In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 139: The unpredictable Zhou Fangyu?! 【Subscribe, customize】\r

Just as the gods in the audience were suddenly shouted by Zhou Fangyu.


When I thought the real culprit had been found.

And that Abitus was full of cold sweat and could be captured by the detective team at any time.

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu laughed and said something that shocked everyone.

Just listen to him say:

"Abbits, gods can lie, but the traces on the scene and the micro-expressions on your face make it difficult to lie."5

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu smiled slightly.

Thinking of the analysis of Han Niba and Fang Mu in his mind just now.

Continued confidently:

"According to my observations. 35

"In a week, around the shuttle of the Destiny, there were only three groups of gods walking or landing footprints.

"One of the footprints was exactly the same size as the shoe size of Portos in the file.

"I guess it should be Podos himself."

"This can be confirmed by finding a pair of old Podos shoes soon."

"And the remaining two sets of footprints, one large and one small."

"The big group, is of a male deity. 35

"This footprint is next to the footprint of Podos, it has been there, and it has been there for four or five minutes.

"This is what I infer based on the depth of the footprints and the possible weight of this god.

"The specific speculation method, I will explain in detail later."

"Now, here comes the most crucial question.

"This footprint was found next to the Podos footprint.""

"Not only in this place."

"It's strange, maybe fifteen to twenty minutes after Podos had left the place."

"The footprint reappeared near the shuttle. 35

"At this time, I think Podos has returned to the shuttle. The owner of the footprint should not have found it, and he returned to the side of his shuttle again.

"And, what's even more strange is that the location of this footprint is at the tail of the shuttle, next to the booster nozzle.

"According to my analysis, the owner of this footprint should have quietly flew to the tail of the shuttle and landed on the ground."

"I checked and found that there was no one around, and Podos wasn't there either.

"So he took out a little thing and shoved it into the end of the Podos shuttle.

Saying that, Zhou Fangyu came from his own divine domain.

Take out a little powder.

He was lying on the ground just now and quietly put it away when he was surveying the ground.

Gabriel, the eternal god, couldn't help but be curious at this time.

With a wave of his hand, he directly inhaled the powder in Zhou Fangyu's hand into his own.

After a brief review, Gabriel was surprised:

"God crystal powder?!

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"That's right, it's Divine Crystal Powder!""

"The energy intensity of this thing is very high, just by stuffing a little bit into the jet port of the shuttle, it can cause a small explosion, and then destroy the flying ability of the shuttle!

"I guess that the owner of this footprint at that time wanted Podos to be unable to drive the shuttle to leave the Goddess Island.

"And the reason for Podos to drive the shuttle away is to chase after the object of his confession - Keisha!!"

"But Podos did not expect that one of his god friends was also deeply in love with Keisha. 35

"He was afraid of Podos' perseverance and really turned Keisha back.

"So, after he left the tarmac in front of Podos, he quietly came back here. He added a little material to the injector of Podos' shuttle.

"If the shuttle of Podos fails, it can only stay in place.

It is speculated that who is the owner of this footprint in Zhou Fangyu's words.

Everyone on the scene already knew.

But this kind of intricate analysis and judgment method, this kind of way of judging the ins and outs of the whole incident based on the traces and footprints on the scene.

All the gods on the scene were stunned, unable to say the name of that god at all.

Zhou Fangyu didn't know how strong shock and shock he caused to the gods present.

He still said to himself:

"That's right, the god who made Podos's shuttle malfunction and prevented him from pursuing Keisha is this Abitus before us. 99

Abbies' face was ashen at this time.

When he heard his name, it came out of Zhou Fangyu's mouth.

Rest up again.

He cried frantically:

"It's not me, I didn't do this. It's all your slander!

"I'm Podos' best friend, how could it be possible to drive out such a deed. 35

Zhou Fangyu chuckled:

"Abbits, as I said, traces don't lie.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the white paper in his hand with the print of Abbies' shoes.

Re-entered the tarmac.

"Lord Gabriel, now you can follow the route I set to get stronger to identify this set of footprints."5

Zhou Fangyu smiled and used his feet to draw a line on the ground.

Prevent these gods from destroying the traces of the scene.

Gabriel and Sima Yun were not angry because of Zhou Fangyu's actions.

Instead, he took the lead and followed the route with great interest, and walked to the place where the shuttle of the Destiny had been parked.

