers can only stand on the periphery and cannot enter the crime scene.

This made Zhou Fangyu breathe a sigh of relief.

"Lord Gabriel, because we have limited divine aura shielding equipment on hand."

"So the number of gods entering the crime scene can only be up to 8.

Steve from the detective team reports to Gabriel.

"Then the others are waiting outside!"

Gabriel thought about it and said:

"Just me, Lord Sima Yun, Zhou Fangyu, Kaisha, Steve, and William, let's enter the crime scene with the six of us. 35

At this time, Zheng Tianqing and Wu Junhou who were next to him couldn't wait to bow to Gabriel and said:

"Master Gabriel, I also have some experience in solving the case, and I hope to be allowed to enter the crime scene." Wu Junhou said proudly.

"Lord Gabriel, I am a fellow from Zhou Fangyu, and I hope to be able to watch how he solves the case, please allow me." Zheng Tianqing pleaded.

Gabriel did not speak, and glanced at Sima Yun beside him.

Sima Yun smiled and said:

"If Lord Gabriel allows, it would be good for these two young gods to see the 11th world!"

Gabriel nodded and said:

"Okay, let's follow up together. But after entering the scene, you must not remove the divine aura shielding equipment. Everything is subject to the instructions of Zhou Fangyu and Steve.

Although Wu Junhou refused to accept Zhou Fangyu, he did not dare to disobey Gabriel's orders.

Can only bow and say "yes"!

Zheng Tianqing also readily accepted this.

Soon, a group of ten gods brought their divine aura shielding equipment.

Entered the small spaceship tarmac where the incident occurred.

After entering the crime scene.

Zhou Fangyu immediately opened his mouth and commanded:

"In order to avoid traces of the scene and not suffer further damage.

"Now, gods, please don't enter and walk around freely.

"I will begin to survey the scene now. 35

"If you have any questions, you can ask them, and I will answer them as appropriate.

"But the gods who dare to walk around and destroy the traces of the scene, I will ask Lord Gabriel to punish them severely!

Most of the ten gods who came in were very cooperative.

The order stopped.

But Wu Junhou and Steve looked down on Zhou Fangyu the most.

"This eastern god, we have already worn the shielding equipment of divine power. It will never destroy the traces on the scene. Your order is too unprofessional."

Steve was indignant.

Wu Junhou also nodded in agreement:

"It does feel like a big deal. I don't know if this Zhou Fangyu is holding the feathers of Lord Gabriel as an arrow.

After listening to the words of the two, Zhou Fangyu snorted coldly:

"I naturally have my method of solving the case, you can question it, but you must follow my command.

"If you disobey my command, the case will fail! 39

"All responsibility rests with the two of you!

"Now, are there any doubts?!"

After Zhou Fangyu finished speaking, the two of them didn't dare to move.

Because of Gabriel next to him, he was already looking at him with incomparably cold eyes.

Look at the two of them.

As the eternal god, he just said that in the process of solving this case, all gods must obey Zhou Fangyu's command.

These two people are now jumping out and questioning Zhou Fangyu, aren't they just hitting him in the face?

Zhou Fangyu saw that the two were honest.

Nodding with satisfaction, no longer paying attention to these two guys.

Started my first site survey.

First of all, Zhou Fangyu looked at the spaceship apron in front of him as a whole.

The entire apron is about 30,000 to 40,000 mu.

Compared to the spaceships of the gods world, it is only a small tarmac.

More information in the case file shows.

This helipad is entirely for this expedition.

It was temporarily built by the staff of the Holy See.

Specially used to park the spaceships of the high-level gods of the Western Empire.

The location of the apron is at the southeast end of Shenyun Island.

Walk one kilometer to the southeast and you will find the boundless sea.

Because of its remote location, few gods usually come here.

This is also the reason why no other gods were seen when Podos disappeared.

"Captain Steve, please repeat in detail the entire process of the disappearance and death of Podos. 35

Zhou Fangyu suddenly said to Steve while looking at the apron.

Why do it.

On the one hand, I want to divert people's attention.

Ignore his little act of putting part of his spiritual sense into his own divine domain and maintaining real-time linkage with Dr. Han Niba.

on the other hand.

I also want to describe it through Steve's own words.

