Zhou Fangyu rode Luo Pinghao and walked in the direction of the city pointed by the demon.

As he went deeper and deeper, he felt that the surroundings became more and more gloomy, and the number of monsters around him also decreased rapidly, as if they had disappeared all at once.

He suddenly became vigilant.

In such a strange situation, there must be a problem.

"No way?" Zhou Fangyu's expression changed, and he suddenly thought of something.

Yes, he thought of the habits of some beasts, so your sister won't be trapped by that kid to that beast's lair.

Before he could turn around, he saw Luo Pinghao punching in a certain direction.

Then something a bit like a chameleon turned and fled.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, it wasn't a very powerful monster.

He motioned Luo Pinghao to slowly back away, wanting to leave here.

The big whip in Zhou Fangyu's hand was directly in front of the right, and a turquoise bush was directly cut off by Zhou Fangyu's trunk.

A dead lizard that could no longer die appeared before them.

The lizard had opened its eyes and planned to attack them.

It's a pity that Zhou Fangyu was preemptive.

Looking at the tragically dead lizard, they didn't have any joy, instead 11 was a little scared.

Because, the originally peaceful bushes were full of rustling noises.

There should be no monsters behind him, but he was suddenly surrounded. These ghosts did not appear directly.

Instead, it was as if he would be woken up from where he was originally.

Zhou Fangyu had to raise ten thousand spirits.

Suddenly, they felt that the world was spinning, and they fell towards the bottom.

Along with them, there were many other monsters who were here like them.

They are all in a semi-dormant state.

The entire body is transparent, and no breath leaks.

If it wasn't for the belly opening when it fell, it wouldn't have been noticed.

Looking at these monsters, Zhou Fangyu suddenly understood.

There are actually no monsters here.

It's just that the monsters here have been habitually invisible for a long time because of their habits, and they have been in a state of invisibility, daring not to move.

Here, as long as you reveal your whereabouts, you are completely dead.

Just like the monster just now.

He just revealed his whereabouts and was discovered by Zhou Fangyu.

That's why the monster ran away at first, he was not afraid of Zhou Fangyu, but the monsters around him who were also hiding.

The monster under his feet was even more ruthless, and he kept his mouth open here.

Waiting for a lot of invisible monsters to automatically come to the door, and then waiting for the monsters to come, and then get up and eat him.

This technique, this mentality, is an absolute top predator.

"Bang." Finally fell to the bottom.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the monsters around him curiously.

After they fell, they rammed around randomly like ants that lost their sense of direction.

And their actions also caused the monster's actions.

As if being stimulated, a torrent appeared from nowhere and hit them directly.

This thing is extremely corrosive.

Even Zhou Fangyu's physical fitness was corroded.

Moreover, I can't feel pain, and my body has been anesthetized.

This situation made Zhou Fangyu smile bitterly.

He hurriedly started grabbing the wall of the guy's stomach and started crawling up.

Because those monsters were too smooth and straight, there was no way to go up, and the power was blocked here, or it was not blocked.

Instead, it was corroded by stomach acid, and after being touched by this thing, it lost its divine power directly.

In desperation, Zhou Fangyu could only forcibly grab the stomach wall with his hands and climb up a little bit.

Luo Pinghao's condition was not very good either, his body was severely corroded.

The liquid that seemed to be not very corrosive had actually corroded the armor on his body and began to corrode his skin.

You must find a way to save yourself!

Zhou Fangyu showed sharp dog claws, which was the only treasure in his body that could be regarded as a sharp weapon.

He directly started to dig the surrounding stomach wall, and soon, a large hole was dug out.

Zhou Fangyu pulled Luo Pinghao in.

The skin of this thing is not very hard, but Zhou Fangyu could only speed up the excavation just by watching the constant flow of gastric juice.

Luo Pinghao seemed to be poisoned, stiff and motionless.

This surprised Zhou Fangyu.

What happened, it's not dead.

Not so unlucky, right?

He can't use his consciousness anymore.

The body gradually has a feeling of numbness.

It really tastes like boiled frogs in warm water.

There was also gastric juice infiltrating behind him.

When encountering this guy's body, those gastric juices seemed to have life, and they rushed up like a vicious dog.

Zhou Fangyu even heard the sound of thorns.

Does he even spare himself?

The monster that couldn't be immune to his own gastric juices, he began to struggle violently.

Because Zhou Fangyu felt a violent squeezing force, the surrounding meat pieces also began to close at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they were going to be completely buried in the pile of meat.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't stop it and couldn't stop it.

He could only speed up and dig quickly.

The passage behind him quickly closed.

The surroundings were also plunged into darkness.

He panicked even more.

Without Divine Power, he could only use the power of his body.

Fortunately, his speed is very fast, the speed of this growth still can't keep up with the speed of his digging.

I don't know how long has passed.

The effect of those gastric juices also began to decrease, the sensations in the body began to recover, and a surge of severe pain came from the body.

Zhou Fangyu didn't care, just digging a hole.

Finally, he felt a thick layer of grease.

He waved his paw vigorously.

A hole 803 opened, with a faint brilliance.

It is no longer complete darkness.

He who got out of the flesh wall, looked around, laughed loudly this time, this thing is too big.

This should be his organs, Zhou Fangyu felt the surrounding, there was a slight heat.

He quickly took the time to pat Luo Pinghao awake.

Patting for a long time had no effect at all, and in desperation, Zhou Fangyu began to beat him.

The numb Luo Pinghao was finally woken up.

Yes, he actually fell asleep.

"Hoo, my lord, why did I fall asleep?" His naked eyes looked like a fat pig.

"You..." Zhou Fangyu didn't know what to say.

He actually fell asleep, didn't he have any sense of crisis?

He has also suffered the same corrosion, even more serious, if it wasn't for his strong willpower, he would have been in it long ago.

But compare this kid again.

He felt like a fool.

Looking at him, he didn't get angry.

Zhou Fangyu grabbed his head and beat him frantically, venting his frustration.

It's so weird here that I almost fell.

Looking around, those transparent pipes glowing red.

Most likely this is a blood vessel.

Densely covered here.

He turned to look behind him, which was a huge standing pocket.

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