In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 189: The mystery that gave Zhou Fangyu a splitting headache?! 【Subscribe, customize】\r

Had the breakfast that Keisha made for herself.

Zhou Fangyu came directly to the central temple of Shenyun Island.

There is a huge square here.

It was the venue for the closing ceremony of this year's expedition.

Same as last year.

The closing ceremony begins.

It was first announced by the event host Keisha in the expedition.

A list of dead gods.

When she chanted the name "Wu Junhou".

Zhou Fangyu felt it keenly.

A certain god's gaze fell on him.

And that direction is exactly where the gods of the Wu family are located.

Zhou Fangyu's heart moved.

He was expressionless throughout the whole process, pretending to be completely ignorant of Wu Junhou's affairs.

Soon, the gods of the Wu family turned their attention to the top gods of the Western Empire.

Zhou Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that these guys did not confirm that he was the god who killed Wu Junhou.

Just for all the young gods with outstanding strength in this expedition.

Just a little suspicious.

Soon the key to the closing ceremony came.

His Highness the Son took the stage in person.

The arrogant gods of this expedition were announced in public.

There is no actual reward for this ranking, but it is a great honor.

The top ten young gods.

He will become the most concerned god of the celestial arrogance in the Eastern and Western Empires this year.

But Zhou Fangyu is not sensitive to this honor.

Therefore, although he obtained Huanglong Zhenren's lost domain.

More than 90% of the divine domain races, divine domain props and artifact magic weapons.

But reported to the organizing committee of the event.

But only one ten thousandth of these gains is less than one ten thousandth.

In the end, Zhou Fangyu was ranked 35th in the event.

Not too high, but not too low.

The closing ceremony was all over soon.

The young gods of the two empires took their battleships one after another.

Begin to return to their respective countries.

Zhou Fangyu followed the time Sima Yun told him.

Came to the apron where Yunshan was located in advance and waited.

Just when he was about to board the Yunshan.

Keisha hurriedly flew over from a distance.

She landed in front of Zhou Fangyu and said:

"You're leaving, why didn't you tell me?"

Zhou Fangyu smiled wryly:

"I think the closing ceremony has just ended, you must have a lot of work to do..."

Keisha did not wait for Zhou Fangyu to explain.

He suddenly hugged him tightly.

The two embraced and kissed.

After a long time.

"When you go back, be careful about everything.

"Dongyang City is now full of demons, before I go to Dongyang, you'd better live with Bai Qi, it's safer.

Keisha warned carefully.

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"We two big men live together, what is it! And even if I want to live with others Bai Qi, they may not agree to it々||!

To be honest, Zhou Fangyu is very confident in his own strength now.

The peak true gods like Keisha and Bai Qi.

If you really want to fight, you may not be able to beat him.

Today, it is estimated that there are only demons in the Heavenly Demon Realm.

It can make Zhou Fangyu feel a little more afraid.

The other demons were about to kill him, and they all brought him vegetables.

Kaisha didn't know Zhou Fangyu's strength.

She seriously said:

"Don't worry about this, I have already contacted Bai Qi. He agrees to you to live in his place."5

Zhou Fangyu was a little moved.

Keisha was so thoughtful for his safety.

Zhou Fangyu could no longer refuse, he could only smile bitterly:

"Okay, after I return to Dongyang City, I will move to Bai Qi's house."

At this time, Yunshan's booster has been activated.

It's finally time to part.

Zhou Fangyu hugged Kaisha tightly.

"Wait for me in Dongyang City, I'll find you soon!""

Keisha whispered in his ear.

Zhou Fangyu nodded, turned and walked into the cabin door of the Yunshan.

Sima Yun was in the battleship hall at this time.

After announcing the return to the Eastern Empire this time.

The sequence of Yunshan passing through the cities where the arrogant gods are located.

Dongyang City is close to the sea.

So it is the third city that Yunshan passes through.

Zhou Fangyu learned about the approximate time to return to Dongyang City.

I found a seat near the porthole and sat down.

Huge floor-to-ceiling portholes.

The golden morning sun reflected on the huge sea.

The surroundings are very brightly mapped.

Yunshan took off slowly in this morning sun.

Soon it reached the high sky of Shenyun Island.

Zhou Fangyu looked out the porthole.

I saw Keisha with a pair of incomparably beautiful white wings behind her.

At this time, he even vacated with the Yunshan.

Just fly beside the porthole.

She looked at Zhou Fangyu in the porthole and waved her hand with incomparable nostalgia.

Yunshan quickly flew out of Shenyun Island.