Look for information that may be missing from the file.

Although Steve was reluctant to be directed by Zhou Fangyu, he saw that Gabriel next to him had already looked at him.

Finally, the captain of the detective brigade.

Or honestly introduced the whole story of the Portos case.

three days ago!

Keisha's Dawn and Podos' Destiny shuttle.

It was once parked in this small helipad in front of the gods at the same time.

Around ten in the morning.

Keisha came here, ready to take the Dawn to leave Shenyun Island and head to the Eastern Empire.

However, there were more than a dozen Western imperial gods, including Podos.

When Keisha was about to board the ship, Podos confessed to Keisha in public.

But Keisha refused directly.

Afterwards, Keisha took the Dawn to the Eastern Empire.

Then, the other gods who came to see them off left the tarmac one after another.

Only Podos was rejected because of his confession and was in a bad mood.

He stayed on the shuttle of his Destiny and did not leave here.

Since then, he and his Destiny shuttle have completely disappeared.

At the beginning.

People thought he had returned to the Western Empire.

But that afternoon, the Knights Templar of the Holy See of Light discovered it.

The Western Empire has no records of entry into Portos at all.

The god of Shenyun Island, who is in charge of the registration of airspace entry and exit, also did not see the shuttle of Podos leaving Shenyun Island.

That is to say.

Podos is still on Godfall Island.

never left.

at the same time.

Two days ago, in the Temple of Light, Podos' life card was completely shattered.

So far, it is confirmed that Podos is dead.

And the place where he died was on Shenyun Island.

But I don't know because of the interference of something, I can't find the specific and accurate direction.

After the Paladins determined that Podos was dead, they immediately closed the entire Shenyun Island completely, only allowed to enter, not to leave.

At the same time, they almost turned the entire Shenyun Island upside down.

But Podos' body and shuttle were still not found.

However, since the Dawning departed from Shenyun Island.

Until the island was closed by the Paladins, no other aircraft ever left.

And Shenyun Island was disturbed by the powerful fluctuation of divine power.

Another place where space teleportation cannot be used at all.

In other words, Podos' body and shuttle, as well as the murderer who killed him.

Except for Keisha on the Dawn, which may have been but left Godfall Island.

There is also a possibility that the murderer did not leave at all and was hiding among the many gods on the Divine Realm Island.

At this time, the Paladins immediately dispatched a detective team responsible for arresting criminal gods and solving cases.

Come to Shenyun Island to investigate the case.

But soon, the detective brigade encountered an unprecedented problem.

Near the landing pad of the missing ship in Podos.

They could not find any traces of divine and magical powers.

There's also no way to use time travel to see what happened here.

a time.

The case reached an impasse.

The captain of the detective team, Steve, can only change the direction of the investigation.

Want to start by looking for Podos' body and missing shuttle.

according to his analysis.

Podos' corpse and the shuttle could only be hidden in two places.

One is the Lost God's Domain time and space in the center of the God's Meteor Island.

But there for various reasons.

Only young deities under the age of 20 can enter.

And a young god under the age of 20 wanted to kill silently and transfer Podos' corpse and shuttle.

function is impossible.

Therefore, this possibility was overturned.

And the remaining possibility is that some gods hid Podos and his corpse in his own divine domain.

And the gods who can do this should have the lowest strength and should be above the peak true gods.

Because Podos is the pinnacle of true God.

Moreover, this god should be an acquaintance of Podos.

After all, the Goddess Island would not be reached if Podos resisted fiercely.

The other gods must have felt it.

The god who could kill Podos silently.

It must be a god who has at least the strength of a true god at the peak, and at the same time can make Podos completely put down his guard.


Keisha, who rejected Portos on the spot three days ago, became the biggest suspect.

Steve of the detective team thought.

That day, Keisha seemed to have left Shenyun Island.

But it didn't really go far.

After all the other gods had left, she drove the spacecraft back to the tarmac quietly.

Then, she took advantage of Podos's complete defense against her.

Kill Podos, then hide him and his shuttle in his dominion.

Then, re-piloted the Dawning spacecraft and left Shenyun Island.

This inference is almost unassailable.

Except for two doubts that cannot be explained.

One is the god who recorded the entry and exit of aircraft in the airspace that day.

Did not see Keisha's Dawn return.

