In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 194: The Earth-shaking Changes in Dongyang City! (Part 2) [Subscribe, Customize]\r

About the holding time of this All Gods Domain Competition.

Soon Zhou Fangyu figured it out.

Just before the clergy canonization activities of various races.

After the game is over.

In each race, the one with the highest individual ranking!

It is the best candidate for canonizing priests!

No one will object to the clergy elected in this way.

Of course, in this competition, Zhou Fangyu's divine guard cannot participate.

From now on, the Guards will have to draw a clear line between their respective races.

They will be Zhou Fangyu's personal guards.

no longer belong to any one race.

It can be said that they are beyond the existence of the nine major races.

Of course not in this kind of competition.

Think clearly.

This time, the plan to hold the All-God's Domain Tournament!

And after the issuance of the city building order.

Zhou Fangyu felt that his spirit was a little tired.

Just a dozen times in a row using Divine Sense on a large scale.

Conduct a comprehensive inspection and survey of the entire God Domain.

It consumes a lot of his spiritual sense.

He will match the content and time of the All-God's Domain Competition.

And the fact that 100 city building orders will be issued again.

Tell it to Jiuying and the high-level puppets of the whole God's Domain.

Let them take these two things.

Announced to the 9 major races of the entire God's Domain.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangyu pulled out his divine sense from the divine domain.

Look at the time, at this time, the spaceship will reach Dongyang City.

Less than an hour left.

He lay down on his seat and began to close his eyes!

Time flows like water.

Zhou Fangyu took a nap and opened his eyes again.

Just look out the porthole.

The silhouette of Dongyang City has appeared on the skyline not far away.

Leave the city for 2 months.

Come back again at this time.

Zhou Fangyu actually felt a little cowardly.

It's not that he's hypocritical, it's really this trip to Shenyun Island.

He has gained so much and gained so much.

Just 2 months, to Zhou Fangyu, it seems like two years.

He took a deep breath.

Now that the college entrance examination is approaching, the garrison's college entrance examination celebration banquet is just around the corner.

There are a large number of night devils lurking in Dongyang City.

What is the purpose of coming to Dongyang?

What is their final plan?

But still shrouded in a layer of fog.

In order to get the exclusive cheat book of the god-king class in the hands of the folding sword.

In order to leave a happy ending to your high school years!

In order to pay off the favor I owe Bai Qi!

It is even more to deal with the Pope, the Western Privateers, the Truth Society, and the Fuxi Shi who doesn't know the truth!

Don't leave yourself a hidden danger!

Zhou Fangyu must completely resolve the matter of the night demon clan in Dongyang City.

The key to solving the Night Demons is Hades, who has now become his god slave.

Tomorrow Hades will return from Shenyun Island to Yangcheng, the capital of Nanyue Prefecture!

Afterwards, he will follow the plan agreed upon with the Night Demons.

Come to Dongyang City to hold large-scale missionary activities.

Disturbing the sight of major institutions in Dongyang City.

by that time!

Hades will be the best way for Zhou Fangyu to get the Night Demon plan.

Rely on the internal response of Hades.

Zhou Fangyu is confident to help Bai Qi and the Demon Hunting Bureau.

Slay the Night Demons in one go.

Completely destroy their so-called ultimate plan!

at this time.

The battleship Yunshan has come to the sky above the airport in Dongyang City.

The battleship slowly stopped on the tarmac prepared for Sima Yun in advance.

"Fang Yu, Dongyang City is here, I'll take you off the spaceship 々||.

Sima Yun smiled and walked to Zhou Fangyu's side.

Zhou Fangyu quickly stood up and said politely:

"I'll just go down by myself, don't bother Lord Sima to send me off!

Sima Yun patted his shoulder and said with a smile:

"This can't be done. This time on Shenyun Island, you won great glory for the Eastern Empire!"

"I want to personally thank you for teaching talented school leaders and teachers like you."

Zhou Fangyu realized it later:

"Ah?! You informed my school and teachers that I'm coming back today?!"

In the two excesses of Shenyun Island.

Because of the special situation there.

Not only is it impossible to teleport in space, but the divine power communication device is also unable to communicate with the outside world.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu has never been in contact with the teachers and classmates of Dongyang No. 1 Middle School.

He also did not contact his best friends Wei Changsheng and Wang Haiyan.

There is no contact with Bai Qi.

Therefore, he thought he came back today.

No one in Dongyang City knew about it at all!

Unexpectedly, Sima Yun used special means.

I contacted the leaders of Dongyang No. 1 Middle School in advance.

Let them send someone in advance to meet Zhou Fangyu at the airport.

"Haha, you are our Eastern Empire, this year's most outstanding arrogant god!"

"I can't let you go back to your hometown, but it is deserted, and there is no god to greet you!

Sima Yun smiled.

Then, he took Zhou Fangyu to the exit hatch of the Yunshan.

At this point, the hatch has been opened.

The gangway just hit the hatch.

Sima Yun took Zhou Fangyu down the gangway.

At this time, there were indeed several teachers and students from Dongyang No. 1 Middle School.

Already waiting in front of Yunshan.

When he saw Sima Yun, he personally sent Zhou Fangyu down.

All the teachers were stunned.

To know,

Sima Yun is the first sect of the Eastern Empire, the candidate suzerain of Tianji Sect.

Moreover, he is also the minister of the Imperial Ministry of Education.

