In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 178 : The second life-and-death battle in God's Domain?! 【Subscribe, please customize】

The Son's voice fell.

In the outer space of the earth, great changes took place immediately.

"Look at the west sky!"

Outside the Temple of Heaven, among the leaders of various countries, someone shouted.

All looked to the west sky.

in the sky there.

Suddenly a straight blue bright line appeared.

Then, the prelude music played.

The rhythm of this music is reflected in the alternation of night and day.

Bounded by the bright line, the north and south sides of the sky.

Constantly alternating between day and night.

But when humans look up.

All the photons, radiation, frequencies, rays emitted by the sun...

become part of the instrument.

By the divine power of the two gods, they were constantly being plucked and beaten.

The truth is because the photon keeps jumping up and down under the fluctuation of the two gods.

so that.

Only in the southern and northern hemispheres of the earth will there be violent fluctuations between day and night.

Soon the prelude ends.

The main melody of the music finally sounded.

It was a vibration from the source of life and matter.

Can't hear with ears.

But it can vibrate every cell in the body.

Make them all follow the same rhythm.

This vibration makes every human being, every kind of life.

They seem to be revived to the fullest.

Even in the depths of their souls, an extremely excited signal began to come out.

Let every sentient being live in it.

Couldn't help but feel happy.

The shaking continued for more than ten minutes.

Just when people thought the shaking would continue.

And when I feel this vibration, it is a melody that humans cannot understand at all.

Countless notes suddenly jumped out from the depths of the universe.

Just like the little elves seduced by the vibrations just now.

These melodies and notes appear as soon as they appear.

Cover the entire earth.

They are laughing and playing around the human body.

As if to say something.

Every human being can hear a completely different piece of music.

Every soul has its own melody.

This is the climax-climax part of this cosmic concert.

The powerful cosmic fluctuations thoroughly cleaned and swept the bodies of 11 types of people.

Their souls are no longer under the siege of their bodies.

Everyone felt as if they were floating.

Their souls float higher and higher.

Eventually flew into the universe, dancing and playing with two musicians.

at this time.

Those notes and melody changed again.

"I saw it, I saw it quenched by violent thunderstorms and lava..."

"In the primitive ocean, countless small molecules continuously react and aggregate to form countless organic macromolecules..."

In the words of Twitter masters, I carried out the wind, flowers, snow, moon, rose thorns and old bridge around me.

It also awakened the leaders of other countries.

"What I see is the beginning of the universe! 99

"Countless tiny quantum aggregates form weak electricity and gravity..."

"They got bigger and bigger and eventually created stars..."

'Then countless stars created huge nebulae...'

"The terrifying power that shakes the universe is actually produced in these extremely tiny quantumes!

"This is amazing and great!"

The rose with thorns is indeed a work girl.

The cosmic music she saw was grander and more magnificent.

In short, everyone sees the limits of what they can see from this music.

The rise and fall of life...

The collapse of time and space...

All things exist and die...

There is a cycle between energy and matter...

After a short but long main melody.

The soul begins to appear in the universe.

At this time, the melody gradually became extremely complex and grand.

Humans have been unable to understand and imagine the specific image of this kind of music.

Maybe only Laozi's "Da Yin Xi Sheng"!

To describe this kind of music that is almost Taoist.

But no matter what people see.

They all felt the connection between their soul and the universe.

Countless mystical energies merge with the human soul.

In this process.

Some people feel that they have become a big river on the plains...

Some people feel that they have become a huge wave of thousands of meters in the ocean

Some people feel like they have become an endless black hole, engulfing countless nebulae

Before I knew it, the music had been playing for over an hour.

The next melody and music.

All human beings seem to be walking into a very majestic temple.

A universe was born.

The power of emptiness, loneliness, loneliness, fear, and awe of existence.

Overwhelms all humans in an instant.

The next melody completely surpasses the limits of human imagery and understanding.

Some say this music transcends time and space.

Some say this music transcends dimensions.

Some people say that this is the music of God.

Some people say that the realm of the gods may have been created by a living being as great as playing this music.

