In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 190 : A \"Sun Monkey\" pops up in God's Domain?! 【Subscribe, please customi

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This time on Shenyun Island.

Zhou Fangyu has gained a lot.

But there are more questions.

A very important and important question.

Zhou Fangyu wanted to find out immediately.

But he got too little useful information, even the thought of it gave him a splitting headache.

Still can't come up with an answer to any of the questions.

at last.

Zhou Fangyu could only temporarily put these doubts in his mind.

Looking forward to finding out more about it in the future.

Break it down one by one.

Sort out this trip to Shenyun Island.

How much have you gained, and what questions do you need to solve!

Zhou Fangyu will read the spirit.

Immediately turned to the major races of the gods in the gods.


What he cares most about is the earth players, the dragon clan and the Asura clan.

Needless to say, the dragon family and the Asura family.

The strength is very strong, and very good at fighting.

Among them, the dragon race is a domineering race that can leapfrog challenges.

Whether it is close combat or long-range attack, they are very good at it.

Zhou Fangyu is the race with the strongest comprehensive combat power in the Divine Realm today.

What Zhou Fangyu looked forward to even more was.

Now in the East China Sea of ​​God's Domain.

There are more than 2,000 dragons born in the God's Domain being bred.

Under the nourishment of Ancestral Dragon Balls and more than 10,000 domesticated dragons.

It is estimated that it will take shape in half a month.

After Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense entered the realm of the gods.

Immediately dispose of these bred dragons.

All probed aside.

To his surprise.

It may be that the Dragon Qi of the Zulong Dragon Clan is really powerful.

Or maybe it's because the innate aura in the prehistoric gods is nourished every day.

These innate dragons who are about to change shape.

The realm of their strength at this time.

It has already reached the Great Perfection of Human Wonderland.

Then wait until they take shape.

Wouldn't 637 be able to reach the first-level, or even the middle-level strength of the fairyland.

Better than the current Jiuying?!

Just think about it.

Until then.

He commanded more than 2,000 dragons in the fairyland.

The scene of fighting the heavens and the world.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement and excitement!

Think again!

The future will wait for the birth of the phoenix clan and the unicorn clan.

The dragon, the phoenix, and the unicorn are the shocking formations that the three clan armies are staring at.

Zhou Fangyu looked forward to it even more.

After reading the situation of the Dragon Clan.

Zhou Fangyu transferred his spiritual sense to the Ashura family.

As a race born to kill and fight.

The battlefield lethality of the Asura family.

In fact, sometimes it can even surpass the dragon family.

Today, Zhou Fangyu's pseudo-blood sea already has 5,000 Asuras.

At the same time, he also had what he got from Ryder and Hades—

4 birth cards of the four major demon king races of the Asura family.

Zhou Fangyu took out the four cards.

It was directly put into the pseudo-blood sea on the westernmost side of the Great Desolate God's Domain.

Then, Zhou Fangyu gritted his teeth.

It cost 10,000 divine flames (10 million divine crystals).

Transformed into a huge incomparable heaven and earth turbidity.

All entered into these birth cards.

Immediately after.

The 4 Race Birth Cards began to frantically absorb the power and karma of Blood Sha in the sea of ​​blood.


Under the catalysis of the three-way energy of heaven and earth, the power of blood evil, and karma.

20,000 Asuras were born from the sea of ​​blood.

The leader of the 20,000 Ashura clan.

The Four Demon Kings of Asura—

Free Tianbo Xun, Brahma, Desire, Shiva!

Because it is catalyzed by pure heaven and earth turbidity.

The strength of these 20,000 new Asuras.

Far beyond the group of Asuras catalyzed by Lay (bbdj) Del and Haders.

All of them are above the peak of Human Wonderland.

There are four demon kings, the Free Heaven Po, the Great Brahma, the Desire, and the Shiva.

The strength has reached the Great Perfection of Human Wonderland.

Only one step away from breaking through to the fairyland.

And as the innate race of the Great Desolate God Realm.

These asuras are extremely loyal to Zhou Fangyu.

In the future, wait for the remnant soul of the ancestor of Ming He to wake up.

After becoming Zhou Fangyu's god domain race.

This Asura army will inevitably burst out terrifying fighting power and energy.

Finished dealing with the dragon clan and the Asura clan.

Zhou Fangyu finally transferred the divine sense to the earth player.

After experiencing the battle of life and death in God's Domain last night.

20,000 top Earth players received huge rewards.

These players are all in full swing at this time leveling up, fighting monsters, and cultivating.

I hope that my strength can break through to the fairyland as soon as possible.

The reason why these players are so active.

The main reason is actually to be able to announce before Zhou Fangyu——

One month later, the various ethnic clergy canonized.

Be able to become a cleric of your own race.

Gain the privilege of ruling the race, and at the same time improve your own strength.

Earth players are currently divided into three races.

Human Race, Nether Race, Witch Race.

Because Zhou Fangyu's current strength is limited.

Therefore, it is impossible to confer a priesthood of a small race.

Therefore, although the Wu clan has ten branches of the Wu clan.

But there is only one priest that Zhou Fangyu can confer.

Different from other Innate God Realm races.

