In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 195: The Terrifying Wei Changsheng! 【Subscribe, Customize】\r

Zhou Fangyu hugged Wang Haiyan.

It flew to the sky above the Demon Hunting Bureau.

In the eyes of countless demigods, he slowly landed.

Put Wang Haiyan down.

It wasn't until this time that Zhou Fangyu remembered.

Within the urban area of ​​Dongyang City, it is possible to use the divine power transmitter to transmit.

He didn't actually have to fly all the way.

After staying on Shenyun Island for two months, I didn't expect to even forget this point.

"Fang Yu, you can actually fly? Could it be that you are already a middle-class god?"

Wang Haiyan asked in surprise.

Just when she was in the air, she actually wanted to ask.

But it was the first time I was hugged so tightly by a boy and flew in the air.

So I tried to speak a few times, but I didn't say it out of shyness.

Now after Zhou Fangyu put her down.

Wang Haiyan was finally able to speak normally.

Zhou Fangyu nodded:

"That's right, I have gained a lot in Shenyun Island this time, and my strength has broken through to the realm of a middle-level child god. 39

"But now is not the time to talk about this, let's hurry up and want to see your grandfather.

It was only at this time that Wang Haiyan remembered her mission.

"Yes, let's hurry to find my grandpa."

As she said that, she took Zhou Fangyu's hand and ran directly into the "Dongyang Bookstore".

In fact, it is this ordinary small building of the Dongyang City Anti-Magic Bureau.

Same as two months ago.

After the two entered the elevator, instead of ascending, they descended all the way down.

After ten seconds.

The elevator came to the Demon Hunting Bureau, which was more than 100 meters underground.

After the elevator door opens.

Wang Haiyan rushed in with Zhou Fangyu all the way.

None of the staff stopped them along the way.

Obviously, Wang Haiyan is already very familiar with it.

Soon, Wang Haiyan took Zhou Fangyu to the door of the deputy director's office.

Wang Haiyan didn't knock on the door at all, and just pushed in.

"Grandpa, I brought Zhou Fangyu here!

As soon as she entered the door, she faced someone inside—

The deity with an old face and slightly freckled temples shouted.

Zhou Fangyu also followed into the office at this time.

I saw behind a small desk.

A sitting posture is extremely straight, and the upper body is like a javelin.

At first glance, it is an old god who was born in the military.

At this time, he was frowning and reviewing a document in front of him.

When this god heard someone breaking into his office without knocking on the door of 640.

A look of anger appeared on his face immediately.

But when he found out it was his granddaughter.

The expression on his face relaxed a little.

"Haiyan, didn't I tell you to stay in the school?

"It's not peaceful outside recently, why did you come to the Demon Hunting Bureau alone?! 35

Wang Yanbin asked.

Wang Haiyan quickly pulled Zhou Fangyu in front of her and explained:

"Grandpa, didn't you say that I would bring Zhou Fangyu to meet you as soon as he came back?"

"Zhou Fangyu just returned to Dongyang City from Shenyun Island, he got off the spaceship, and I immediately pulled him over to you!

Only at this time did Wang Yanbin notice the young god behind his granddaughter.

"You are Zhou Fangyu?"

He first asked a question, and then suddenly realized:

"I remembered, I saw you at the city's high school Divine Realm League two months ago."

"This trip to God's Meteor Island, it seems that you have gained a lot! 35

"I remember what Bai Qi said. When you left Dongyang City, you were only a first-level god. Now, looking at your aura, you should already be a middle-level god!"

Zhou Fangyu politely said:

"Hello, Principal Wang! 35

"Going to Shenyun Island this time has indeed yielded a lot! My realm has also improved a lot!"

"But I didn't expect that I left Dongyang City for two months. So many things happened in Dongyang City!""

"My senior brother Bai Qi was arrested, my good friend Wei Changsheng disappeared, and the director of the Anti-Magic Bureau fell into a coma..."

"Even the treasury of the guard house has stolen an artifact.

"And at the scene where the director of the Anti-Magic Bureau was in a coma, Wei Changsheng's divine aura was discovered. 99

"What's even more ridiculous is that Wei Changsheng is nothing but a demigod, why is he considered a suspect who harmed the director of the Anti-Magic Bureau and stole the guard's treasury?

