In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 731 The Way of Proving the Way\r

Zhou Fangyu naturally knew that Yuan Zhantian and the others were not dead. As long as Luo Hu didn't want to tear his face with Zhou Fangyu, he would not kill them easily. However, Zhou Fangyu couldn't admit it either, otherwise he would be threatened by Rahu.

These thoughts quickly revolved in Zhou Fangyu's mind, he simply let go of all scruples and attacked Luo Huan directly.

Although the Kaitian Axe has not been completely refined, with the power of the Kaitian Axe, Luo Hu is no match for Zhou Fangyu at all.

Under the axe, the demon world was in danger of falling apart, which made Luo Hu very nervous.

"Zhou Fangyu, your classmates and disciples are not dead. If you attack again, this seat will kill them immediately." Luo Hu was also an old fox, so he knew what Zhou Fangyu was thinking. The two looked at each other and stopped. down.

"If you have anything to say, say it, Luo Hu, you know that I can't be threatened by you." Zhou Fangyu said, "If you make small moves again, even if you are taken advantage of by the ancestors of Hongjun, I will not let you be satisfied. ."

Luo Hu secretly sighed, he also expected this result, but still wanted to try it.

"Okay, answer me a question, I'll let your classmates and disciples go." Luo Hu said.

"It depends on what the problem is." Zhou Fangyu said coldly.

"Why are you able to use the Sky-Opening Axe in 093?" Luo Hu asked.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a while and said, "It's very simple, I have the complete inheritance of the Sanqing.35

This answer surprised Luo Hu, Zhou Fangyu was a disciple of Shangqing, how did he get the inheritance of Taiqing and Yuqing?

Luo Hu didn't ask any more, he knew that Zhou Fangyu would not tell him either.

With a wave of Luo Huan's hand, Yuan Zhantian, Yang Jiao and Yun Xiao were sent to Zhou Fangyu. Zhou Fangyu put them in the world of time and space, and he was relieved.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhou Fangyu was unscrupulous in order to prove the Tao, but in fact he had a lot of love in his heart. If Luo Huan really made a desperate threat, Zhou Fangyu would probably compromise.

Zhou Fangyu was about to leave after saving people, but a reincarnation passage appeared in front of him, and Empress Pingxin walked out of the reincarnation passage.

Zhou Fangyu was very surprised that Empress Pingxin was able to use the law of reincarnation so easily in the demon world, which showed that she had a deep cooperation with Luo Hu.

Pingxin Niangniang stopped in front of Zhou Fangyu. She and Zhou Fangyu had always had a good relationship, but since the Chaos Bell incident, the two became enemies.

"Zhou Fangyu, the opening axe is the magic weapon of the father (bbea), and it should not fall into your hands." Empress Pingxin said.

Zhou Fangyu said with a smile: "The opening axe was made by me. It shouldn't be in my hands. Who should it be in my hands?"

"My witch clan is the blood of the father, and should inherit the legacy of the father. If you don't want to die with me, then hand over the opening axe. Empress Pingxin threatened.

"Haha..." Zhou Fangyu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "It's too funny to want to take away the Heaven-Opening Axe with just one word from the mother. If the mother really wants to keep me alive, then I'm not afraid!

Empress Pingxin looked at the opening axe and felt the power above, and she was both surprised and delighted. However, she also knew that she was not Zhou Fangyu's opponent by herself, so she looked at Luo Huan.

"Mozu, you and I join forces to suppress Zhou Fangyu." Empress Pingxin said.

Luo Hu said with a wry smile: "Friends of peace, now that Hongjun, the enemy, is on the side, we should not have internal strife."

Empress Pingxin suddenly changed: "Luo Hu, have you forgotten our covenant?

"It's not that this seat has betrayed the covenant, but that Zhou Fangyu can also use the Heaven-Opening Axe. Even if you and I join forces, it will not be his opponent." Luo Huan said to Empress Pingxin.

Seeing the change in Empress Pingxin's face, Zhou Fangyu knew that she was discussing with Luo Hu. Zhou Fangyu was not interested in the conversation between them.

After Zhou Fangyu left, Empress Pingxin was shocked.

"You mean, Zhou Fangyu got the recognition of Kaitian Axe by virtue of the inheritance of Sanqing?" asked Empress Pingxin.

"That's the only possibility.

Empress Pingxin thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "This is impossible, when Zhou Fangyu worshipped the master of Tongtian Sect, Sanqing was already at odds, how could they hand over their core inheritance to the disciples? The recognition of a person must have the breath of God the Father, and this requires the inheritance of the core of the Three Purities.

"What your fellow Daoist said is that if you infer it like this, there is only one possibility. The disagreement between the three clears is just an appearance. I am afraid that they have already arranged a backhand." Luo Hu looked in the direction of Zixiao Palace, and suddenly laughed. "In this way, the old thief Hongjun will not be relieved at this moment.

Zhou Fangyu returned to the heaven and released everyone. Yuan Zhantian and the others were restrained by Luo Hu, and Zhou Fangyu broke these restraints with a wave of his hand.


"I have seen Master!

Seeing Zhou Fangyu, everyone was overjoyed. They were traversing the wilderness, and they thought they would have few rivals, but this time they faced Luo Hu directly, and they felt the power of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Zhou Fangyu saw what they were thinking, and said comfortingly: "You don't have to do this, Luo Hu was originally a Chaos Demon God and was injured in the opening of the sky, but now he has recovered his strength. The means are not what you can imagine."

"Master, I know that the Chaos Demon Ape is also a Chaos Demon God, how can I reach the Primordial Realm?" Yuan Zhantian asked, he was hit hard this time.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a while and said, "Under normal circumstances, if you want to prove Dao, you can only risk your life to enter chaos, but now there is a chance. Luohu's demon army has turned the world upside down, but it is not without it. The good thing is that Xuanmen is now almost suppressed to the limit in the flood, and the influence of the ancestors of Hongjun on the flood has been weakened unprecedentedly. Moreover, the underworld has been separated from the flood, and there are only two realms left in the three realms. If we can take these two realms as our own , is enough to create two strong Primordial Masters."

"Two opportunities to prove the Dao!" Everyone was excited when they heard it. There were no practitioners who didn't want to prove the Dao, but they soon calmed down. The opportunities for preaching are limited, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

"You don't have to do this, what I'm talking about is just an opportunity to prove the Tao, whether it will be successful or not is still unknown." Zhou Fangyu said, "This opportunity can be seized by everyone, and the outcome is up to you.

"Master, what should I do?" Yang Jiao asked.

"Come on, I'll take you there.

In a middle-thousand-world near the prehistoric world, Jiang Ziya hid here with the remaining strength of Chan Jiao. This Zhongqian World Interpretation has been in operation for a long time, and no one outside knows it.

Suddenly, the whole world shook, and Guangchengzi and the others hurriedly ended the retreat.

"Junior Brother Jiang, what happened?" Guang Chengzi asked.

Jiang Ziya opened his eyes, and he saw a giant slashing with a big ax on the edge of the world barrier of Honghuang.

In front of the giant, a gap in space quickly widened, and the two Great Thousand Worlds were separating.

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