"By the way, Ishigami-san, our technician here is Walnut! As a tech geek, you must have heard of this name........."

Ishigami Yuu, who wanted to dissuade Shirogane Miyuki, suddenly widened his eyes.

You know, Walnut was his idol in his childhood!

It was"he" who made him realize how important technology is to a"mature man"......

It can be said that without Walnut, there would be no Ishigami Yu!!

It was because of Walnut that Ishigami embarked on this endless technical road and mastered a core technology that was stronger than the original. Ishigami Yu single-handedly broke through the rumors in the original that made him decadent.........

This is purity!!!

And now, the handsome man in front of him told him that there is a"man with extremely high purity" in his"company"!

Sorry, Shirogane, I really want to meet that man!

Compared to this, it doesn't matter if I can't be with the"cute girl".........

"What evidence do you have to prove that Walnut works for you?"

Su Yun motioned Ishigami You to look at his phone. Ishigami

You was a little confused. There was no signal in this damn place. It wasn't a satellite phone. How could there be any news?

But the fact was exactly the opposite of what he thought. Ishigami You was stunned when he saw the little red dot on his mailbox. With trembling fingers, he clicked on the email.

A huge squirrel came into his eyes, and a subtitle appeared on the squirrel's mouth.

"Welcome, Ishigami-san!"

Kurumi, who was far away at LycoReco Tokyo store, sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, not caring about her image.

"Really, why not just say Niu Ma No. 2? Why bother with Ishigami-san's polite greeting?"

Fortunately, Ishigami, who was far away, didn't see this scene, otherwise his fantasy of a pure and true man would be shattered........

"Su Yun, oh no, it's the boss, when will I start work? Can I go meet Mr. Walnut then?"

Seeing that his friend couldn't bear it anymore, Bai Yin didn't plan to bear it anymore........

"Is the sky-high salary offered here real? It can't be ghost money, right?......."

Baiyin Yuxing then slapped his head again. How could he ask such a stupid question to his future boss?

The agreement was clearly written in black and white. Once he signed it, it would be legally binding.........

But what Shirogane Miyuki doesn't know is that Su Yun's"company" is full of lawless lunatics.

Only the newbies Yukinoshita Yukino, Kasumigaoka Utaha and Yotsuya Miko are relatively honest.........

Ishigami Yu patted Baiyin's shoulder hard and said in an excited tone

"You have to know, Shirogane, money is just a number to that"Mr.", we join this organization to do great things!"

Shirogane Miyuki was somewhat excited by what Ishigami Yu said, and the two of them discussed the future happily, without a trace of the dejection when they first entered the bus.

But Hiratsuka Shizuka, who had been listening to the conversation, felt something was wrong........

Why does this feel like a triangular trade?.......

The more Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yuu looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka, the more they looked like they were being sold out and were counting money for others......

But it's okay......Su Yunjun is a good person. There shouldn't be any problems with these two students. She is just worrying too much..................

The place Su Yun and his friends were going to was not far away, so the bus arrived at their destination after driving for a while. It was a place similar to a study base in the suburbs of Chiba.

There were not only small wooden houses with relatively simple environment, but also......There is also a modern building made of reinforced concrete.

The cleanliness inside the building is no worse than the previous Sobu High School building........

In this base, there are already countless primary school students looking forward to the big brothers and sisters who will be spending this summer camp with them. They are still very curious.

"Stand still!!! Have you forgotten what you promised me before you came here?"

Looking at the elementary school students in a mess, the principal, who looked only in his 20s, burst out with a secret book: War Cry.

The effect was outstanding. The elementary school students who were just noisy immediately stood back in their original positions.

Seeing the formation become neat and uniform again, the principal resumed his squinting eyes, and a gentle expression appeared on his young and beautiful face.

"Kids, this is right........Let the upcoming big brothers and big sisters see your mental state!"

"Hi!!! sensei!!!"

Under the strong control of the dean, the silence lasted until the bus that Su Yun was on slowly drove over.

But after the bus appeared, the naughty kids finally couldn't help themselves..........

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

The dean was about to explode, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up........It's like she is some kind of heartless old stubborn person!

"The children are really energetic! Are you happy to see me, your teacher?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was the first to get off the bus, waved to the elementary school students, but she didn't get any response. It was not until the young-looking Tuanzi got off the bus that the elementary school students cheered again.

Such unfair treatment petrified Shizuka Hiratsuka, and she ran to draw circles.

She thought she looked pretty good, but was it really that obvious?

Couldn't she be a young and beautiful girl?

"Okay, Mr. Hiratsuka, please find a student to talk. The children have been looking forward to it for a long time........"

Seeing her junior approaching her, Shizuka Hiratsuka perked up. She couldn't lose face in front of her junior!!!

It's you! The most handsome Su Yun in the audience!!!

Win back the lost face for your teacher!!!

But Su Yun shook his head and mingled with the kids.���This kind of thing should be done by someone who is more skilled at it. So, Su Yun activated the transfer card and transferred Hiratsuka Shizuka's request to someone else.

It has been decided that it is you, the cancer of the earth, Miss Fujiwara Chika! Go ahead!!!

After being pointed out by Su Yun, Fujiwara Chika was a little excited. She liked this kind of scene!

With excitement in her heart, Fujiwara Chika stood on the podium and opened her mouth like a thunderbolt!

""Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

The primary school students were stunned for a moment, and then they followed the cute pink-haired lady and shouted together.

Seeing this, Su Yun nodded with satisfaction. The effect was outstanding! He is worthy of being the future prime minister.........

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