"What the hell is going on with these things?""

"Can you enlighten me?"

Zhou Fangyu said all the doubts in his heart in one breath.

Wang Yanbin smiled bitterly.

"It seems that Haiyan has already told you all these things!"

"To be honest, I have not yet found the answer to these questions. 35

"If it wasn't for the unconsciousness of the director of the Anti-Magic Bureau, Bai Qi would have been captured by the city defense army again."

"I will not be ordered in danger, and I will be guarded from Dongyang No. 1 Middle School and transferred to the Demon Hunting Bureau!"

Speaking of which, he thought about it.

"What I can tell you now is why Wei Changsheng is considered a suspect! 35

"You may not have imagined that in the two months you left Dongyang City.

"How many incredible things have happened here."

"First of all, your good friend—Classmate Wei Changsheng!"

"In less than a month, he suddenly broke through from the realm of the pinnacle demigod to the realm of the pinnacle true god!"9

Hearing this, Zhou Fangyu shouted in shock:

"This is impossible! I understand Wei Changsheng's talent. 55'

"It's very good, but it's not at the top level at all."

"How could he become a peak true god in such a short period of time."

Zhou Fangyu said this, not because of the skyrocketing strength of his best friend!

What jealousy arises.

But he really couldn't imagine it was true.

To know.

There are 20 million earth players "plug-ins" in Zhou Fangyu God's Domain!

Then, in the Lost God's Domain on Shenyun Island.

Harvested a large number of new God's Domain races and God's Domain resources.

This can be done in two months.

From a middle-level child god, breakthrough to become a middle-level true god.

Wei Changsheng was just an ordinary senior high school demigod in Dongyang City.

No matter how fast his strength skyrocketed, it couldn't be in a month!

To achieve the realm of the pinnacle of true gods?!

This sounds like a fantasy.

Wang Yanbin said helplessly:

"I also don't believe that this kind of thing will really happen! But the god who discovered and confirmed that Wei Changsheng's realm strength has suddenly skyrocketed is Bai Qi!"

"According to the last work log left by Bai Qi in the bureau!""

"More than half a month ago, Bai Qi once saw Wei Changsheng and a night demon fighting in the back mountain of Qingxuan Middle School."5

"After the two worked together to kill the Night Demon. 35

"Bai Qi wants to bring Wei Changsheng back to the bureau, and wants to ask why his strength can grow so fast! 99

"But Wei Changsheng refused to cooperate, and finally Bai Qi tried to subdue him!

"But I didn't expect that they ended up in a draw!

"Wei Changsheng escaped under Bai Qi's eyelids."

"Since then, Wei Changsheng has disappeared completely. 35

"Even his parents don't know where he went!

Zhou Fangyu's mind was a mess after listening to Wang Yanbin's words.

Wei Changsheng, the once most familiar buddy, has become so unfamiliar and mysterious in Wang Yanbin's description.

This made him a little confused.

I just feel like I've heard the most ridiculous story ever.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't figure out why Wei Changsheng had undergone such an amazing change.

He can only shelve the issue for now.

"What about Senior Brother Bai Qi? Why was he arrested by the City Defense Army (bbdj) and left?"

Zhou Fangyu continued to ask.

Wang Yanbin says:

"Three days after Wei Changsheng disappeared, Bai Qi didn't go home one night, and he didn't come to the Demon Hunting Bureau! No one knew what he was doing."5

"The next day, Bai Qi returned to work at the Demon Hunting Bureau. However, the Dongyang City Police Station received a report from an anonymous god!

"The other party used the most primitive way of writing to tell the police that Bai Qi killed Wu Qianjun of the Wu family and hid the body in his sea view villa."

"The police station immediately sent gods to Bai Qi's house to check!"

"Wu Qianjun's body was really found, and the time of his death happened the night before. 39

"But just before the deity of the police station came to the Demon Hunting Bureau to arrest Bai Qi.

"Bai Qi was taken away by the city defense army who arrived one step ahead."

"The reason why the city defense army arrested Bai Qi is that Wu Qianjun is the honorary deputy commander of the city defense army in Dongyang City. The case of Bai Qi's murder of Wu Qianjun should be tried by the military court of the military!"

