In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 179: Desire to win the sky-breaking stone?! 【For subscription, please customize】\r


"Are you going to fight me in a life-and-death battle with me?

Zhou Fangyu was stunned.

Could this guy actually be able to see his true strength now?!

Otherwise, a middle-level true god would launch a life-and-death battle against a child god.

Isn't this a brain hole?

Zhou Fangyu didn't speak at this time, but Kaisha next to him spoke up.

"Ryder, are you too shameless?!"

"A middle-level true god, launching a life-and-death battle against a god who has just become a child god?

"How can you say something like that?!

"If you have the ability, let's have a life-and-death battle in God's Domain! Do you dare to accept it?!

Keisha said angrily.

Ryder ignored Keisha's words at all.

He stared at Zhou Fangyu closely and said coldly:

"If you are a man, you will have a life-and-death battle with me.

Zhou Fangyu ignored him at all.

Pulled Keisha directly and was ready to leave.

God's Domain Life and Death Battle!

It is when two gods are in an eternal conflict.

The only legal way to fight each other.

Different from god war.

The battle of life and death in God's Domain is carried out through professional competition cabins.

There is no need to know the spatial coordinates of each other's domains.

You can enter the opponent's realm to fight.

Moreover, in the battle of life and death in the general Divine Realm.

The deity of the one killed by the spirit will not die immediately.

Instead, it becomes a vegetative state.

When Zhou Fangyu dropped out of Qingxuan Middle School.

It was with Qi Hanjun, the dean of the Qingxuan Middle School.

Had a battle of life and death.

It is because of this battle.

The area of ​​Zhou Fangyu's divine domain expanded by 10,000 square kilometers.

Also since then.

The number of players on Earth in his domain has only begun to explode.

Let him embark on the fast track to improve the strength of God's Domain.

But it's not what it used to be!

At the beginning, Zhou Fangyu promised to fight the Qi Han army in a life-and-death battle with the Qi Han army.

On the one hand, I want to quickly improve my strength through life and death battles.

On the other hand, it was Qi Hanjun who had what he wanted.

You must pass the battle of life and death in God's Domain to get it!

Therefore, even if he knew that he was only a demigod at the beginning.

He still agreed to a life-and-death battle with Qi Hanjun, the first-level god.

Today, Zhou Fangyu is already a middle-level true god.

The realm is comparable to that of Ryder.

The strength is even more than eight streets away from Ryder.

But Zhou Fangyu was unwilling to engage in this boring life-and-death battle.

after all.

A demi-god defeated a lesser deity.

Just a miracle.

But if a child god defeats the true god.

It is unbelievable and cannot be accepted by other gods.

So, a life-or-death battle with Ryder.

Then kill his spirit with a crushing advantage.

Not only did it not do much good to Zhou Fangyu.

On the contrary, it may expose his current realm and strength.

This kind of loss-making business, Zhou Fangyu would be stupid to do it!

At this time, Ryder caught up.

He stood in front of Zhou Fangyu and asked:

"Will you accept this life-and-death battle?!

Zhou Fangyu had no psychological burden and said with a sneer:

"I refuse! 35

"You really want to fight me to the death. 35

"After two years, when I become a true god, come find me again!"

When Zhou Fangyu said this, he was actually deliberately hiding his strength.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and pulled Kaisha to leave.

Ryder was angry at this time.

But Zhou Fangyu's reaction was also what he expected.

after all.

in the eyes of all.

A child god and a true god fighting for life and death is an act of courting death.

So even if Zhou Fangyu refused.

And no gods will laugh at him.

On the contrary, many gods will think that Ryder is arrogant and unreasonable.

But before coming.

Hades had already "々|| helped" him figure out how to deal with it.

Just listening to Ryder at this moment, he suddenly sneered:

"If I can temporarily suppress my strength to the realm of child gods!

"Furthermore, I also use this treasure that all true gods want to get - the Heaven-shattering Stone, as a bet in this life-and-death battle!

"Zhou Fangyu, are you still rejecting this life-and-death battle?!"

Zhou Fangyu was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't help but ask:

"Can you temporarily suppress your own strength to the realm of child gods?

