Zhou Fangyu didn't feel the guilt of betraying his younger brother at all, but went straight back to the headquarters and found Wu Shuai, "I'm going to the devil world, how do I get there?"

"You can go back to the realm of the gods to prepare things, or you can go directly to the front line to find commander Wu Zhuangzi, and he will arrange for you to go to the realm of the devil."

"Okay, then I'll set off. Zhou Fangyu can't wait to set off.

"My lord, shall we just go in like this?"

"Otherwise? You want to stay in the God Realm and seek death? 99

"However, going to the Demon World is also courting death!"

These two sneaky gods are Zhou Fangyu and Luo Pinghao.

He sold Luo Pinghao for a good price, but instead of cheating on him, he took him directly to the Demon Realm.

The God Realm must be doomed, because he doesn't know what relationship the guy who is exactly like Luo Pinghao has with Luo Shuai, what kind of grievances he has, and what kind of strength he has.

However, the chess pieces of the bigwigs are always hard to die.

He didn't want to be a pawn that couldn't die.

So he chose to flee.

Moreover, he did not listen to Wu Shuai.

After he brought Luo Pinghao back to the God Realm, he went to the Master Disguise and transformed them into a different appearance. Although they were still from the God Race, their aura and strength were much weaker.

The place where they entered the demon world was not on Wu Zhuangzi's side arranged by the military commander.

It was the Demon World Fragment auctioned by Zhou Fangyu.

As for how they disguised the demons.

No need at all.

Because Zhou Fangyu can borrow the abilities of the God Realm race, naturally he can also borrow their bodies.

He directly found the corpses of two kobolds and fused them directly into the divine body.

In this way, he is even a dog-headed devil.

This is also a demon, although it is only a lowly half-demon.

As for Luo Pinghao, he didn't even need to disguise, this was one of his own Protoss slaves.

This is a relatively common phenomenon among demons.

The only tool is a slave collar.

"Let's go, there's so much nonsense." Zhou Fangyu whipped the whip directly.

Luo Pinghao, who was carrying Zhou Fangyu, the kobold, groaned and felt a little pain.

This battalion commander is also ruthless, and he actually abuses himself like this.

This place is not a big demon world, no wonder he sells this coordinate, if Zhou Fangyu estimates it well, the strongest demons here may be the immortal demons. Of course, whether there are eternal demons, it is hard to say.

He is not an immortal, nor can he be counted.

They are walking in the demon world.

The environment here is not bad. Along the way, there are countless bushes and jungles, and the green and black plants grow densely.

Every inch of the land here, including the air, has a strong magical energy.

His half-demon body was eroded and transformed into a real demon.

This Luo Pinghao is also strange enough, and Zhou Fangyu is also worried that he will be corroded by demonic energy and become a half-demon and half-god.

However, he did not have any influence, even normal breathing was fine.

It was as if he was born to adapt to such a life.

The creatures here are too aggressive.

Any magic rabbit will take the initiative to attack Zhou Fangyu.

This annoyed him a little.

And the most terrifying thing is that there are so many creatures here that they will be attacked almost every few steps.

Zhou Fangyu had to order his slaves to continue cleaning up his surroundings.

"Hey, it's actually a half-demon in the atavistic stage, what breed are you? You feel so weak? A demon suddenly jumped down from a tree and killed a demon snake next to Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu laughed, this guy actually looked down on him, obviously he was just a guy who had just entered the devil.

And even if he is a dog-headed demon, he is also a high-level demon.

"Cut, you're just a newborn demon, why do you think you're strong?" Zhou Fangyu was fast and grabbed the guy's throat.

He doesn't know the style of the Demon Race, but you must not expose your weakness when you go out, otherwise, you may not get help and will only be divided.

"Low-level demons, when they see the royal family, they dare to do it and seek death." I saw a lotus flower magic pattern suddenly appear on this guy's head.

Zhou Fangyu felt an unparalleled pressure coming towards him.

It was as if escaping had crushed him in an instant.

The unsuspecting Zhou Fangyu was almost crushed and half-knelt on the ground.

If it was just external pressure, Zhou Fangyu would not be so embarrassed.

However, there was a sudden pressure in his body, which controlled his body and wanted to kneel.

Is this the suppression of the higher demons of the Demon Race?

This feeling is very uncomfortable, as if my life and death are under control at any time.

My dear, is this the Demon Race? This feeling of being controlled by life and death at will, is inexplicably very uncomfortable.

Zhou Fangyu roared, "Get up. 35

He stood up abruptly, and the mark of the Demon Race on his body was actually a little weaker.

The kobold features on his body are more obvious.

"Impossible, how can you possibly get rid of racial oppression?

Zhou Fangyu sneered, how could it be impossible, he fought with the kobold for so long, and he never suppressed the kobold by them.

If it wasn't for the purpose of integrating into the Demon Race, he extracted the Demon Race bloodline of the two dog-headed demons and fused them into the Divine Body, so that he had the half-demon appearance of the Demon Race.

In fact, normally speaking, his kobolds and kobolds have more and stronger characteristics.

"What's impossible, you don't know, is the half-demon not a pure demon? 33 Zhou Fangyu grabbed his neck and planned to kill him directly.

"Don't kill me, I am the city lord of Mose City, if you kill me, the ancestors will take revenge on you.

Zhou Fangyu's heart moved, Mose City, it seems that it should be a certain city, but the forces here need to be understood.

"Tell me about the forces here.""

Zhou Fangyu looked at him with a smile.

Under Zhou Fangyu's words and deeds.

The power of this little demon world also made Zhou Fangyu understand a little bit.

This demon world is really not big. He has eighteen giant cities, and each giant city is ruled by an immortal demon.

Although it is not big, he is connected to three demon worlds, which is a 3.9 meeting point of the three demon worlds.

Many strong demons will pass here.

Therefore, this small demon world is somewhat similar to the location of a transfer station.

Moreover, because of the fragmentation of the Demon Realm of the Demon Race, the connections of several Demon Realms are all based on the wormholes near the fragments.

Not every demon can leave the demon world through the wormhole. Below the demons, the mortality rate near the wormhole is almost 100%.

And above the demons, only the immortal demons have a 100% certainty to pass through the wormhole.

Therefore, although it is not big, it is very important and very interesting.

Maybe, I can develop here for a while.

Towards him, he directly twisted the demon in his hand and broke his neck.

But it's just a newborn demon, just garbage.

Moreover, he is not like the city lord.

You have to pretend to be a serious demon, okay?

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