"Because Bai Qi has been reluctant to say where he went that night, he cannot provide any alibi."

"In addition, Wu Qianjun's body was found in his villa."

"Furthermore, he and Wu Qianjun have not dealt with each other, and there have been many conflicts. 39

"So, the Wu family believes that Bai Qi killed Wu Qianjun."

"They put a lot of pressure on the city defense army, hoping that the military court will sentence Bai Qi to death!

"But Lord Folding Sword, guarding the mansion, has always insisted that Bai Qi is innocent."

"Request the city defense army to release Lord Bai Qi. 35

“Now, the attitude of the city defense army to this case is unclear.95

"It's just an announcement - 10 days later, that is, the day after the college entrance examination, the Dongyang Military Court will officially hear the case."

After listening to Wang Yanbin's introduction, Zhou Fangyu immediately thought of it.

Bai Qi must have been framed and framed.

Because these things are too coincidental.

Moreover, who would kill such a powerful and powerful god Wu Qianjun.

He also left the other party's body in his villa, waiting for the police station to investigate.

At first glance, it is a clumsy false accusation.

But Zhou Fangyu had to admit that no matter how clumsy the method is, it can work.

Bai Qi and Wu Qianjun did not deal with each other, not once or twice.

All the high-level gods in Dongyang City knew about this.

Now, Wu Qianjun died in Bai Qi's house inexplicably.

Bai Qi happened to be unable to provide any alibi.

Then Bai Qi became the biggest suspect, which is a matter of course.

It's just that the city defense army has not been involved in the internal affairs of Dongyang City.

I don't know why they took the initiative to capture Bai Qi this time?!

We still have to put Bai Qi on trial in a military court!

This completely goes against the consistent style of the Dongyang City Defense Army.

In short.

What happened to Wei Changsheng and Bai Qi.

Give Zhou Fangyu a very awkward feeling.

But why is it awkward, but I can't say it.

"Principal Wang, what happened to the head of the Anti-Magic Bureau who was unconscious and the treasury of the guarding government's treasury was stolen?! Why is Wei Changsheng considered a suspect in this case? 99

Zhou Fangyu asked the last question that made him extremely puzzled.

Wang Yanbin did not hesitate, and immediately replied:

"This case happened the night before.

"That day, Mr. Zheliedao happened to go to Yangcheng to report to Mr. Tan Weiye, the prefect of Nanyue Prefecture. He didn't go back to Dongyang City all night. 99

"Around 10 o'clock that night, Ye Chunhai, the director of the Anti-Magic Bureau, quietly used the teleportation array to leave the Anti-Magic Bureau without telling any deities in the bureau where he was going."

"Around 11:30 that night, near the treasury of the guard house, violent fluctuations of divine power broke out, and the guard of the guard house found that two gods were fighting over the treasury. 99

"The strength of these two gods has reached the level of peak true gods.

"But because the treasury was shrouded in the sudden appearance of the divine shield barrier.

"The strength of these guards simply cannot break through the barrier."5

“As a result, they have been unable to get to the treasury to see what is going on there.”5

"It wasn't until 6:00 a.m. the next day that this layer of divine power shielding barrier disappeared automatically. 35

"The guards came to the treasury and found that the guards of several gods who were responsible for guarding this place had all been killed.

"Then, in the treasury, they found Ye Chunhai who had fallen into a coma.

"Then the Dongyang City Police Station arrived and used professional equipment to inspect the entire treasury."

"They found that in the treasury, except for Ye Chunhai's divine aura and traces of divine power.

"There are also a lot of divine aura and traces left by Wei Changsheng who has disappeared."

"In view of Bai Qi's confirmation, Wei Changsheng already has the realm of a peak true god."

"The Dongyang City Police Department determined that Wei Changsheng was the biggest suspect who killed the guards of the treasury and put Ye Changhai in a coma."

"At the same time, after the guards of the guard house checked the items in the treasury, they found that a very special artifact was lost in the treasury...

Wang Yanbin said here.

Zhou Fangyu subconsciously asked:

"Did the treasury of the guarding manor lose a piece of artifact that could threaten the life of a god like Lord Folding Sword?!

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