Ryder proudly took out the artifact Hades had given him.

He introduced:

"This artifact is called the God's Domain Race Seal Card. 35

"It can seal all the races of the gods above the fairyland in a god's god's realm for ten hours!"

"That is to say, I only need to use it to seal all the races of the gods above the fairyland in my god's domain.""

"My strength will be temporarily reduced to the child god realm! 35

"Zhou Fangyu, if this is the case, you don't dare to fight me. Are you still a man?!

Ryder's words caused an uproar from all the surrounding gods.

They didn't expect it.

Ryder played so hard.

He would actually rather reduce his strength to the realm of the Son of God.

Also have a life-and-death battle with Zhou Fangyu.

More importantly, Ryder actually took out the treasure of the Heaven-Shattering Stone.

To know.

The true god wants to be a god.

The most crucial step -

It is to use the special cultivation method of the gods.

Step by step, you will have your own divine body, divine soul, divine personality, and divine flame.

Fully integrated into the core of God's Domain.

The more powerful the gods' technique, the stronger the core of the god's realm after fusion.

This is also the reason why most deities go to deity university.

Because god-specific exercises are very precious and rare.

If you don't go to the University of the Gods, you will not be able to obtain the exclusive exercises of the gods.

Of course, if Zhou Fangyu was admitted to the top spot in the college entrance examination in Nanyue Province.

As for the matter of the gods, the folding sword can help him solve it.

Avoid the trouble of having to enter the University of the Gods in order to learn the special exercises of the gods.


Integrate the divine body, divine soul, divine personality, and divine flame into the core of the divine domain.

It is only the first step in the achievement of the true God.

The true God at this time is only the transcendent true God!

If you want to become a real god, you have to complete the most dangerous and difficult step.

That is!

Combine your own dominion core and the world core of the god world.

Link through.

in this process.

The gods want to let the core of the gods leave their gods.

Then break through the countless layers of space barriers in the world of gods.

In the endless turbulence of time and space, find the core of the world of the gods.

After connecting the core of God's Domain and the core of the world.

Then control the core of God's Domain and return to the original path.

Return to your own realm.

At this time, the transcendent true god can transform into a god!

At this time, the gods really have the power to directly mobilize the source of the world.

Quickly improve the strength of your own God's Domain race, and freely manipulate the changes of your own God's Domain.

It even has the terrifying power to indirectly control all energy and matter in the main world!

And the Treasure of the Heaven-breaking Stone!

It can greatly reduce the difficulty of the core of God's Domain breaking through the space barriers.

Greatly increase the chance of supernatural gods and becoming gods!

It can be said.

The Heaven-breaking Stone is for any deity below the Heavenly God Realm.

They are absolutely undeniable treasures.

at this time.

Keisha saw these two things in Ryder's hands.

Her complexion changed greatly and she asked:

"I remember that the seal card of the God's Domain Race and the Heaven-shattering Stone belonged to Hades. How could it be in your hands?"

Ryder's face twisted:

"Because I had already guessed that Zhou Fangyu would not accept my challenge so easily. So, I asked Haders to borrow this seal card and the Heaven-Shattering Stone.

"Zhou Fangyu, I have lowered my strength to the same level as you.

"I also took out the Heaven-breaking Stone as a bet!"

"If you still dare not accept my challenge, hehe..."

What does Ryder's "hehe" mean.

All the male gods present knew it.

Of course Zhou Fangyu knew it too.

In this case, if you still refuse this life-and-death battle.

The object of ridicule of many gods is not Ryder.

But he Zhou Fangyu.

More importantly.

Zhou Fangyu was really moved by this stone.

more importantly.

Just after he passed Keisha's conversation with Ryder.

Knowing that the seal card and the Heaven-Shattering Stone belonged to Hades.

This made Zhou Fangyu's heart move.

From the first time he met Hades.

In fact, I've been thinking of ways to do it.

Wanted from this guy in Hades.

Set out the relationship between him and Zhang Bo, as well as the Truth Society.

It is best to dig out the mysterious senior member of the Truth Society behind him.

But Hades this guy is extremely insidious.