The strength gap between more Earth players is often within a millimeter.

So a month later, theoretically all Earth players.

It is possible to get the canonization of Zhou Fangyu.

It is estimated that these top earth players are competing for the position of this priest.

That's why it's so hard and frustrating.

Seeing these players, Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but think back.

God's Domain just faced the days when players on Earth opened.

At that time, the players on Earth were not trying to burst their livers, but were desperately trying to improve their strength and realm.

It also helped Zhou Fangyu to quickly pass through the demigod period.

became a full god.

This time, these earth players burst their livers again.

It is estimated that it will not take long for them to break through to the fairyland.

And other earth players are led by them.

It will soon break through the fairyland.

Let's imagine.

At that time, in Zhou Fangyu's divine domain.

There will be an army of 20 million people in the fairyland gods.

And, starting from Huaxia.

Soon all the human beings on earth will move into his domain.

by that time.

The number of Zhou Fangyu's God Realm races will skyrocket again.

Estimated by that time.

Zhou Fangyu will at least break through to the realm of supernatural gods.

It is even possible to directly possess the power to achieve the gods.

Now the only thing that could prevent him from becoming a god.

It is estimated that he has not yet practiced a god-exclusive exercise.

Not practicing gods.

It is impossible to make one's own God's Domain Core, Divine Soul, Divine Spark, and Divine Flame all unified.

It is even more impossible to connect the core of the world of the gods with the core of the world of the gods.

There is no way to break through to become a god.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu wished he could return to Dongyang City soon.

Take the college entrance examination immediately and get the champion of Nanyue Prefecture.

Then, from the folding sword.

Get the god-exclusive exercise that is said to be a god-king class.


Zhou Fangyu can speed up the time flow of God's Domain and Earth.

But he didn't have the ability to speed up the flow of time in the world of gods.

Fortunately, the distance from the college entrance examination.

There are only 11 days left.

Check out God's Domain!

After the situation of the earth players, the dragon clan, and the Asura clan.

Zhou Fangyu stayed in the Prehistoric God Realm and had nothing to do.

Just when he was going to completely withdraw his divine sense from the divine domain.

On the coast of the east coast, an earth-shattering dragon roared.

It immediately caught his attention.

Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense came to the east coast in an instant.

But he was stunned.

at this time.

On the beach of the East China Sea.

There was a little boy with a big head.

With a fire-pointed gun in his forehand...

A golden ring hangs on his arm...

A red ribbon floating in the air is draped over his shoulders...

Stepping on two flaming hot wheels under my feet...

Riding a black dragon slumped on the beach.

The small fist smashed wildly on the dragon head.

Every time he hits.

The sand under the dragon's head must sink a meter or two.

The whole beach trembled a few times.

You can imagine how terrifying the power on this little fist is.

Moreover, while the boy was beating, he shouted:

"Kill your bad dragon, kill your bad dragon, see if you dare to eat my uncle and aunt who protect me..."

Soon, the black dragon was beaten to death by this child.

The child lost his anger when he saw the black dragon.

He jumped off the black dragon happily.

He clapped his hands and laughed:

"That's great, it's my father's birthday in a few days, and I was thinking about what gifts to give him?! 35

"I didn't expect this black dragon to be delivered to the door!"

"Peeling the skin of this black dragon is just enough to make a few pieces of equipment and give it to father and mother for self-defense!"

Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense sees here.

There is already a feeling of tingling in the scalp.

Could this Nima be the famous scene in the legend——

Nezha fights the sea and kills the dragon?!

But there is another Nezha in my God's Domain, how come I, the Lord of God's Domain, don't know?

Could it be that this Nezha, like Sun Monkey, jumped out of a crack in the stone?!

Thinking of Sun Monkey, Zhou Fangyu was shocked again.

This Ni`ma Nezha has come out.

Sun Monkey will not suddenly pop out one day.

Then he said to him, the ruler of the divine realm:

"Old Jade Emperor, it's my turn to sit on the throne of Lingxiao under your ass!"

Just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking about "Sun Monkey".


The sky over the East China Sea is surging.

Horrible black clouds covered the sky.

A ten-thousand-zhang-long nine-clawed golden dragon rose from the sea.

Behind him, there are nearly 300 nine-clawed golden dragons.

They came to the shore in an instant.

See the black dragon that has been killed on the ground.

The leading golden dragon was furious.

"Good thief, how dare you kill my dragon clan for no reason..."

The golden dragon burst out.

About to cull that little boy on the beach.

This golden dragon is the Ao Rin that Zhou Fangyu had just subdued a while ago.

Ao Rin is most interested in the blood of the dragon family.

It was also because he knew that Zhou Fangyu was in the domain of the gods.

It can actually give birth to a new dragon family.

This time, it was easily domesticated by Zhou Fangyu and became his god domain race.

Now, seeing someone kill a dragon.

Naturally, it touched his bottom line.

No matter the age of the little boy on the beach.

Just wanted to kill the opponent.

Zhou Fangyu was trying to stop Ao Rin.

did not expect.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded on the beach.

Let Ao Rin, the incomparably powerful golden dragon.

for a while!

He didn't dare to act rashly anymore.

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