Keisha even flew out with him.

Until her speed could no longer keep up with the speed of Yunshan.

Keisha just stopped in mid-air, looking at the direction the battleship was leaving.

It took a long time to return to Shenyun Island.

Zhou Fangyu in the battleship was completely moved by Kaisha's silly behavior.

Although the two didn't get along for a long time.

But it can be regarded as a shared adversity and joys and sorrows.

For Keisha, the goddess who dares to love and hate.

Zhou Fangyu was completely from the bottom of his heart at this moment.

Treat her as a lover who can accompany her for life!

After Yunshan left Shenyun Island.

Fly quickly to the Eastern Empire.

When passing through the abyss of death.

There is Sima Yun, the immortal god of the gods.

Nothing happened, and it passed smoothly.

The speed of Yunshan is faster than that of Dawn.

But because there are many cities to stop on the way.

Therefore, the time to arrive in Dongyang City will be longer.

It is estimated that it will take five hours at the earliest.

Nothing to do.

Zhou Fangyu simply put his spiritual thoughts into the realm of the gods.

Comprehensively sort it out.

The harvest of my own visit to Shenyun Island this time.


Zhou Fangyu's biggest gain this time——

It is a huge improvement in the realm of god's strength.

He never came to the island before.

An ordinary middle-level child god.

It took only two months to break through to become a middle-level true god.

The area of ​​God's Domain has expanded to a terrifying 91.8 million square kilometers.

The speed of this strength improvement has broken the limit of the gods world.

In addition to the improvement in the realm of strength.

Zhou Fangyu also got a lot of new gods races——

Today, the number of his Divine Realm races has reached an astonishing 20.04 million.

There are 9 races in God's Domain.

A family of 7100 female eunuchs...

More than 10,000 dragons...

More than 5,000 Asura clans...

All of these newly added God Realm races are powerful races with human fairyland strength.

In addition, he also has 4 birth cards of the four major demons of the Asura family.

Didn't have time to use it.

This is equivalent to 20,000 warriors of the Asura clan...

Finally, there is a terrifying Nine Infants!

It has become his royal mount and the strongest ".. thug"!

It can be said.

Only in terms of the harvest of the Divine Realm race.

Zhou Fangyu's trip to Shenyun Island has already made a lot of money.

Not to mention.

He also obtained a lot of treasures and divine domain props——

Such as: god skull flute, demon refining pot, ancestral dragon ball, crystal palace, karma red lotus, three treasures of the angel family, a large number of human fairyland to golden fairyland god domain cheats and god domain props... and so on.


Zhou Fangyu also obtained a lot of the remnants of the great power of the Great Desolation——

Such as: Kunpeng's remnant soul, Huanglong Zhenren's remnant soul, Styx ancestor's remnant soul...

After these remnants recover in the future.

The benefits brought to him are simply immeasurable!

As for other gains.

Such as 2 junior member cards of the Truth Society, Ryder's Godhead, Divine Flame and Divine Realm... These are not very useful things.

Zhou Fangyu was too lazy to count.

Other gods of the heaven participate in 100 expeditions to the Lost Gods.

I'm afraid it's not as big as his harvest this time.

This time, Zhou Fangyu has truly returned home with a rewarding experience!

But in addition to the huge gains.

At the same time, he also received a lot of questions (Wang Haozhao) that could not be answered for the time being.

for example--

What plan do the Night Demons in Dongyang City want to implement in Dongyang City?

How did the real Huanglong come to the world of gods after being shattered by the Great Desolation?

How many great powers have come to the world of gods in the flood?

Is the Fuxi who has been coercing Hades to do things, really the Fuxi of the prehistoric era?

Why did this Fuxi only take the two swords of Yuantu and Abi?

What is the mysterious space-time plane that will be opened in two years?

Why did the Pope exchange the 10 Zuwu clay dolls from Uncle Zhang?

Why did the old loach want to steal those 10 Zuwu mud puppets?

Hades said that the hated clan chased down to Shenyun Island because of Zhou Fangyu?

Could it be that the hatred clan is just because Zhou Fangyu was in the Demon Hunting Bureau and helped Bai Qi get rid of one hatred, so they were chasing him?

Could it be that the haters have been chasing Zhou Fangyu because they discovered the secrets of the earth's time and space?

It made Zhou Fangyu scratch his heart even more.

What is the relationship between the earth's time and space, the world of gods, and the world of demons?

Why is the god's home planet exactly the same as Earth?

If the gods really all came from the earth!

What happened on the earth 2 billion years ago that made all the gods leave the earth?

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