The other young gods also followed the two big bosses curiously and walked to Zhou Fangyu's side.

There is only Wu Junhou alone, with an awkward face, but he is unwilling to go.

Zhou Fangyu ignored him at all.

Just to Gabriel and Sima Yun, pointed out a few sets of footprints on the ground.

Then, in his hand, he had just printed the footprints from Abbies.

Handed it to Gabriel and Sima Yun.

After the two bosses read it, they nodded.

"Yes, Zhou Fangyu's inferences are all well-founded. 35

"The last footprint of Abitus is indeed right at the position of the shuttle's booster. There is indeed a residue of divine crystal powder next to it. 39

Gabriel directly confirmed all Zhou Fangyu's speculations.

This time.

All the onlookers outside the apron were in an uproar.

"Unbelievable! This method of solving a case is simply unheard of 々||!"

"Indeed, there is no divine power fluctuation detector, no divine breath analyzer, and no time rewind machine. Just relying on a few footprints and some powder, we can restore what happened in the past to this point. It's incredible!"

"This young god of the Eastern Empire is truly amazing!

at the same time.

Following behind the two bosses, the young talents of the Eastern Empire.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu's eyes have also changed.

Many Tianjiao looked at Zhou Fangyu, from the doubts and dissatisfaction.

turned into genuine admiration.

Even those who still question Zhou Fangyu's arrogance.

I also started to change my opinion.

Among them, Zheng Tianqing even admired Zhou Fangyu immensely.

He has been full of curiosity since he was a child, so he likes solving puzzles, solving cases, exploring... and other types of activities.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu's performance undoubtedly made Zheng Tianqing worship him as the strongest detective in the world of gods.

Only Wu Junhou saw this situation and snorted coldly, not only did he not change his opinion of Zhou Fangyu.

Instead, he hated Zhou Fangyu even more.

At this time, Steve heard that Gabriel personally affirmed Zhou Fangyu's inference.

No more doubt.

He shouted:

"Get me Abbies! 99

Seeing that the situation was not right, Abits was about to open up his divine domain to resist.

Gabriel, who was nearby, raised his hand, exuding a terrifying divine might.

Afterwards, he only opened a line in his own divine realm.

A dazzling white light shot out of it.

Directly knocked Abbots out.

Not to mention opening the realm of the gods.

"The final judgment of the angel family is estimated to be released by an angel god race of at least the golden immortal level. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a terrifying power in such a short period of time.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but analyze in his heart.

Along with him, the 8 experts who saw this scene.

It was also stopped at this time.

Such a real and powerful supernatural force.

It was something they had never seen on Earth before.

This also makes these 8 people look forward to the rewards they can get after completing the task of solving the case.

After all, the previous players in God's Domain were all legendary superhuman beings.

Who wouldn't want to have such terrifying power and long lifespan one day?

Just when Zhou Fangyu sighed.

Abits, who was beaten to death, has been arrested by several members of the detective team.

Pushed to Steve's side.

"Abbits, are you afraid that Keisha will fall in love with Podos, so you deliberately broke his shuttle, then took the opportunity to kill him, and hid his shuttle and corpse. Then by some unknown means , erased all traces of divine power and time-space retrospective clues at the scene?"

Steve asked loudly.

Abbies spit out a mouthful of blood, and his expression was extremely sluggish.

Hearing Steve's words, he still cheered up and shouted injustice:

"Master Mingjian, I admit that I did have a crush on Keisha and didn't want Podos to pursue him, so I broke his shuttle booster."

"But I definitely didn't kill him. I'm just a high-level true god, how could I be the opponent of the peak true god Podos.""

"I didn't kill him at all, I was wronged!!"

Steve sees that he doesn't admit that he killed Podos.

I just want to punish me.

But Zhou Fangyu came over at this time and blocked Steve.

He smiled and said:

"When solving a case, never rush to a conclusion, everything must be presented with evidence.

"The god who killed Podos is indeed not this Abitus!

As soon as the words came out.

Once again, the surrounding gods were shocked.

Just when everyone thought that the real murderer of Podos had been found.

Zhou Fangyu once again came to the conclusion of a 180-degree turn.

Steve angrily said:

"You didn't say it just now, this Abtus went back and forth, breaking Podos' shuttle propeller.

"Isn't he the real murderer?

