"It's Zhou Fangyu." Jiang Ziya said, "Zhou Fangyu is using a terrifying magic weapon to separate the world from the celestial world."

Guang Chengzi and the others were shocked. The Earth Immortal Realm and the Heaven Realm were divided by the ancestor Hongjun, and they were not like the Underworld was created by the Pingxin Empress. It is difficult for even a saint to separate these two great thousand worlds.

"That magic weapon seems to be an axe." Jiang Ziya said uncertainly.

"Opening the Sky Axe!" Everyone was shocked again, and Yun Zhongzi thought of something.

"Could it be that Zhou Fangyu has already obtained the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven and returned them to their original origin?" Yun Zhongzi said, "I think it is not impossible, the Taiji map has already fallen into the hands of Zhou Fangyu, as for the Pangu Fan...

Everyone knows the meaning of Yunzhongzi. The Pangu flag was originally in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun. If it fell into the hands of Zhou Fangyu, then the result of the battle between Zhou Fangyu and Yuanshi Tianzun would be self-evident.

"The Chaos Clock is in the hands of Empress Pingxin, and Empress Pingxin's strength is no worse than Zhou Fangyu." Taiyi Zhenren said.

"That was before Zhou Fangyu was proving the Dao, Zhou Fangyu was proving the Primordial Primordial Dao, and his strength must have surpassed the Empress Pingxin. It is not difficult to obtain the Chaos Bell by his means." Yun Zhongzi said.

"If Zhou Fangyu really synthesized the opening axe, who else is his opponent in Honghuang?" Guangchengzi murmured. Ever since Zhou Fangyu became a quasi-sage, Guangchengzi has regarded him as his opponent. The arrogant Guangchengzi couldn't accept it completely.

"If you want to deal with Zhou Fangyu, I am afraid that only the ancestor Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace will take action personally." Jiang Ziya said, his eyes glowing with a strange light, "This is also our chance. 95

In the prehistoric world, the Kaitian axe is constantly slashing at the junction of the immortal world and the heavenly world. These two great worlds were originally one world, but they were later divided by the great mana of Hongjun ancestors. However, the two worlds are not really - separated.

Even the innate treasure cannot separate the connecting parts of the two worlds, but the opening axe is different. The Heaven-opening Axe can break anything, even in the space of a thousand worlds.

"You all enter the Earth Immortal Realm immediately. If you can refine the Earth Immortal Realm, you will be able to prove the Dao Primordial Primordial." Zhou Fangyu spent a lot of effort to finally separate the two Great Thousand Worlds. The laws of the Immortal Realm are unprecedentedly clear. If there are cultivators who can be recognized by the Earth Immortal Realm, there is hope to prove the Way.

Yuan Zhantian and the others immediately entered the Earth Immortal Realm, and everyone was looking for the origin of the Earth Immortal Realm. The powerhouses who retreated in the Earth Immortal World were also disturbed, especially the Great Immortal Zhenyuan. Although he handed over the book, no one can compare to him when it comes to the control of the immortal world.

"Earth Immortal Realm is actually separated from Honghuang!" Zhenyuan Daxian noticed the difference for the first time, and after the power of Heavenly Dao subsided, he felt an unprecedented ease.

Not only that, the realm of Zhenyuan Daxian, which had been stagnant for many years, began to grow slowly.

"It's Zhou Fangyu, he wants to completely destroy the way of heaven in the prehistoric world.

At this moment, Zhenyuan Daxian seemed to be resurrected, he understood Zhou Fangyu's purpose, and his heart became hot.

"If I can control the Immortal Realm, I can also prove the Dao!" Thinking of this, Daxian Zhenyuan immediately flew away from Wuzhuang Temple.

Earth Immortal Realm and Heaven Realm are slowly separated again, the distance between the entire Great Thousand World is getting farther and farther, and the chaos between them is getting wider and wider.

In the Zixiao Palace, the way of heaven changed again. The power of Heavenly Dao that was originally stalemate with Hongjun Patriarch suddenly fell, and the remaining Heavenly Dao was completely refined by Hongjun Patriarch.

However, the ancestor Hongjun did not have a happy expression. He put away the jade plate of good fortune, and there were more than 900 lines of laws flickering in the jade plate of good fortune.

Ancestor Hongjun was very angry when he saw that only the heavenly world was left in the originally complete prehistoric world.

"Zhou Fangyu, Luo Hu, you have ruined my important affairs, and I will make you both physically and mentally destroyed." Ancestor Hongjun said in a low voice, and in front of him, the seven saints trembled involuntarily.

Ancestor Hongjun snorted coldly, and Zixiao Palace broke away from the chaos and descended toward the heaven.

"The ninth style of opening the sky!" When Zhou Fangyu dropped the last axe, the immortal world and the heavenly world were completely separated, becoming two independent great worlds, and these two great worlds were connected by the same long river of time and space.

"The Nine Forms of Kaitian is worthy of being the most powerful attack method. If you use it to open up the world, you can easily achieve the Great Thousand World."

After this time, Zhou Fangyu's understanding of Kaitian Jiu Shi has been further deepened, and his fit with Kaitian axe has also improved.

・・For flowers....0

After putting away the Heaven-Opening Axe, Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw the people who were looking for opportunities in the Immortal Realm.

"It is not so easy to refine a Great Thousand World. You must first control the main laws of the Great Thousand World. The laws of the Earth Immortal World are balanced, which gives them the same opportunity, but also increases their ability to refine the world. Difficulty."

Zhou Fangyu knew that it was not easy for Yuan Zhantian and the others to prove the Dao, but in the Immortal Realm they did not gain nothing. Without the suppression of Heavenly Dao, everyone's realm is improving, and the fastest growing in strength is Yuan Zhantian, who is about to reach the quasi-sage perfection.

Zhou Fangyu turned around and looked at the heavenly world. The heavenly world is the most special of the three worlds. There are traces of a thousand laws here, but some laws are lacking more seriously.

"Here must be left by the ancestor Hongjun deliberately, for him to achieve the realm of heaven in the future. 35 Zhou Fangyu can't help but say.

"You understand the mind of the ancestor." A voice suddenly appeared in Zhou Fangyu's ear, and then, a quaint palace descended from above. When the palace fell, the space was completely shattered, time was distorted, and other laws were also smashed.

The palace stopped in the void, Zhou Fangyu looked up, and above it was a plaque with the words Zixiao Palace written on it.

After the palace stopped, the gate slowly opened, and Ancestor Hongjun walked out. The moment the ancestor Hongjun appeared, Zhou Fangyu's body was too stiff to move.

"Oops, why is he here?" Zhou Fangyu was shocked. During his deduction with Luo Hu, the ancestor Hongjun would stay in chaos for at least two hundred years.

Ancestor Hongjun was wearing a Taoist robe and looked like an immortal. Anyone who saw it would be called a master of Taoism. But at this time his expression was a bit terrifying, destroying his temperament.

"You have completely refined the way of heaven!" Zhou Fangyu said in a voiceless voice, he found that when the ancestor Hongjun came, even the law was retreating. In the face of the ancestor of Hongjun, Zhou Fangyu is like facing the prehistoric world.

Ancestor Hongjun sneered: "This is thanks to your help. If you hadn't divided the three worlds into three, the ancestors wouldn't have refined the way of heaven so quickly. 35

When Zhou Fangyu heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. It turned out that he had missed this point.


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