Hiding behind an idiot like Ryder every time.

Instigating Ryder to rush ahead, be his cannon fodder.

This made Zhou Fangyu unable to attack Hades at all.

But this time.

I don't know why, but this Hades rushed directly to the front of the stage for the first time.

He actually ended up instigating and helping Ryder in person.

Come and fight Zhou Fangyu in the battle of life and death in the realm of the gods.

This gave Zhou Fangyu a chance.

"Mr Haders, I don't know where I have offended you.

"You actually want to be with Ryder, trying your best to provoke me, and have to fight with me in a life-and-death battle with me?!"

Zhou Fangyu grabbed what Ryder just said.

Directly pulled Hades in.

Hades' expression froze when he heard Zhou Fangyu's words.

He didn't expect that Zhou Fangyu would implicate him at such a time.

".. Zhou Fangyu, you didn't offend me, but you offended my friend Ryder.

"Of course I'm going to help him get out of his anger!

Hades saw himself unable to escape.

Just walked out and explained with a pretense of righteousness.

Zhou Fangyu sneered:

"I don't think you're venting your anger for Ryder."

"But you yourself like Keisha, so you want to kill me?! 35

Hades heard this, his eyes flickered, and he defended:

"Who said I liked Keisha? Don't slander me..."

Zhou Fangyu didn't give him a chance to explain.

"You don't like Keisha? 35

"Then you dare to swear to the will of the world that you have never liked Keisha, or you will be struck by lightning and doomed forever?!

Hades dared not speak.

Ryder next to him looked at Hades with disbelief.

At this time, he was just as stupid.

Also know that he has become a tool man of Hades.

Instigated by the other party, he became someone's cannon fodder!

Hades looked at Ryder's expression.

I knew something was wrong.

"Ryder, don't believe this kid!

Hades quickly changed the subject and said:

"Think about it, whether I like Keisha or not, does it matter now?"

"Keisha didn't become my girlfriend again, but fell into the arms of that kid!""

have to say.

Hades still has two brushes.

His words instantly led Ryder's anger to Zhou Fangyu.

Of course, Ryder was not stupid at this time.

He directly said to Hades:

"Hades, since you also like Keisha, I shouldn't be the only god who entered the life-and-death battle with Zhou Fangyu in God's Domain?! 35

"Hades, I hope you can lower your realm of strength to the realm of (Wang Hao's) son gods, and first fight with Zhou Fangyu for a life-and-death battle in the realm of the gods."5

"The winner of the two of you is in a life-and-death battle with me in God's Domain."

"The last victor deserves to have Keisha, and at the same time, he will be rewarded with the Heaven-shattering Stone!"

"As a friend, you shouldn't refuse my proposal, right?!

Hades looked at Ryder, who had been playing around with him.

Suddenly IQ exploded.

There was actually a trick "the river mussels compete for the fisherman's profit"!

Push yourself to the front.

I feel like my three views are going to be overturned.

Zhou Fangyu almost shouted in excitement when he heard Ryder's words.

"Dude, you are such a sweet little clever ghost!

He had no idea that Ryder was such a fool.

This time, the IQ came online.

Directly changed hands and dragged Hades into the water.

If Haders really agreed to Ryder's proposal.

That Zhou Fangyu can be said to kill two birds with one stone this time...

No, it should kill three birds with one stone!

On the one hand, it can completely solve the two "rivals" of Ryder and Haders!

On the other hand, you can get the Heaven-shattering Stone that makes Zhou Fangyu tempted.

Finally, in the battle of life and death in God's Domain!

Find a way to get the clues of the ten Ancestral Witch Mud Puppets that Uncle Zhang took from Hades!

And a clue to that mysterious senior member of the Truth Society!

In this way, Zhou Fangyu can find a way to get back Yuantu, Abi, and the racial birth cards of the four major demons of Asura!

Awaken the remnant soul of the ancestors of Ming He, and fully reproduce the full power of the sea of ​​​​blood in the great wilderness in his own domain!

a time.

Zhou Fangyu and the eyes of the gods in the audience.

It all went to Hades.

Waiting for his final answer.

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