In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 709 The Means of the Demon Ancestor\r

"Zhou Fangyu, do it yourself!" Ancestor Hongjun said in the Zixiao Palace.

Zhou Fangyu, who escaped from the dead, returned to Liyuan Island. After Zhou Fangyu became enlightened, he further transformed Liyuan Island, and Liyuan Island, which introduced the laws of time and space, has become a special world.

"I didn't expect Ancestor Hongjun to be so strong. Thinking of that palm, Zhou Fangyu broke into a cold sweat on his back. Judging from the power of that palm alone, Ancestor Hongjun is far more powerful than Hongmeng.

"No, I'm definitely not an opponent of Ancestor Hongjun.

Zhou Fangyu figured out the way to break the game. Ancestor Hongjun had an absolute advantage in the prehistoric world. The power of heaven that he could mobilize was extremely strong. Even if he gathered all the creatures of the three worlds, he would not be his opponent.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking hard, a message from Luo Hu came through time and space, Zhou Fangyu opened the communication jade talisman, and the phantom of Luo Hu appeared.

"Mozu, what do you have to do with me?" Zhou Fangyu asked bluntly, although formally, he and Luo Hu were natural allies, and the two had cooperated before. But Zhou Fangyu knew very well that Luo Hu was not credible at all, especially after both of them had attained the 11th of Hunyuan Daluojinxianzhi. It can be said that they are both allies and opponents.

"Of course it's to deal with Hongjun." Luo Hu said.

Zhou Fangyu asked curiously, "Why, does the Demon Ancestor have a way to deal with the Dao Ancestor?"

Luo Hu said: "Since joining the Dao, Hongjun has not been out of the Zixiao Palace, not because he doesn't want to leave the Zixiao Palace, but to refine the Heavenly Dao. However, Hongjun's refining the Heavenly Dao will damage the prehistoric world, so he passed it on. He let the six saints suppress the prehistoric world for him, and in order to prevent the six saints from getting bigger, Hongjun also used the amount of calamities to maintain the balance of their power.

Zhou Fangyu was startled: "You said that the calamity was created by the Taoist ancestors?

"Of course, I heard that you can travel through the long river of time and space, and you must have traveled to many worlds, but in which world did you encounter too much calamity?" Luo Hu asked rhetorically.

Zhou Fangyu recalled it, and it seemed that it really didn't exist. There is no such thing as a measure of calamity in the world, the world has dark turmoil, but that is the conspiracy of the strong...

Luo Hu sneered and said: "Hongjun harvested the creatures of the prehistoric world by creating a lot of calamities, and those strong people who were expected to obtain the Primordial Primordial were killed by him. There were many Chaos Demon Gods in this era, as long as they were given time, they would all be killed by him. He can restore the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but Hongjun has big ambitions, strong strength, and clever methods, so he got rid of these people.

Although Zhou Fangyu could not confirm what Luo Hu said, he still judged that Luo Hu did not lie to him.

"Mozu, what do you mean by these?" Zhou Fangyu asked.

Luo Hu looked at Zhou Fangyu: "Hongjun's strength far exceeds you and me, but he is not without weaknesses. From the beginning of the world to the present, everything Hongjun has done is to achieve the realm of heaven. However, the prehistoric world was created by Pangu. , There is Pangu's will in the Dao of Heaven. Even if Pangu has fallen, Hongjun will not be able to completely refine the Dao of Heaven. Until now

Ninety percent of Hongjun's power is used to suppress the Dao of Heaven, otherwise you and I would have no chance to prove Dao at all!

"Ninety percent of the power is used to suppress the Tao of Heaven?" Zhou Fangyu was shocked, "But the Taoist ancestors can mobilize the power of the Tao of Heaven, why is this?"

"How long has it been since the beginning of the world!" Luo Hu said, "Hongjun originally mastered the divine artifact such as the Jade Plate of Creation, and his realm has already surpassed the perfection of Hunyuan. Under such power , the way of heaven has been refined by him 80%. However, the remaining 20% ​​of the way of heaven is full of Pangu's will, and Hongjun will be backlashed if he is not careful. Now, Hongjun has reached the final moment of refining the way of heaven. If he succeeds , there is a great possibility to step into the realm of heaven, and the prehistoric world will also become the world of heaven. If it fails, it will just return to the perfection of the Primordial Yuan. At that time, Hongjun has no scruples. You and I are anomalous. Only to escape into chaos.

"The Demon Ancestor is the Dao Ancestor's opponent, and his understanding of the Dao Ancestor is unparalleled. Since the Demon Ancestor is here today, he must have a way to deal with the Dao Ancestor. The Demon Ancestor might as well speak directly." Zhou Fangyu said.

Luo Hu Jie smiled: "Of course there are ways to deal with Hongjun, it depends on whether you dare to do it. The easiest way is that you and I will join hands to destroy Honghuang, and then anger Pangu's will, Hongjun will have to peel off his skin even if he doesn't die. ."

"Then can you and I escape?" Zhou Fangyu gave Luo Hu a look.

Luo Hu smiled: "Then there is only other way. If you want to deal with Hongjun, Pangu's will is the key, and there is still Pangu's blood in the flood. If we can extract Pangu's blood and combine Pangu's will, we can greatly To enhance Pangu's power. When Pangu and Hongjun compete for the way of heaven, the opportunity for you and me will come.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a while, then shook his head: "I'm only afraid that you will arouse Pangu's hostility. When the two powerful men who are close to the Heavenly Dao Realm attack us at the same time, you and I will still die."

Luo Hu thought for a while, and agreed with Zhou Fangyu's words.

"The risk of this method is indeed too great, so we can only choose the most difficult path. 35 Luo Hu said, "Hongjun wants to refine the Heavenly Dao, and he must get the support of the seven saints. And these saints were controlled by Hongjun because they refined Hongmeng Purple Qi. If we can help them get out of Hongjun's control, not only can we weaken Hongjun's power, but we can also strengthen our power.

"This method is good. I think the Wu clan can compete for it." Zhou Fangyu nodded and said, "Then how to extract the purple energy of Hongmeng?"

When Zhou Fangyu and Luo Hu were conspiring, Ancestor Hongjun also felt the urgency. He once again drew the power of the seven saints to speed up the refining of the Heavenly Dao. However, this time, the seven saints recovered some spiritual wisdom, and they were shocked and angry when they saw their situation.

Ancestor Hongjun felt the emotions of the saint, but he didn't care at all, the saint was also an ant to him.

More and more Heavenly Dao power was controlled by the ancestor Hongjun. With the help of the jade plate, the ancestor Hongjun's understanding of the Three Thousand Dao became deeper and deeper.

"I am the master of time and space." Zhou Fangyu snorted coldly when he felt that the ancestor Hongjun was plundering the laws of time and space. Under the guardianship of Zhou Fangyu, the chaotic time in the prehistoric world was finally sorted out.

Under such circumstances, it became much more difficult for Ancestor Hongjun to control the laws of time and space.

After strengthening the law of time and space, Zhou Fangyu played with the law of the five elements again. Although the world of the five elements no longer exists, Zhou Fangyu still has control over the law of the five elements. The power of the five elements was combed by Zhou Fangyu one by one, and then Zhou Fangyu suppressed the law of the five elements with the looseness of the five elements, and the law of the five elements between heaven and earth was suddenly much firmer.

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