Of course, this can be used -

With the help of her powerful strength, Kaisha quietly sneaked into Shenmie Island to explain.

But the second doubt cannot be explained.

That is how Kaisha, a true god at the pinnacle, can erase all traces and auras of divine power on the scene, and at the same time completely destroy all the traces of time and space around the apron.

If you want to do this, the lowest is the king of gods.

Keisha obviously doesn't have this ability.

But the king of God wants to kill Podos, and he doesn't need such trouble at all.

But in the end this question.

But it was ignored by Steve, who was prejudiced against Keisha.


Keisha becomes the prime suspect in the Portos case.

As soon as she returned to Shenyun Island, she was surrounded by people from the temple and wanted to arrest her and bring her to justice.

In the end, because of Gabriel's obstruction, Keisha was not successfully arrested.

But just now, the people of the detective team were once again in a cave under a cliff on Shenyun Island.

Discovered the missing Podos' Destiny shuttle.

The divine blood of Podos was found on the shuttle.

At the same time, a piece of Keisha's clothes was also found.

That's the whole story of the missing death in Podos.

Steve's re-described case.

Sure enough, there were details that Zhou Fangyu had not seen in the file.

For example, the starting position of the shuttle.

For example, the specific time when Podos disappeared.

For example, after Podos disappeared, the Knights Templar searched for him before and after.

Normal starts with trivial details.

It was not paid attention to by the detectives of the gods world at all.

Because in their view, solving a case is to find the breath and traces of divine power.

Or go straight back in time and space to see what happened.

This has been a useful tool for solving crimes for tens of thousands of years.

Rarely loses effect.

But apparently, this time the Podos case told them.

Their past case-solving methods have been cracked.

It doesn't work that well anymore.

Of course, as Steve spoke.

Zhou Fangyu was not idle.

He fully shared his vision with the eight experts in solving crimes.

At the same time, the voice connection between Han Niba and his own was opened.

That is to say.

Han Niba can put his voice into Zhou Fangyu's mind at any time.

Instruct Zhou Fangyu to conduct on-site investigation.

Just as Steve retells the case as it goes by.

At the request of Han Niba, Zhou Fangyu first came to a hill overlooking the entire apron.

Here, the line of sight is suddenly clear.

In the apron, you can clearly see the traces of six spaceships or shuttles parked.

One of them is the Dawn.

At this time, it stopped at the large apron on the other side of Shenyun Island.

With a few traces left, it would be impossible to know which was the docking point of the Destiny shuttle.

In the case file, there is no mark or photograph on this point.

have to say.

The world of gods does have enough amateurs in criminal investigation.

Even more laymen than a layman like Zhou Fangyu.

"Captain Steve, may I ask where the Destiny shuttle was parked before it disappeared?

Zhou Fangyu interrupted Steve, who was still chattering after recounting the case.

asked him.

"Just to the far left, near the edge of the tarmac. 35

Steve was taken aback by the question, but answered quickly.

Zhou Fangyu immediately walked to the area Steve said.

A slender oval trace, clearly visible on the ground.

Needless to say, this is the trace left by the shuttle of the Destiny.

In the case file, although there are many details missing, the people of the Holy See investigation team are not so stupid that they don't even put a photo of the shuttle of the Destiny.

Therefore, Han Niba, behind Zhou Fangyu, easily conceived it at this time.

The way the Destiny shuttle was parked here at the time.


Zhou Fangyu lay down on the ground directly according to Han Niba's instructions.

Carefully observed all existing traces near the shuttle parking site.

Soon, he was excited to find out.

There are actually only three different sets of footprints, left in three to four days.

The time of other traces is far more than a week.

After careful study of the three sets of footprints.

Zhou Fangyu quickly made a decision.

"Captain Steve, immediately bring the last god who saw Podos that day, and I have something to ask him."

Steve reluctantly said:

"We are in the file, haven't we put the transcript of the questioning about him? Is it necessary to call him again?"

Zhou Fangyu insisted:

"I'm going to ask a question that you haven't asked. Please call him over immediately.

Steve had no choice but to take out the intercom and ask someone to bring the god over.

Less than 3 minutes.

A god was brought over by a member of the detective team.