Zhou Fangyu shook his head:

"Captain Steve, I just said he broke the thruster, didn't I say he killed Podos?"

Steve was taken aback, "What does this mean.""

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"Just now I suddenly shouted and told Abbots that he killed Podos."

"His first reaction at the time was surprise and daze. 35

"Fear and fear followed!"

"And then the shame and chagrin of being found out!

"Finally, looking around and looking around wanting to escape and escape!

"More my research on microexpressions and psychology."

"Abbit's series of reactions proves that he has indeed done something sorry for Podos, but it has nothing to do with Podos' death.

As soon as he said that.

Everyone present was stunned.

Psychology has also heard of some gods.

However, it is also a very cold subject in the world of gods.

There are few gods studied.

But this micro-expression, really no gods have heard of it.

Steve was repeatedly denied by Zhou Fangyu, and his face could not be hung up.

He angrily said:

"I've never heard of the bullshit micro-expressions and psychology you're talking about."

"You said he had nothing to do with Podos' death, what evidence do you have?"

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"Of course I have proof."

"And the evidence is on Abbots."

After saying this, all the gods' eyes were fixed on Abbies.

Want to see where the evidence is on him?

Zhou Fangyu looked at everyone's face with confusion.

Don't continue to whet your appetite.

He smiled and came to Abits and raised his palm.

"The evidence I'm talking about is his palm prints and fingerprints.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Fangyu returned to the tarmac with a smile.

Went to the place where the shuttle of the Destiny was parked.

He pointed to the direction of the shuttle propeller, and a place less than ten meters back, said with a smile:

"Everyone, please see, in this place, there are two very obvious palm lines, one deep and one shallow."

"Do you remember, I asked Abbots earlier if it rained a little when he left the tarmac."

"He replied that it did rain a little at that time.

"And the reason why I judge this is on this pair of palm prints."

"The ground of the tarmac is all hardened."

"It's easy to leave shoe prints on this hardened ground."

"But it's hard to leave palm prints.""

"Because the opportunity for the palm to contact the ground is very limited, and when the contact is made, it is often not the whole body weight that hits the palm.

"So, when I found this pair of palm prints, I immediately felt that it must be raining that day.

"And the owners of the palm prints had some powdery stuff on their hands at the time. 99

"So, on the water stains on the ground, very clear marks were left.

"It was still clearly visible until three days later."

"And this pair of palm prints I have already compared with Abbies's palm prints, it is indeed his left.

Among the gods around, many people have woken up from a dream when they heard about this place.

They finally knew why Zhou Fangyu said that Abtus could not be the god who killed Podos.

Sure enough, Zhou Fangyu quickly gave an explanation.

"With this palm print, we can't speculate on the situation at the time. Abbies secretly returned to the tarmac and stuffed the crystal powder into the thruster of the shuttle of Destiny."5

"Then, just as he was about to leave, Podos just started the shuttle.

"Then there was a small explosion of the thrusters."

"The shock wave of the explosion pushed Abtus, who was about to leave, to fly out."

"Then, caught off guard, he couldn't adjust his body with divine power, so he could only support the ground with his hands in a frenzy. 39

"Then, near this palm print, a pair of heavy footprints appeared.

"This shows that at this time, Abbies has stood up again, stepped on the ground hard, and then flew into the air and left the tarmac.

"After this pair of palm prints and footprints appeared. 35

"There are no new footprints and palm prints of Abbots on the entire tarmac. 35

"At the same time, there were no more footprints of Podos around the shuttle. It means that Podos found that the shuttle was broken, and he was killed in the shuttle before he could leave the shuttle.

"So, if Abbies is going to kill Podos."

"Unless he flew straight into the air and attacked the shuttle.

"..otherwise he wouldn't be able to fly directly into the closed shuttle.

"But if he still launches a direct attack on Flying Shuttle, let's not say whether he has the strength to break through Flying Shuttle's protective layer and kill Podos who is far stronger than him!

"At least on the scene, there is no trace of the shuttle being attacked.

"I therefore conclude that he did not kill Podos at all.

"Of course, he was not at all wrong in the murder of Podos."

"It was precisely because he inadvertently destroyed the shuttle of Podos that Podos did not successfully leave the Divine Fallen Island, and finally gave the real culprit an opportunity to take advantage of.

Speaking of here.

Everyone woke up like a dream.

At this time, the eyes of the gods looking at Zhou Fangyu changed again.