Because there are only such terrifying and great beings.

To be able to play such amazing music.

Finally, this cosmic concert has come to the last chapter.

This is a movement with the grandest melody yet the weakest.

But it is also the most difficult chapter to understand.

The melody is weak.

than a speck of dust in the universe!

HTC, but beyond the concept of the universe and space-time.

It seems to tell the origin of all things.

The melody soon reached its final peak.

With Son and Edfu playing.

The beginning of everything and the end of everything!

It also exists in the last piece of music.

All human beings were left in tears.

Then there was the brightest smile.

No one knows why.

But many people have thought of a sentence:

"Chao Wendao, Xi can die!

The concert is finally coming to an end!

The whole universe seems to be starting to sing along.

The light and energy radiated by the sun seemed to become even brighter at this time.

in these tunes and melodies.

This was originally the most ordinary and ordinary star in the universe.

It suddenly became so extraordinary.

When the last note of the entire composition is played.

The whole universe seemed to start cheering.

Every melody, every resonance, every sonor...

are integrated with the entire universe.

And this cosmic concert that shakes the souls of all mankind.

So far it is completely over.


Countless humans cried and laughed.

I felt refreshed and refreshed, as if a reborn change had taken place.

There's nothing wrong with their feelings.

Humans are inherently powerful souls.

At this point a qualitative change has taken place again.

From now on, all earth players and earth human beings.

All will be when cultivating and comprehending the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

Has unparalleled talent that other races can't compare to.

Zhou Fangyu closed his eyes at the moment.

Completely immersed in those melody and notes just now.

He felt that his soul had just been baptized and sublimated strongly.

do not know why.

Zhou Fangyu always has a feeling.

That is the benefit that I get from this music performance.

Definitely far more than any god in the god world.

But he couldn't find the reason why he felt this way.

Just when he was still immersed in this incomparably mysterious feeling.

There was thunderous applause from all directions.

Zhou Fangyu slowly opened his eyes.

Find yourself back in the great halls of the Paradise.

The Son and Edfu stood on the stage.

Facing the audience below who were applauding frantically, he bowed slightly.

Then, the two gods walked off the stage.

They walked towards Gabriel and Sima Yun.

Zhou Fangyu hurriedly closed the entrance of his own divine domain.

By the way, he wiped out all the aura emanating from his own divine domain.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my friend, a well-known musician-Mr. Edfu."

"He devoted his life to playing sacred music with a variety of instruments.

"Definitely a top-notch master when it comes to musical performance!"

Saint Son smiled and introduced Edfu to several people present.

Gabriel, Sima Yun, and Keisha all seem to admire this Edfu very much.

Several people greeted Edfu in a friendly manner.

Keisha even asked for a photo with Edfu's magical powers.

Zhou Fangyu was highly vigilant about this Edfu in his heart.

But there was no expression on his face.

He is already a middle-level true god at this time.

It can be felt that this Edfu is only the strength of the first-level True God.

This is why when he just played, he could only be the assistant of the Son of God.

Because, he simply can't play stellar sacred songs.

But according to the original prompt of the transmission system.

In that Western raider group that is about to invade Earth's time and space.

But there is a peak true god.

Therefore, this Edfu is definitely not the core figure of that looting `group`.

In order to get some information about the looting regiment from Edfu.

Zhou Fangyu pretended to admire him very much.

With Keisha, around Edfu, chatting with him constantly.

For the Son's sake.

Edfu didn't show impatience either.

Chatted with Zhou Fangyu and Kaisha very kindly.

Ten minutes passed.

Zhou Fangyu felt that the atmosphere and relationship between the two parties were already close.

He suddenly asked.

"Mr. Edfu, do you have any other interesting work besides playing music?"

Zhou Fangyu's question seems very random.

But quite meaningful.

Edfu didn't take precautions either and replied directly:

"Oh, I'm still a member of a privateer group under the Temple's name. 35

"Our group often goes to other time and space planes for adventure and curiosity.

"You know, musicians tend to need a lot of inspiration."

"Staying in the world of gods all the time, it is impossible to create fresh music.