Zhou Fangyu took Steve out of the barrier that specifically blocked the fluctuations and breath of divine power.

Come to the god who last saw Podos.

He opened his mouth and asked:

"You were the last god who saw Podos three days ago?

"That's right, it's me--Templar, Abbots! 35

Subsequently, Abbots complained:

"Yes, I was the last god to see Podos."

"But I've told the detective team many times."

"After leaving the tarmac, I quickly met a friend and went to dinner. There was no time to kill Podos, and my friend could provide me with an alibi. 399

Apparently, Abbies was once suspected by the detective team.

I have suffered some hardships.

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"I don't think you are the murderer, I just want to ask you a few more questions, please cooperate!

At this moment, Steve 593 next to him said viciously:

"Abbits, if I ask you any question, you can answer it immediately. Don't push three or four, or you will have your good fruit to eat!"

Abits didn't dare to entangle any more, and immediately said:

"Well, if you have any questions, just ask!"

Zhou Fangyu smiled and pointed to the place where the shuttle of Destiny was parked, and asked:

"Did he stand in front of his shuttle when you last saw Podos?"

"And did you ever walk up to Podos and talk to him for maybe four or five minutes, I guess to persuade him to drive or something, and then you left the tarmac?"

Abbies was obviously taken aback when he heard this question.

"Yeah, how do you know what happened at that time?"

Zhou Fangyu smiled and said, "Don't worry about how I know, you just need to answer my question!

Then he went on to ask:

"I'll ask you again if it rained a little here when you left the tarmac, but it stopped soon. 35

Abbies was even stranger.

"My God, were you there at the time? It did rain a little at that time."

"I also specifically asked Podos why he didn't use divine power to cut off the rain. But he didn't pay attention to me at all. 39

Abit's words instantly startled the surrounding gods.

At this moment, everyone had a doubt in their hearts.

Why did Zhou Fangyu know all about what happened on this tarmac three days ago between Podos and Abbies.

You even know if it ever rained!

Zhou Fangyu ignored these questioning glances.

He continued smiling and asked:

"When you last saw Podos. Are there any other gods on the tarmac?

Abits thought for a while, "No, it's just me and Podos. 35

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"Okay, I'll ask you one last question now. 35

"Are the shoes you're wearing now the same ones you wore when you last saw Portos three days ago. 35

Abbies was completely stunned.

He couldn't figure out what Zhou Fangyu was really doing.

Can only passively reply: "Yes, I haven't changed my shoes in the past three days."9

Zhou Fangyu nodded, "Very good! Thank you for your cooperation.

Then, he turned his head, looked at Steve, and said:

"Captain Steve, please find me a stack of white papers."

At this time, Steve was also stunned.

"Okay, okay!

He called his team members and immediately brought a stack of white paper.

Zhou Fangyu took one of them.

With a smile, he turned to Abits and said:

"Please take your shoes off and stretch out your hands.

Abbies stumbled and followed suit.

Zhou Fangyu took the shoe in his hand and put it on the white paper.

A slight shock with divine power.

The shoe print of this shoe is clearly engraved on the white paper.

This is the special effect of Zhou Fangyu's use of divine power to directly drive the dust from the sole of the shoe into the fibers of the white paper.

have to say.

Use divine power to conduct on-site investigation records.

It is much more convenient and quicker than the means of exploration and recording on the earth.

Next, Zhou Fangyu used the same method.

The palm prints and fingerprints of Abits were also clearly engraved on the white paper.

"Okay, your task is complete, you can go."

Zhou Fangyu said with a smile.

Abits nodded as if he was amnesty, and turned to leave the scene.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu suddenly shouted:

"Abbits, it was you who killed Podos!"

As soon as this is said!

All the gods at the scene were stunned.

Afterwards, all the gods looked at Abits in shock.

But Abbies was horrified and shouted hysterically:

"It's not me, how could it be me! I'm good friends with Podos!

See his expression.

Even Captain Steve around Zhou Fangyu began to doubt him.

Because Abbies' reaction was too much.

Steve waved his hand at this time, the detective team outside the shielding barrier.

Immediately surrounded Abbies.

Ready to arrest him at any time.

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu burst out laughing.

After saying a paragraph, Abbies' face was covered in cold sweat.

Let the other gods around you be astonished!

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