This is a real bigwig.

Will you personally send a demigod who is about to take the college entrance examination?

It's just incredible.

Sima Yun knew what these teachers thought.

He walked over with a smile and shook hands with them one by one.

Afterwards, I also thanked them for their training and education of Zhou Fangyu.

These teachers know it.

Zhou Fangyu recently transferred to Dongyang No. 1 Middle School.

Therefore, the praise of Sima Yun is all felt ashamed.

But Zhou Fangyu was forced to drop out of Qingxuan Middle School.

They all know one or two.

At this time, it cannot be said that Zhou Fangyu once dropped out of school.

In the end, I had no choice but to accept Sima Yun's compliment in embarrassment.

Finally, when Sima Yun came to Zhou Fangyu's former head teacher Zhong Kangxiu and the current head teacher Wang Xiumin.

Zhou Fangyu deliberately revealed the identities of the two teachers.

Sima Yun praised Zhong Kangxiu and Wang Xiumin even more.

at this time.

The reception staff of the Dongyang City Governor's House and the reception staff of the education department are standing next to them.

All listened to Sima Yun's meaning.

Immediately said that in the future, these two outstanding teachers will be well trained.

Encourage them to train more excellent candidates like Zhou Fangyu.

Sima Yun also wants to send other Tianjiao back to his city.

So there is no time to delay in Dongyang City.

Before leaving, he smiled and greeted Zhou Fangyu.

He also left Zhou Fangyu with his magic phone number.

Only then did they say goodbye and returned to the Yunshan.

Watching Yunshan take off and leave Dongyang City.

Zhou Fangyu then turned around.

He smiled and chatted with two teachers, Wang Xiumin and Zhong Kangxiu, about this trip to Shenyun Island.

But at this time.

Wang Haiyan suddenly rushed in from outside the airport.

She came all the way to the tarmac.

After seeing Zhou Fangyu, she rushed over excitedly.

As soon as Zhou Fangyu saw her, he suddenly remembered Kaisha who was coming to Dongyang City soon.

a time.

I felt a little embarrassed to meet Wang Haiyan.

But Wang Haiyan did not give him a chance to think.

He rushed over and grabbed his hand.

"...Fang Yu, you've come back.

"There's something big in Dongyang City!"

"Come with me, my grandfather Wang Yanbin wants to see you!""

Zhou Fangyu was stunned when he heard this!

"Wang Yanbin, isn't that the principal of our Dongyang No. 1 Middle School?

Wang Haiyan smiled bitterly:

"Yes, my grandfather was indeed the principal of No. 1 Middle School before."

"But now, he has been transferred to the Anti-Magic Bureau as the deputy director!"

"Today, he asked me to come to you, and it is urgent to discuss with you!

Zhou Fangyu heard that Wang Yanbin was reassigned as the deputy director of the Anti-Magic Bureau.

My heart skipped a beat.

"I'll go with you!

Zhou Fangyu didn't even bother to hide.

Directly showing the strength of the middle-ranked child god, he picked up Wang Haiyan and flew up.

After leaving the airport, he flew in the direction of the Anti-Magic Bureau.

The teachers and reception staff present were all shocked.

Who would have thought!

The "demi-god" Zhou Fangyu in their hearts has now become a middle-level child god.

Zhou Fangyu brought the surprised Wang Haiyan at this time.

In mid-air, while flying quickly, he asked:

"You just said that something big happened in Dongyang City! What the hell is going on?"

Wang Haiyan put down her surprise that Zhou Fangyu could fly.

Immediately replied:

"The day before yesterday, someone saw Bai Qi kill Wu Qianjun, and then he was captured by the Dongyang City garrison!

"Yesterday, Qingxuan Middle School discovered that Wei Changsheng was missing!"

"This morning, the head of the Anti-Magic Bureau was found unconscious in the guard's treasury! 35

"At the same time, an important artifact (of Wang's) in the guarding mansion was discovered and mysteriously disappeared! 35

"We found Wei Changsheng's aura of divine power in the place where the director of the Anti-Magic Bureau was unconscious! 99

"Right now, the entire Dongyang City is a mess, and they're all chasing Wei Changsheng!"

"My grandfather said that you have a very close relationship with Bai Qi and Wei Changsheng. Also, you and Bai Qi seemed to have formulated a specific night demon plan together.

"He can't see Bai Qi now, and the director of the Anti-Magic Bureau is in a coma. He must have a good talk with you now!

After Zhou Fangyu listened to Wang Haiyan's words.

The whole brain buzzed and almost exploded!

He never imagined that he had only left Dongyang City for two months.

Such a drastic change could have happened here.

Bai Qi was arrested!

Wei Changsheng is missing!

The head of the Anti-Magic Bureau is in a coma!

Things seem to be getting to the worst!

Zhou Fangyu felt at this time.

There is a huge black net above his head.

It has completely enveloped the entire Dongyang City and roared.

But at this time, he was completely smeared at the situation in Dongyang City!

He didn't know how to help Bai Qi, find Wei Changsheng, and wake up the director of the Demon Hunting Bureau.

I don't even know where to start!

He could only hug Wang Haiyan tightly.

Use all your strength to fly quickly towards the Demon Hunting Bureau.

I wish I could see Wang Yanbin as soon as possible.

Find out that you are not in Dongyang for two months.

What the hell is going on here?!

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