In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 710 Heavenly Emperor Breakthrough\r

When Zhou Fangyu started, Luo Hu was not idle either. He disturbed the law of demons and the law of killing that he controlled. As a result, the ancestor Hongjun in Zixiao Palace couldn't sit still.

In Heaven, Heavenly Emperor and Nishang sat opposite each other. After 100,000 years of battle with Monster Race, Heavenly Court's strength not only did not decrease, but increased a lot. In the long-term battle, the power that was not loyal to Tiandi and Nishang was gradually washed away, and now all that remains are the power that the two of them completely master.

At this time, there was a roar in the distance, and the expressions of both of them changed.

"Senior brother, the demon emperor's strength has grown rapidly. He is of the bloodline of the Chaos Demon Ape. Even if he can't become a Primordial Daluo Jinxian, there is no problem in reaching the Quasi-Saint Perfection. And the Law of Chaos Demon Ape cultivation and warfare has no rivals at the same level. Even if you and I join forces, I am afraid that we will not be able to defeat him. Nishang said worriedly.

The Heavenly Emperor's expression was calm: "Don't be afraid, Yuan Zhantian doesn't dare to persecute me, otherwise he will only be left with a broken heaven.

"But what's the point of our fight like this?" Nishang said in confusion, "We are under the will of the master to suppress the flood, but the master has not appeared for many years, you and I can't even find the Zixiao Palace."

Heavenly Emperor raised his head: "I can feel that the master is in chaos..."

The melodious fairy music sounded, and the projection of the ancestor Hongjun appeared in front of Tiandi and Nishang.

"Children..." Ancestor Hongjun said, and Tiandi and Nishang hurriedly bowed down.

"See the master, I wonder what the master has ordered?" Tiandi asked.

Ancestor Hongjun said: "In the beginning, the poor Dao asked you to be the emperor and the queen of heaven, to suppress the flood for the poor, but now the flood is chaotic, and you have lost half of the heaven, you are really incompetent! 35

Heavenly Emperor and Nishang were trembling with fear, and did not dare to lift their heads.

"My lord, forgive me, now that the saint is out, the demon sect is in chaos, and the power of the demon clan is quite large.


Nishang was also crying, and the expression of Ancestor Hongjun eased a little.

"The most unstable factors in the prehistoric world today are Zhou Fangyu and Luo Hu, but the two of them have already proved that the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is not his opponent." Hongjun ancestor said.

Nishang and Tiandi were shocked: "Master, do you think Zhou Fangyu has already attained enlightenment?"

"That's right, but you don't have to worry, Pindao has already set a ban. Once Zhou Fangyu uses the power of a quasi-sage or above, he will be punished by Heavenly Dao." Ancestor Hongjun said, "It's just that if Zhou Fangyu is not eliminated, it will be difficult for Pindao. Ann, you two are going to kill Zhou Fangyu no matter what, at any cost.""

Tiandi said with a bitter face: "Master, Zhou Fangyu's strength has always been higher than mine, and he has two innate treasures. We are really not his opponents."

"Zhou Fangyu's innate treasure has been destroyed, this treasure can be handed over to the two of you." Ancestor Hongjun threw down the Pangu Banner, and the Emperor of Heaven took it, but he still couldn't believe it.

"This is the magic weapon of the sage of Yuanshi, how did you give it to me?" Tiandi said involuntarily.

"Don't talk too much. You are not Zhou Fangyu's opponent by Pangu Fan alone, and these nine supreme dragon qi will also be given to you. 35

Nine golden golden dragons flew down from the sky, each with the power of the late quasi-sage. They were integrated into the laws of the Emperor of Heaven, and the Tao of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly became complete.

"Thank you for the gift of the master, the child will definitely live up to his expectations." The Emperor said excitedly.

After doing this, the projection of Ancestor Hongjun disappeared. Nishang was still a little hesitant when she looked at the Heavenly Emperor who had made great progress.

"Senior brother, Zhou Fangyu is not easy to deal with, not to mention that he has already proved the Dao, how could it be possible to kill him with you and me?" Nishang asked.

The Emperor of Heaven smiled coldly: "Don't worry, the master has already given me the way to deal with Zhou Fangyu. No matter how strong Zhou Fangyu is, can he still be strong in the way of heaven?

"Senior brother, I have received the order of the master, let us completely destroy the heaven within a hundred years." On the other side of the heaven, Yuan Zhantian and Yang Jiao were also discussing.

"The most difficult thing in Heaven to deal with is Heavenly Emperor and Nishang. With you and my two brothers holding them back, the rest of the Immortals and Gods are nothing to worry about." Yang Jiao said.

"The Emperor of Heaven has more control over the heaven than you and me. In order to avoid affecting the master's plan, you and I had better join forces. Well, I have handed over my control of the heaven to you, and the strength of both of you and I is enough. Beyond the control of the Heavenly Emperor." Yuan Zhantian said.

"Junior brother is still considering it comprehensively, but junior brother's strength is far superior to me. You should take over the control of heaven." Yang Jiao said.

The Emperor of Heaven received the benefits of the ancestors of Hongjun, and could not wait to retreat and digest. However, Yuan Zhantian and Yang Jiao did not give him time. In the second year of the Heavenly Emperor's retreat, Yuan Zhantian came with the army of the demon clan. After 100,000 years of recuperation, the number of demon clans has once again grown, and the dense army of demon clans has covered the entire sky, and the gods of the heavenly court all show despair.


Yuan Zhantian, holding the God of War spear, killed him all the way, and all the gods and gods in front of him were completely destroyed.

"Monster Monkey Xiu Kuang, I'm here to fight you! Nezha flew over on the hot wheel, he was a saint in the flesh, and his strength is still improving, and now he has cultivated into a golden immortal.

Yuan Zhantian grinned, and the God of War spear pierced directly towards Nezha. Nezha used the Qiankun Huojian to fight with the God of War, but when the two spears intersected, the huge force on the God of War gun directly shot the Qiankun Huojian into the air, and Nezha It also flew beyond the clouds.

"Don't hurt my son!" Li Jing, the king of the tower, came, and the Golden Linglong Pagoda smashed towards Yuan Zhantian. Yuan Zhantian instantly became bigger, and he punched the golden Linglong Pagoda. This famous congenital treasure was smashed. Also seriously injured.

When Yuan Zhantian was about to kill Li Jing, the real Taiyi appeared, and the whisk in the hands of the real Taiyi entangled the God of War spear and rescued Li Jing (of Zhao's).

"Demon Emperor, please calm down, I'll take them away." Taiyi's other hand held Nezha.

"Do you come as soon as you want, and leave if you want?" Yuan Zhantian sneered.

Taiyi Zhenren was stunned: "The Demon Emperor has already offended the Heavenly Court, do you still want to start a war with me?"

"Why not! 99

Yuan Zhantian who entered the battle state was very terrifying, any simple action in his hands became a killing technique.

Taiyi Zhenren frowned and had to retreat step by step. Relying on the merits accumulated in the underworld, Taiyi Zhenren has also reached the middle stage of the quasi-sage, and there are several innate spiritual treasures in hand, and his strength is also ranked in the prehistoric.

But this time Taiyi Master is facing the demon emperor Yuan Zhantian, one of the strongest under this saint, Taiyi Master is not sure about the fork!

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