The past events that just seemed to be magical are restored.

It turned out to be deduced and analyzed from countless tiny details.

Such nuanced methods of solving crimes and on-site investigations.

Simply unheard of.

It made all the gods on the scene feel a sense of ignorance.

And Abits, who had just been cleared of murder by Zhou Fangyu.

Not only was there no joy at this time, but he collapsed to the ground and cried bitterly.

It seemed that he also knew that he was an accomplice in the indirect killing of Podos.

So these days have been tortured by guilt and responsibility.

Now it has finally been exposed.

This completely released the pressure in my heart and cried bitterly.

Zhou Fangyu looked at Abits like this and couldn't help shaking his head.

Western gods, relying on the belief of the gods race, can easily obtain a large amount of divine power and enhance the strength of the gods.

Therefore, the gods of the Western Empire often advance very quickly in the early stage.

But they are often tempered in the state of mind and beaten by the godhead.

Far weaker than the gods of the Eastern Empire.

Abits in front of him is already a high-level true god.

It is only a small realm away from the peak true god Bai Qi, the killing god.

But there is a world of difference between the two people's moods.

Steve saw Abbies crying ugly, distracted and commanded his subordinates to drag this shameful thing away.

He looked at Zhou Fangyu with an ugly face.

"Since the person who killed Podos wasn't Abtus. That should be the god you just said, the god who left the third set of footprints!

"We simply rubbed this set of footprints onto paper, and then took out the shoes of all the gods on the island for comparison. 39

"In this way, the real murderer can be found!

When Zhou Fangyu heard this, he pretended to be surprised and said:

"Captain Steve, I didn't expect you to finally learn to solve crimes with your brain?"

With these words, Steve's face was red for a while, and white for a while.

Just when he was about to attack.

Zhou Fangyu's words stunned him to hold back the anger in his heart.

"Captain Steve, who told you that the owner of the third set of footprints is the one who killed Podos?"

"I tell you, the owner of this set of footprints is not only not the murderer, but I estimate that he, like Podos, has been killed by the murderer. 35

"And the real murderer should be hiding in the surrounding gods watching us (Li Nuohao) solve the case..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Fangyu's eyes suddenly swept around the apron.

The gods who were watching.

It was as if he already knew who the real murderer was at this time.

at the same time.

The members of the surrounding detective team began to be excited without waiting for Steve's order.

They may not realize it.

In their subconscious, they have developed a strong sense of trust and admiration for Zhou Fangyu's crime-solving level.

Therefore, after Zhou Fangyu said this.

All these team members subconsciously surrounded the gods who were watching.

This time, the gods onlookers completely exploded their nests.

He was just here to watch and eat melons, but who would have thought that he would cause trouble.

The two bosses, Gabriel and Sima Yun, saw the commotion of the gods from the east and the west.

Immediately, he showed his immense power.

The gods with great emotional fluctuations were pressed to the ground.

Then, the two bosses turned to look at Zhou Fangyu.

Gabriel said:

"You continue to say, why the owner of this third set of footprints may have been killed.

"Why is the real murderer among these onlookers?!

Zhou Fangyu smiled mysteriously:

"I like a sentence about solving a case!"

"If you want to restore the truth of the case, you only need to combine every detail you found at the crime scene according to the correct rules, and the answer will appear automatically."9

"We are lucky, the crime scene of this case has a lot of details preserved.

"Now, I just need to take everyone back to the scene of the crime and give you the details that I discovered temporarily."

"You will be able to see the final truth of this case, just like me.

Hear this.

I don't know why, but all the gods were present.

Even Gabriel and Sima Yun felt Zhou Fangyu at this time.

As if with a halo.

Naturally, it can convince them and make them believe that Zhou Fangyu will definitely find the final truth of the case.

at the same time.

The charm of Zhou Fangyu's godhead is also in the eyes of all the female gods on the scene.

reached the apex.

Even Keisha, who was always arrogant, looked at him, and his eyes became full of light.

And Zhou Fangyu did not disappoint these gods.

When he brought the gods and returned to the scene of the crime, he used his magical traces to investigate, bit by bit, and recovered the case.

Zhou Fangyu's ability and talent village.

Completely conquered all the gods present.

Also let his name of the wise man, the name of the sage, the name of the detective...

Since then, it has spread to the entire gods world, even the demon world.

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