"Moreover, the cosmic space systems of many space-time planes are very interesting."5

"Our group recently captured a very interesting space-time plane.

"In that plane, there is a planet that is very similar to the parent star's aura."

"Unfortunately, if you want to locate the precise location of that time and space. You will have to wait until nine months later. 39

When Zhou Fangyu heard this, he instantly confirmed it.

This Edfu and the so-called privateers he was in.

It must be the looting group in the prompt of the teleportation system.

The so-called private and looting regiments are actually a type of looting regiments.

But they tended to have privateer licenses issued by the two imperial governments - the government!

Therefore, it is possible to travel freely through all the different time and space planes that are not under the jurisdiction and control of the Eastern and Western empires.

Plunder all the resources, planets, and a large number of different time and space races in it.

Compared to the general looting `group.

They act a little more civilized.

But it's also a naked-naked band of robbers.

And there are two gangs of robbers backed by the two imperial governments.

Killing them is better than killing ordinary raiding groups.

To be more troublesome and difficult!


Zhou Fangyu was right out of Edfu's mouth.

Set out information about the privateers he joined.

Moreover, Zhou Fangyu also learned an important news.

That's more than 3 months later.

That is the end of summer vacation.

When the major universities of the gods are about to start.

Edfu's privateer group will go to the imperial capital of the Eastern Empire.

Participate in the 3-yearly Plundering Corps Conference.

This conference is led by the most powerful looting group in the world of gods - the lions!

Hosted and organized.

Once every three years, it is held alternately in the capitals of the Eastern and Western Empires.

The conference is held at 630 hours.

All the raiders of the god world must arrive.

on the one hand.

at the conference.

The looting group can plunder the things and resources from the other planes.

Sell ​​for a good price.

on the other hand.

This conference is also a strength competition of the plundering groups of the whole gods world.

at each conference.

Godly Lions will hold a strength competition between privateers!

And in accordance with the final ranking of the game.

Make a ranking of the strength of all raiders.

This was done to avoid two raiding regiments.

After encountering in the same different time and space plane.

Vicious fighting and fighting occurred.

A looting group with a low ranking in strength, after encountering a looting team with a high ranking in strength.

Just obediently choose to automatically log out.

High-strength plundering groups are not allowed to pursue and kill them.

Of course, as the most brutal group of violence.

The looting group is in the process of conducting a strength competition.

"Missing" kills all the opponents.

It is also a frequent occurrence.

However, because of the information of both sides of the game, it was strictly kept secret by God Lion.

The relatives, friends and forces of the destroyed looting group just wanted to find someone to take revenge.

No object could be found.

to be honest.

This so-called looting team strength competition.

It is to let the looting group resolve their conflicts in advance in the world of gods.

Once in a different time and space.

There are looting groups who dare to innocently kill other looting gang members.

will be severely punished by the lion!

It is precisely because of the strict and fair management of the Lions.

The numerous plundering groups in the world of the gods developed rapidly.

Becoming a god beyond the Eastern and Western Empires.

The third largest violent organization.

After obtaining Edfu's information.

Zhou Fangyu already had a plan in his mind about how to catch this privateer group before it invaded the earth.

Completely kill their plans.

According to Zhou Fangyu's idea.

He will be successfully admitted to the Imperial College of God in the college entrance examination this year.

Then before going to the Imperial City University to enroll.

Go to the imperial capital in advance and secretly form a looting group of your own.

In the name of this raider group, participate in the world raider group conference.

Finally, in the strength competition.

Completely wipe out all members of Edfu's privateer group.

In this way, you can use the rules set by the Lions.

Leave no hidden dangers!

Completely eradicate this privateer group that is about to invade Earth's time and space.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking about perfecting his plan.


A loud voice came.

Wake up Zhou Fangyu who was thinking deeply.

"Zhou Fangyu, I want to have a life-and-death battle with you in the Divine Realm, do you dare to accept it?"

Zhou Fangyu followed the voice and looked up.

I saw Ryder with a grim face.

At this time, he was staring at him with scarlet eyes!

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